
Radar detectors

Arthur - 5-3-2005 at 03:57 PM

I'm gonna get one for my next trip.

Radio shack has a Whistler on sale for about $50 that looks like it probably covers most of the bases. Then there's a Cobra for more. What should I look for?

Bruce R Leech - 5-3-2005 at 04:42 PM

I used to have one a Whistler but it was a pine in the but so I gave it away. for what you spend you can pay for a couple tickets down here and you don't need to put up with all the false alarms.

And you might consider

jrbaja - 5-3-2005 at 04:49 PM

going a little slower and obeying the laws!:O

they have good guns

Sharksbaja - 5-3-2005 at 05:14 PM

I was tagged by a handheld near G. Negro. I got off but my detector(new) obviously did not pick them up first!

comitan - 5-3-2005 at 05:40 PM


What brand do you have that didn't pick them up.

Bruce R Leech - 5-3-2005 at 06:07 PM

any police even here in Baja knows to wait until you are in range before they hit you with the radar. if your gizmo's gos off it is to late anyway he already has your speed.:lol:


Sharksbaja - 5-3-2005 at 06:24 PM

10 band laser. Not top o' the line but he really wasn't that far away. I think he was standing out there in a small vado and his car was not visible. So he can wait till your close. BAM!

Bruce R Leech - 5-3-2005 at 06:39 PM

don't wast your money just slow down and withe the money you save on gas and the gizmo you can use to have a good time when you arrive safely.l

BajaNomad - 5-3-2005 at 10:29 PM

Not cheap, but you get what you pay for. This is the best:


Anonymous - 5-17-2005 at 02:25 PM

Scott Valentine designed the first Escort,
the V1 is the radar of choice by many...

I bought one

Arthur - 5-17-2005 at 02:35 PM

I just bought one on Doug's advice and used it on a ong, dull run, and I couldn't be happier.

Cincodemayo - 5-17-2005 at 02:38 PM

Holy krap! $400 bones sounds like an awful lot for speeding:wow:

Arthur - 5-17-2005 at 02:49 PM

It's the peace of mind that I appreciate -- the absence of anxiety. And then every so often (but not too often) the V1 breaks the monotony with a "bogey" to figure out.

I didn't like the price either, Cinco, and I'm pretty tight, but once on the road I didn't regret a cent of it. If you're going to get one at all, I think, you might as well get the best. And to those who would advise me to just relax and blah, blah, blah, I would merely say that I am comfortable with making my own decisions and living with the fallout from them.

Tucker - 5-17-2005 at 03:35 PM

The laws are made to protect everyone (even from themselves). Speeders endanger not only themselves, but everyone they come into close proximity to.

Arthur - 5-17-2005 at 03:46 PM

Oh yeah. And since you're handing out free (and unsolicited) advice, what do you tell people to do when everyone else on a stretch of road is already exceeding the speed limit, and the posted limits frequently bear no relationship to actual road conditions -- slow down to whatever's posted and teach all of those wrong-thinkers a lesson?

Tucker - 5-17-2005 at 04:01 PM

I don't think my last post constitutes advice, merely an observation. Feel free to kill yourself, but don't involve me in your accident.

bajaruby - 5-27-2005 at 11:17 AM

Well acually I like the one I have and has save both of our butts many times. Long straight roads can often let you forget to look at the odometer. Each everytime it goes off, it has become a habit to look and see. In the states, especially in the south where everyone is going 110mph I don't worry so much 'cause they're all passing me anyway. And in Baja I usually turn it off. There is to much beauty to miss by speeding.:wow:

woody with a view - 5-27-2005 at 08:54 PM

now that the dust has settled a bit, where are the "traps" these days? we'll be crossing next friday early a.m. we're taking 2-3 days to get to juanico (if the forecast teases) so no real "rush". otherwise we'll explore BCN (gulf and pacific).... we'd rather only deal with the "authorities" at the agricultural checkpoint in G NEGRO.

The crosses on the side of the road

Gypsy Jan - 5-27-2005 at 08:55 PM

are all silent witnesses to a story of loss.

A radar detector doesn't protect you against the inebriated/insane drivers.

The faster you go, the less time you have to react.

The police are not your enemy, they are there to protect you and everyone else on the road.

In our little patch of road (cuota and libre) between home and town (about twelve miles), we have personally seen the after effects of at least twelve horrific accidents/rolllovers caused by excessive speed (in the daytime) and have heard of many, many more.

latitude26n - 5-28-2005 at 10:46 AM

We don't drive fast.

It's not conducive to our vehicle and we deal with auto accidents and trauma on a daily basis in our jobs.

But we did get a radar detector for the peninsula drive.

1. Even at idle, the shear weight of our truck along with
the rotation of the earth causes us to go faster than
the posted speed limit sometimes (the 15mph zones).

2. It's hard to imagine the Federal Caminos back at the
station at the start of every shift "checking out their
gear", such as performing the necessary routine
calibration of their radar equipment to maintain
it's accuracy.

When we pick them up on the Detector, we drive a little slower than the speed limit to compensate for their equipment.

Not a guarantee, but menos hassle, the more enjoyable the trip.

thebajarunner - 5-28-2005 at 01:49 PM

Illegal in California???
Not this California!!
Radar detectors are illegal in Virginia and DC.
They are illegal in commercial trucks on Federal Highways (US)
Radar jammers are illegal lots of places.

Frankly, all of us dastardly highway speeders (ahem) were appalled when the California legislature allowed them on our highways.

But as Brock Yates so artfully pointed out in his long-time quest against the tyranny of speed limits, it is a blessing because when they get the radar guns they get lazy and the detector becomes your best friend.

Baja Arriba!!

BajaNomad - 5-28-2005 at 01:57 PM

Originally posted by thebajarunner is a blessing because when they get the radar guns they get lazy and the detector becomes your best friend.
