
San Ysidro crossing closed

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Ken Cooke - 11-28-2018 at 08:11 PM

David K - since the San Ysidro POE is reopened, shouldn't the OP be directed change the name of the thread?

DouglasP - 11-29-2018 at 05:55 AM

So, I, think, I, figured, out , what, leads, to, having, posts, deleted, by, doogie, its, the, over, use, of, comas! Unless, you, are, JJJ. :biggrin:
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
Plus, doogie, deleted, the, quote, in, my signature, line.

Funny place......

David K - 11-29-2018 at 12:27 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Ken Cooke  
David K - since the San Ysidro POE is reopened, shouldn't the OP be directed change the name of the thread?

You should ask the OP.
It is after the fact now, is it not?
Your 'Baja 1000 canceled' post was still unchanged well BEFORE the race was run. Since you are an off-roader, I thought you would want the correction made to let folks know it wasn't canceled, after all.
Anyway, it is now after the fact, so the time stamp fixes it to the past.

I am hoping for great success in your next off-road tour using Neal John's road to the white tank on the Pole Line Road!

DouglasP - 11-29-2018 at 01:17 PM

Stealthy edit, jjj.

[Edited on 11-29-2018 by DouglasP]

JoeJustJoe - 11-29-2018 at 01:38 PM

I erased my previous messages written today, to get back on topic.

I agree with Anne Hathaway.

Re-posted on "Fox News" and "Breitbart," because they are outraged over a Hollywood's stars words.

Anne Hathaway wrote: "My country gassed children. There are no words for my horror. To those who will immediately speak of “doing it the right way”, who will “blame the parents for putting the children in this position”, or say “they were storming the wall”, and “they were throwing rocks”: the only human response to this monstrous use of force against LEGAL asylum seekers- against children- is condemnation, shame, and rage.

For those that still believe in voting for the man who recommended using lethal force on families fleeing violence and persecution: this is the policy you like? @nytimes"

DouglasP - 11-29-2018 at 01:52 PM

images.jpg - 6kB

Bubba - 11-29-2018 at 04:48 PM

Quote: Originally posted by JoeJustJoe  
Quote: Originally posted by paranewbi  
"How about a program that enables those willing to sponsor an immigrant and personally guarantee their support? This would weed out those who want to spend others money on the free programs."

I sought out a way to do this in 2006. We have sponsored a family since 1997 in Guatemala. Wife and I met the father in the jungle around Peten back then. Never faltered at meeting their basic needs financially to stay where they are.

Just published a book about how I lost my construction job to illegal immigrants in the 70's and my struggle to lose the animosity over that. Titled "Through The Eyes Of Juan" (the father in Peten).

It is now available at my website '' and every penny from those sales will help support this family in Guatemala as my wife and I retire.

It's an easy read with pictures...perfectly suitable for a rainy day and a margarita! :D

Hello, the caravan and migrants, is about asylum, and the extreme dangers and lack of opportunity in their home countries that the United States, helped make worse by many ways.

This is not to say that the majority of migrants will get asylum, as each case is looked at individually, however, with this racist Trump administration, the chances of being granted asylum in the US is very very slim.

If you want to talk about regular immigration laws into the US, where the odds are stacked against Hispanic immigrants, again with this racist administration that wants to favor English speaking immigrants, ( white immigrants) that's another subject.

Please stop with ridiculous programs about sponsoring an immigrant and guaranteeing their support.

How is that going to work on a large scale seeing that most people do things for their own personal interest only. How is that going to work if you don't know anybody in the US to sponsor you?

Who wrote the book, " Through The Eyes Of Juan?" I don't even see it on Amazon.

It must not be a very good book, and in the 70's, undocumented Mexican workers was not a big problem, so if anybody is blaming undocumented Mexican workers for their lack of work in the 70's, is a loser, and he is engaged is scapegoating Mexicans.

greengoes - 11-30-2018 at 09:58 AM

Ah jeez......did he get out again? Be warned, he will drown you in commas and BS.

JoeJustJoe - 11-30-2018 at 01:31 PM

Quote: Originally posted by greengoes  
Ah jeez......did he get out again? Be warned, he will drown you in commas and BS.

