
Help Save The Todos Santos Sand Dunes

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yankeeirishman - 6-16-2005 at 03:53 PM

Originally posted by BajaRescue
Best "All You Can Eat" Pizza? Saturday at Restaurante Santanas. For 55 pesos, funky surfer digs, open air palapa bar, good drinks (you can even watch the sunset go down over the dunes a few miles away :)

[Edited on 6-16-2005 by BajaRescue]

That;s right BajaRescue...just keep writing past the die hards:lol::lol::lol: What's in that pipe I saw here earlier? Dune weed?:lol::lol:

pokey - 6-16-2005 at 04:03 PM

All I can eat pizza sounds pretty good:bounce: :cool:

BajaRescue - 6-16-2005 at 04:10 PM

'specially after that bowl o' dune dung :)

yankeeirishman - 6-16-2005 at 04:22 PM

Originally posted by The Gull
Originally posted by yankeeirishman

tsunami when it comes? think this is funny stuff? I dont. And 260,000 other humans from last year's tsunami that died as they felt death swallow them. Dont think about becoming a stand up comic!

What a childish bit of melodrama, Yanker. Just like a liberal to spout off on some impassioned spiel to save the earth. You and Baja Fescue should go buy some rings and schedule the ceremony.

Keep yanking it as you do Yanker. How often do you Yankee? It appears too often as your writings suggest a softening of the brain.

"Keep yanking it as you do Yanker. How often do you Yankee"?

Hey hey hey! Why you asking me sexual questions here? You interested in the male "thang" :lol::lol::lol: You should be the last to say I should get a ring and schedule the ceremony!!!!! Oh....kisses to you sweetheart :lol::lol::lol: Now...go get educated on flaming, so you can stop embarrassing yourself!

[Edited on 6-16-2005 by yankeeirishman]

Roberto - 6-16-2005 at 05:34 PM

Regardless of the merits (or lack of) the "positions" (I'm being charitable here) presented, does anyone else besides me get endless amusement by those who preach ideas from on high, try to ridicule others, but don't have the first clue on how to spell what they are saying (Bruce, this is not directed at you)? :lol::lol::lol::lol:

It just makes me wonder whether those same people even understand what they are saying.

[Edited on 6-17-2005 by Roberto]

BajaRescue - 6-16-2005 at 06:53 PM

Believe it or not, most people can easily read the following without stopping to think about the spelling:

I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdgnieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid. Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.

Amzanig huh?

pokey - 6-16-2005 at 07:00 PM

taths fcuekn wlid ;D

Mike Supino - 6-16-2005 at 07:04 PM

I believe that it has been proven (here and at other venues) that the amount that a person says is inversely proportional to the amount that a person thinks.

BajaRescue - 6-16-2005 at 07:19 PM

pokey has us all beat...

Relax ol's only a forum!

yankeeirishman - 6-16-2005 at 07:22 PM

Originally posted by Roberto
Regardless of the merits (or lack of) the "positions" (I'm being charitable here) presented, does anyone else besides me get endless amusement by those who preach ideas from on high, try to ridicule others, but don't have the first clue on how to spell what they are saying (Bruce, this is not directed at you)? :lol::lol::lol::lol:

It just makes me wonder whether those same people even understand what they are saying.

[Edited on 6-17-2005 by Roberto]

preaching your point here? Geezes! HELLO? Anyone home?

Where's Roberto ? (hint, not the guy on the right).

Me No - 6-16-2005 at 07:45 PM

Roberto thinks this stuff here is something more than mental masterbation. Get a Life.:o:P

yankeeirishman - 6-16-2005 at 08:54 PM

Originally posted by The Gull
Yankee did you get so superior?

Wow, you even impress yourself and that must be difficult.

Thanks for your Einstein remark Gull. intense. Take you an while to dream it up? Or did this help you?

