
How far offshore off of Baja do you have to get to be in international waters?

Packoderm - 5-30-2005 at 03:40 PM

I was thinking that a Netherlands flagged ship could offer specialty cruises for recreational drug users. In addition to the all-hours hashish smoking lounge, they could also have specialty nights such as the Mushroom Madness Masquerade Ball, Cocaine Blowfest, Ecstasy Night, and maybe one night of Drunken Tomfoolery. Now I'm sure that since BajaNomad has a mostly mature crowd, not many here would condone such a thing, but I'm wondering about the legality of such a cruise. I would imagine that they would make money, but can it be legally done? Baja would be the perfect coast for such a cruise because of the climate and the proximity of the targeted Southern California demographic. It wouldn't even have to have any ports of call - just a few nights of pleasure cruising.

Bruce R Leech - 5-30-2005 at 04:20 PM

they would need to make port sometime to re supply and there would be the problem where to hide the inventory.:O

pokey - 5-30-2005 at 04:35 PM

Originally posted by Packoderm
In addition to the all-hours hashish smoking lounge,

As much as I love the idea of an "all-hours hashish smoking lounge" Unfortunately this would be hard to accomplish. As marijuana is technically illegal, albeit tolerated in the Netherlands.

Don Alley - 5-30-2005 at 06:29 PM

Wow dude, like get real.

They'd bust you anyway. Probably for piracy, or international terrorism. They'd make an example out of you. You'd be jailed for life.

Sorry you missed the Fillmore and all that stuff. :)

No forget about frugs and try dishing. uhh, well, I mean

WHAT'S THAT ON MY KEYBOARD!!!OH WOW OHWOW its moving in and out and...

oh...sorry, nevermind.

pokey - 5-30-2005 at 06:59 PM

Originally posted by Don Alley

You'd be jailed for life.

That is the unfortunate reality of the current sociological and political state(s)of mind.

Imagine.... being thrown in jail for possesing a plant? You are in all regards an up-standing citizen, tax payer, father , husband. But the govt. throws you in jail for growing and consuming a plant.

Bruce R Leech - 5-30-2005 at 07:07 PM

yes Pokey it is OK if you put ranch dressing on it:lol:

Dave - 5-30-2005 at 08:16 PM

Being in international waters doesn't save you. You can get busted anywhere.

Sharksbaja - 5-31-2005 at 12:14 AM