I'm surprised that Greengoes, has taken the time off to comment here, when he has been so busy at that other site, nobody here likes to talk about.

I'm happy to see that other site finally getting busy, since it's non stop bashing on the Caravan migrants, and their new Christian Conservative, is sure bringing in the masses.

Careful, Greengoes, you may soon be out of a job.

mtgoat666 - 11-30-2018 at 06:39 PM

I have heard on TJ radio that the caravans were funded for last few months by trump/gop/Russians as a ploy to drum up voter enthusiasm in the bigoted/white nationalist gop base. The trumpistas/Russians tried to spin the story that soros was the source of funds, but it is now being verified by caravaners that its was funds from gop/Russians.

John Harper - 11-30-2018 at 07:36 PM"..."


Barry A. - 12-1-2018 at 10:45 AM

All those Govt. people that are referred to above during a "govt. shutdown" will be paid and will work, as they are "essential" to the function of the Govt. during an emergency, and law enforcement in general. As a Fed. LE employee for 30 years, I was NEVER "shut down" or not paid.

DaliDali - 12-1-2018 at 10:54 AM

Quote: Originally posted by JoeJustJoe  

Why doesn't Trump live up to his campaign promise and make Mexico pay for the wall?

If Mexico did pay for the wall...would this put you on the side of "build it"?

mtgoat666 - 12-1-2018 at 10:58 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Barry A.  
All those Govt. people that are referred to above during a "govt. shutdown" will be paid and will work, as they are "essential" to the function of the Govt. during an emergency, and law enforcement in general. As a Fed. LE employee for 30 years, I was NEVER "shut down" or not paid.

Only essential peeps report to work during shutdown on Dec 7. I suspect the orange one may decree that officers in immigration booths at border xings are non-essential,... the orange one wants to cause chaos and Econ pain and disruption to get his way (adult temper tantrum get his wall toy).

Dec 7, a day that will live in infamy, part deux

Barry A. - 12-1-2018 at 12:25 PM

Quote: Originally posted by mtgoat666  
Quote: Originally posted by Barry A.  
All those Govt. people that are referred to above during a "govt. shutdown" will be paid and will work, as they are "essential" to the function of the Govt. during an emergency, and law enforcement in general. As a Fed. LE employee for 30 years, I was NEVER "shut down" or not paid.

Only essential peeps report to work during shutdown on Dec 7. I suspect the orange one may decree that officers in immigration booths at border xings are non-essential,... the orange one wants to cause chaos and Econ pain and disruption to get his way (adult temper tantrum get his wall toy).

Dec 7, a day that will live in infamy, part deux

Whatever works, Goat, whatever works! That's how pragmatists operate when it's the only way that gets good things done.

[Edited on 12-1-2018 by Barry A.]

David K - 12-1-2018 at 12:34 PM

Hey goat, what kind of reaction would we receive if we called the last president, "the black one"? Just who is the racist when it comes to skin color? Respect the office and vote instead of b-tch so much.

mtgoat666 - 12-1-2018 at 01:28 PM

Quote: Originally posted by David K  
Hey goat, what kind of reaction would we receive if we called the last president, "the black one"? Just who is the racist when it comes to skin color? Respect the office and vote instead of b-tch so much.

When an ogre wears orange makeup and uses orange hair dye, all comments are fair and appropriate :light:

Barry A. - 12-1-2018 at 01:47 PM

Quote: Originally posted by mtgoat666  
Quote: Originally posted by David K  
Hey goat, what kind of reaction would we receive if we called the last president, "the black one"? Just who is the racist when it comes to skin color? Respect the office and vote instead of b-tch so much.

When an ogre wears orange makeup and uses orange hair dye, all comments are fair and appropriate :light:

This from the Goat who says "make America decent again".


JoeJustJoe - 12-1-2018 at 03:23 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Barry A.  
All those Govt. people that are referred to above during a "govt. shutdown" will be paid and will work, as they are "essential" to the function of the Govt. during an emergency, and law enforcement in general. As a Fed. LE employee for 30 years, I was NEVER "shut down" or not paid.

Once again Barry, on Dec 7, the funding for the Department of Homeland Security runs out. It doesn't mean the border patrol, won't be working, it means they won't get paid. This probably also means there will be less border agents out there.