David K - 6-16-2005 at 10:11 PM

OK amigos... this is on the General Baja board... not the personal insult forum (is there one here on Nomad?)...:!:

Mr. Rescue just posted his opinion about some sand dunes and what may happen to them... Nothing he does is likely going to change what the Mexican property owner is going to do, so don't be threatened... But, why not let the guy speak his mind... without the insults...?:saint:

Both directions from Nuevo Mazatlan was sand hills along the beach... when I was young... now it is all houses... :fire: Oh well, that is progress and the Mexican land owners now have rental income and more... I don't like seeing rows upon rows of (mostly empty) beach houses, but it isn't my land!:no:

It is best to just enjoy what you can, and not let what is beyond your control ruin your time.:yes:

OK, I'm done... go back to what you were doing!:lol:

roundtuit - 6-16-2005 at 10:41 PM

Good on ya David Think we're all tried of this:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

surfer jim - 6-16-2005 at 10:50 PM

Time to put this topic to sleep......:yawn:.....

The Gull - 6-17-2005 at 02:20 AM

Originally posted by eetdrt88
i think youve got me confused with someone else, i'm not mr.environmental....i was merely adding a little humor in a mix of a bunch of uptight posts...i mean i've got to say that it is funny to watch how mad some people here get about environmental issues,i'm talking about people on both sides of the argument.....oh btw the reason i live in Laguna is because my wife and I are artists and we sell her art here at the Sawdust Festival from july1 to its more of a money thing than anything else....if any nomads are in the area and are interested in coming to the festival just let me know and I will get you in for free and the first round is on me....did i mention they have some great live music as well,here is the link to their website

Hey, eetdrt88, you're right. Hard to distinguish when someone is "just joshing". Maybe Doug can add a feature to the board that provides webcams!!!! That way we can see when someone has "their tongue in the cheek". Some others would only be a set of cheeks.:moon:

eetdrt88, are you offering Nomad discounts?


[Edited on 6-17-2005 by The Gull]

and now...back to the original topic.

yankeeirishman - 6-17-2005 at 08:47 AM

Originally posted by BajaRescue
If you've ever been to Todos Santos and experienced the magic of the place, or if you're simply concerned about protecting Baja from greedy developers, the Todos Santos Sand Dunes are now under attack.

A developer wants to build over 55 homes directly on the Todos Santos dunes. These dunes are a fragile ocean/beach environment that will most likely be destroyed if this out-of-town developer is not stopped from executing his plans.

If you can help in any way, please do. We don't have much time to go before SEMARNAP, The Mexican EPA, and put a stop to this. We need volunteers to help with legal fees, circulating petitions, meetings, and getting the word out to others who can help...

If you care at all about what development is doing to destroy the natural wonders of Baja, please visit for more info.

OR ELENA MORENO AT (011-52) 612 14 50050.

Bruce R Leech - 6-17-2005 at 08:50 AM

where Do I send my money? and how will you use it to save the sand?

of course

eetdrt88 - 6-17-2005 at 09:28 AM

Originally posted by The Gull

eetdrt88, are you offering Nomad discounts?


[Edited on 6-17-2005 by The Gull]
as far as getting into the show,yes i'll get you in for free....some times we will work deals on some of our art too depending on how much it is and how long it took to is the link to my wifes website if you want to check out what she does... oh btw the Sawdust Festival was voted one of the top three art shows in the U.S. last year by some pretty major art is well worth attending:yes::yes:

[Edited on 6-17-2005 by eetdrt88]

BajaRescue - 6-17-2005 at 09:31 AM

I'm not the treasurer. If anyone is interested in getting involved in any way, call Sergio or Elena at the numbers listed, or send an email to savethedunes (at)

Apparently, SEMARNAP has been getting a LOT of input on this issue and may have put a temporary hold on allowing any permits for now...

The recent earthquakes and the two Tsunami warnings in California may have had a little to do with it.

?`?`????,??,????`????,??,????` ?`?

yankeeirishman - 6-17-2005 at 10:43 AM

You may see some good reading in here bajarescue

BajaRescue - 6-17-2005 at 11:11 AM

Hey, yankeeirishman, that was interesting. Thanks.
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