

Oso - 5-23-2005 at 05:05 PM

You're welcome. BUT, a word of warning. While most of this site's anti-americanism is in a light-hearted, satirical and humorous vein, there is one "song" at least that, as an American, even I found deeply offensive. A joke's a joke, and you know I love jokes. But, calling upon Iraquis to kill gringos is just not flocking funny. The weird thing is that shortly after first presenting it, the author actually apologized for those "lyrics", saying he wrote them in the heat of the moment at the time of the invasion. But, in spite of his apology, he hasn't pulled it off the site.:fire:

I was about to delete the bookmark, but then the next thing I see is a really funny satire on Vicente and Martita. So, I still look at it with a grain of salt, laugh at what looks funny and ignore the rest.

I neither recommend nor condemn the site (except for the "Irak" song) It's just there. Make your own decisions to look at it or not.