Now when the budget is passed they will get back pay, or perhaps a Gov shutdown can be avoided, if Trump, realizes he won't get all the funding he wants for the stupid wall. Perhaps, something else will come up to fund the department.

Now please stop with your so-called resume, it's irrelevant, and we talked about this in the OT before.
Do you have a link like this Barry to back up anything you say?

Funding for the Department of Homeland Security and a handful of other agencies runs out Dec. 7, and a partial shutdown would go into effect unless Congress and Trump act before then. Trump wants the new money for a wall to be packaged as part of these spending bills.

JoeJustJoe - 12-1-2018 at 03:40 PM

Quote: Originally posted by DaliDali  

If Mexico did pay for the wall...would this put you on the side of "build it"?

No, because most of the undocumented Mexicans workers, do not sneak pass the wall. They overstay their Visas, or they are already in the USA.

Now if you want pass a law that would arrest and convict people who hired undocumented Mexican workers. I would like to see that, but that would mean jailing a lot of corporate CEO, management, small business owners, and family households.

So that would mean jailing a lot of white Americans.

Would you be for that DaliDali?

Why make it that only the actions of the undocumented workers are criminalized?

When Trump, talks about the wall, it's largely symbolic to his base, like waving around a Confederate flag.

Trump, even admitted to the President of Mexico, when he said, "This border wall is the least important topic.

If so, then why close down the government?

DaliDali - 12-1-2018 at 05:55 PM

Quote: Originally posted by JoeJustJoe  
Quote: Originally posted by DaliDali  

If Mexico did pay for the wall...would this put you on the side of "build it"?

No, because most of the undocumented Mexicans workers, do not sneak pass the wall. They overstay their Visas, or they are already in the USA.

"The number of "illegal" crossing attempts at the U.S. Southwest border triple in March compared with a year ago, the government says.
The number of crossing attempts last month grow 37 percent from February, setting a month-to-month record going back to 2011.
Overall, government data show there were a total of 50,308 people last month that were apprehended or deemed as "inadmissible" at the border"

Month after month, year after year.

JoeJustJoe - 12-1-2018 at 06:31 PM

Quote: Originally posted by DaliDali  

"The number of "illegal" crossing attempts at the U.S. Southwest border triple in March compared with a year ago, the government says.
The number of crossing attempts last month grow 37 percent from February, setting a month-to-month record going back to 2011.
Overall, government data show there were a total of 50,308 people last month that were apprehended or deemed as "inadmissible" at the border"

Month after month, year after year.

More people overstayed their visas in 2017 than crossed into the United States illegally that year, the Department of Homeland Security said Tuesday.

DHS said almost 702,000 people who entered the U.S. legally last year didn't leave the country in time, and were deemed to be in the U.S. illegally. That's just a bit more than 1 percent of the 52.7 million people who came as students, or for business or personal reasons last year.

That's more than the 361,993 who tried to enter the U.S. illegally last year, most of whom tried to enter at the southwest border.

DaliDali - 12-1-2018 at 07:36 PM

Quote: Originally posted by JoeJustJoe  
Quote: Originally posted by DaliDali  

"The number of "illegal" crossing attempts at the U.S. Southwest border triple in March compared with a year ago, the government says.
The number of crossing attempts last month grow 37 percent from February, setting a month-to-month record going back to 2011.
Overall, government data show there were a total of 50,308 people last month that were apprehended or deemed as "inadmissible" at the border"

Month after month, year after year.

More people overstayed their visas in 2017 than crossed into the United States illegally that year, the Department of Homeland Security said Tuesday.

DHS said almost 702,000 people who entered the U.S. legally last year didn't leave the country in time, and were deemed to be in the U.S. illegally. That's just a bit more than 1 percent of the 52.7 million people who came as students, or for business or personal reasons last year.

That's more than the 361,993 who tried to enter the U.S. illegally last year, most of whom tried to enter at the southwest border.

Fifty thousand attempts thwarted last month at or along the border. Up from previous years by 30%

Fifty thousand a month, times 12 months....six hundred thousand annualized illegal entry attempts at the border.
Three million in five years...if the current rate stays current
Six million in ten years if the current rate stays current

H-2A Agricultural Workers visa
H2-B Non AG worker visa

Both available at any of the 9 US Consulates and US Embassy in Mexico. From Merida in the south to Tijuana in the north.

Just apply
Do the right thing.

Visa overstays are not typically the poor dirt farmer looking to pick lettuce. Nor are they the drug smuggler, human smuggler and child exploiters.
Poor dirt farmer often pays a coyote thousands$$ to lead them north.

"Migrants heading north to the United States not only have tougher immigration policies waiting for them north of the border, they have to pay a whole lot more to cross it"

"The tariffs charged by smugglers, known as coyotes or polleros, to get migrants across the border through the mountains have increased close to 130%, reports the newspaper Reforma. Last November the fee was of US $3,500 but by January smugglers were charging up to $8,000, under the argument that new policies in the U.S. made the illegal crossing riskier"

"Those who plan to enter the U.S. through border crossings — using documents of individuals with whom they have a close physical resemblance — are being charged more than $12,000"

H2-A visa application fee:.....$190 USD.

"The total education, medical, and incarceration costs in Arizona due to illegal immigration are $2.6 billion a year"

"The Arizona Department of Corrections estimates that 17% of its prison population is illegal aliens, and 22% of felony defendants in Maricopa County are illegal aliens"

"National Park rangers in Arizona are now heavily armed, and visitors are prohibited from visiting large areas of public parklands because of drug trafficking activity"

"Illegal aliens and their children were found to be 37 percent of the uninsured population in Arizona in 2008, and the cost of uncompensated care for illegal aliens in Arizona is $320 million annually"

Build it.

wessongroup - 12-2-2018 at 02:12 AM

Spot on ....

mtgoat666 - 12-2-2018 at 06:52 AM

The secretary of homeland security is white, blonde.
The people homeland security is gassing/deporting are brown skinned, dark haired.
The contrast is clear.

The border looks like the old iron curtain of the Cold War era.

Trump has said horrible, hateful things about immigrants. Repeatedly. Every time he opens his mouth.

There have been repeated statements from GOPers saying they don’t like immigrants because immigrants vote democrat.

It is clear the administration is waging a war against immigrants out of racist motivation and political gerrymandering.

Bubba - 12-2-2018 at 07:27 AM

"The tariffs charged by smugglers, known as coyotes or polleros, to get migrants across the border through the mountains have increased close to 130%, reports the newspaper Reforma. Last November the fee was of US $3,500 but by January smugglers were charging up to $8,000, under the argument that new policies in the U.S. made the illegal crossing riskier"

"Those who plan to enter the U.S. through border crossings — using documents of individuals with whom they have a close physical resemblance — are being charged more than $12,000"

H2-A visa application fee:.....$190 USD.

"The total education, medical, and incarceration costs in Arizona due to illegal immigration are $2.6 billion a year"

"The Arizona Department of Corrections estimates that 17% of its prison population is illegal aliens, and 22% of felony defendants in Maricopa County are illegal aliens"

"National Park rangers in Arizona are now heavily armed, and visitors are prohibited from visiting large areas of public parklands because of drug trafficking activity"

"Illegal aliens and their children were found to be 37 percent of the uninsured population in Arizona in 2008, and the cost of uncompensated care for illegal aliens in Arizona is $320 million annually"

Build it.



John Harper - 12-2-2018 at 08:31 AM

I think a lot of people have already built a wall, in their own minds. It results in binary thinking. An inability to compromise, or to see "gray" in anything. Both sides are likely guilty.


[Edited on 12-2-2018 by John Harper]

Barry A. - 12-2-2018 at 09:17 AM

Quote: Originally posted by JoeJustJoe  
Quote: Originally posted by Barry A.  
All those Govt. people that are referred to above during a "govt. shutdown" will be paid and will work, as they are "essential" to the function of the Govt. during an emergency, and law enforcement in general. As a Fed. LE employee for 30 years, I was NEVER "shut down" or not paid.

Once again Barry, on Dec 7, the funding for the Department of Homeland Security runs out. It doesn't mean the border patrol, won't be working, it means they won't get paid. This probably also means there will be less border agents out there.

Now when the budget is passed they will get back pay, or perhaps a Gov shutdown can be avoided, if Trump, realizes he won't get all the funding he wants for the stupid wall. Perhaps, something else will come up to fund the department.

Now please stop with your so-called resume, it's irrelevant, and we talked about this in the OT before.
Do you have a link like this Barry to back up anything you say?

Funding for the Department of Homeland Security and a handful of other agencies runs out Dec. 7, and a partial shutdown would go into effect unless Congress and Trump act before then. Trump wants the new money for a wall to be packaged as part of these spending bills.

I stand by what I said, and your link supports that.

wessongroup - 12-2-2018 at 09:23 AM

Perhaps someone can point out the hate and racism in this quoted post below.

I personally do not see any hate, in the post .... only a request to cross legally into the United States as spelled out in CFR

And that most of these individuals have "brown skin" has nothing to do with it .... IF they were Asian's, African's et al living across the border to the south and were NOT following current Law ... my position on following the requirements as passed by Congress and codified into Law, would be the same, at this time

Quote: Originally posted by DaliDali  

"The number of "illegal" crossing attempts at the U.S. Southwest border triple in March compared with a year ago, the government says.
The number of crossing attempts last month grow 37 percent from February, setting a month-to-month record going back to 2011.
Overall, government data show there were a total of 50,308 people last month that were apprehended or deemed as "inadmissible" at the border"

Month after month, year after year.

Fifty thousand attempts thwarted last month at or along the border. Up from previous years by 30%

Fifty thousand a month, times 12 months....six hundred thousand annualized illegal entry attempts at the border.
Three million in five years...if the current rate stays current
Six million in ten years if the current rate stays current

H-2A Agricultural Workers visa
H2-B Non AG worker visa

Both available at any of the 9 US Consulates and US Embassy in Mexico. From Merida in the south to Tijuana in the north.

Just apply
Do the right thing.

Visa overstays are not typically the poor dirt farmer looking to pick lettuce. Nor are they the drug smuggler, human smuggler and child exploiters.
Poor dirt farmer often pays a coyote thousands$$ to lead them north.

"Migrants heading north to the United States not only have tougher immigration policies waiting for them north of the border, they have to pay a whole lot more to cross it"

"The tariffs charged by smugglers, known as coyotes or polleros, to get migrants across the border through the mountains have increased close to 130%, reports the newspaper Reforma. Last November the fee was of US $3,500 but by January smugglers were charging up to $8,000, under the argument that new policies in the U.S. made the illegal crossing riskier"

"Those who plan to enter the U.S. through border crossings — using documents of individuals with whom they have a close physical resemblance — are being charged more than $12,000"

H2-A visa application fee:.....$190 USD.

"The total education, medical, and incarceration costs in Arizona due to illegal immigration are $2.6 billion a year"

"The Arizona Department of Corrections estimates that 17% of its prison population is illegal aliens, and 22% of felony defendants in Maricopa County are illegal aliens"

"National Park rangers in Arizona are now heavily armed, and visitors are prohibited from visiting large areas of public parklands because of drug trafficking activity"

"Illegal aliens and their children were found to be 37 percent of the uninsured population in Arizona in 2008, and the cost of uncompensated care for illegal aliens in Arizona is $320 million annually"

Build it.

[Edited on 12-2-2018 by wessongroup]

wessongroup - 12-2-2018 at 11:06 AM

My posts in OT are not any different than what I'm posting here at this time, as it relates to illegal defined in Title 8 CFR

Not sure what my wife's genetic makeup has to do with illegal immigration.

Which is 44% Native American, 46% Iberian Peninsula with a couple percent from Western Europe

The whole family 8 women and 3 men plus the mother moved from Sonora to TJ after the revolution and then the purge against the Catholic's ... they lost everything and arrived in TJ in the late 20's with nothing

Migrated across from TJ over the years, with the grand mother staying in TJ ... until her death @ 102 in 1965 ... one brother stayed on the other side and worked in TJ on the produce market ... The whole family worked in Ag ... As did I ... and I supported the UFW until Chavez joined up with the "urban" La Raza folks to gain more political "juice" for the "cause"

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