
Don Chapito

Eli - 6-11-2005 at 11:57 AM

Don Chapito

Can?t exactly say why memories fade in and out, you turn around and all of a sudden something triggers it, and there someone or a moment is staring you in the face reminding of a promise made long ago. For how long now have I been meaning to write this for Don Chapito? Gad?s, how long has he been gone? Now that I think of it, we will be coming up soon enough on a decade already since he passed away. His ghost visits me pretty regular; And that is a good thing as he always comes with a smile, a gentle gleam in his eye, he was a principal teacher in my life, a great business man, ones who lessons were always positive, memories that I love to savor over and over, nope I don?t ever want to forget Don Chapito.

Ay que ese Don Chapito. He was an important business man in our town, ran the principal general store, sold groceries, pharmacies, hats, t shirts, socks and underwear, thread, needles, hardware, cheap plastic toys, building supplies, auto parts type of store, why, you could even exchange your propane gas tanks there. The only store in Los Barriles when I first moved there, and Chapito ran it every since anyone I know can remember. I think he ran the old store next door way back when it had the old fashioned gas pump out in front. One of those gasoline pumps with the big glass bottle on top that one hand pumped the gasoline out of.

I had known Don Chapito not to terribly well for a few years when one day as I was buying a couple of bananas, he asked me why I did not buy building supplies from him. I explained that my partners preferred the guy?s out of La Paz, that they felt they got a better deal there, and that end of doing business was theirs, I stayed out of those issues. I basically only handled clients and contracts back then. Don Chapito shook his head and smiled at me, ?Someday you?ll see, you will buy exclusively from me and when you do, you will become one of my best clients?. He was so sure, but I wasn?t, I hardly bought more than some fruit, cigarettes, coffee and sodas from him then.

Still, I wanted to buy local, support the community, and once Chapito had planted the seed, I nagged my partners pretty regular on the idea. Arguing that if we could buy at the same price and not have to deal with waiting for the truck to arrive late yet again from La Paz, I mean really why not? Finally, the suppliers out of La Paz were late one time to many and/or the prices went up, heck it was a long time ago, I don?t know how or why, but I finally got my way, and we began to buy our building supplies from Chapito.

For several years, one of my favourite chores was on Friday?s sitting in the back office with Don Chapito visiting, smoking cigarettes and drinking coffee as we added up together the notes for the week. I would pay him, always leaving happy for the hour spent in his presence. This was in the early to mid 90?s. The economy in the states was real good, and there were lots of land sales, plenty of work building custom homes for the gringos coming in. VOS was rolling strong and Chapito was right, VOS did become one of his principal clients and he became one of my dearest of friends.

Than the recession came down up North, I think it was ?94? or maybe ?96? when the money stopped flowing and everything came to a crashing halt in the business and tourist trade that then and now sustains our Pueblita. We were all hurting for work, there was nothing then.

For me, there are a few simple ?have too?s? in order for me to feel that I am a success in business. The client?s dream must be fulfilled with in the budget programmed. The workers and suppliers paid on time and the government permits and social security taken care of.

Well, life had a little lesson for me, sometimes we don?t get to full fill our visions of what we think is success. The day came that with much embarrassment and humiliation I had to go to Don Chapito and not only beg off on not paying the company bill that week; but ask permission that my workers could take food out on credit for a couple of weeks, because it had come down to it that I couldn?t even pay them until the last job we had was done. I was completely mortified with this chore; there are very little things in life that I hate more than owing.

Ay que mi dulce Don Chapito, he listened to my painful telling of why I could not presently pay. Don Chapito sat for a moment quietly reflecting as he watched me squirm and than he excused himself. I sat in misery waiting for his reply. He came back in and laid $5,000.00 pesos on the table asking me if that would cover my workers wages for the week, (which back then was a fair amount and it surely did). He told me not to worry, if I needed credit for a month, than that is what he could do, and he could cover my workers wages the next week too. I could barely choke out a thank you as the tears streamed down my face. His open understanding kindness was of course repaid upon completion of the project, and of course I never ever forgot what he did for me that day.

A few years later after he had passed on; VOS got the contract from his son?s to build the ?New Chapito?s? on the main street entering town. The boys had taken out a loan from the bank for this project. Again there was a crash in the economy, this time on the Mexican side of the boarder. Right off, can?t remember but it was one of the presidents, (maybe Salinas), who having left office with full pockets, and a false economy was uncovered and the pesos became worth next to nothing.

All of a sudden the banks were upping the interest on the loans to some horrible rate of 150% or something like that. Chapito?s sons were in the middle of the project and economically devastated by the situation. Well, VOS was in a hay day of gringo funded projects about then, and so we were able to work it out that they paid us for the work in weekly increments without interest. We finished the project in a hurry, and slowly but surely, week for week, they paid us $5,000 pesos and within a few years, the project was paid off. Yep, ain?t that nice, we had the wonderful opportunity to pay back like for like Don Chapito?s good faith and kindness.

So, Don Chapito, I pray you are with the Angeles for all eternity, and I will always, always remember you and thank you for the lesson in humanity that you gave me.

[Edited on 6-12-2005 by Eli]


Baja Bernie - 6-11-2005 at 12:09 PM

Oh! Yes, The Baja way--Friends helping friends!

And an other piece of the puzzle is fitted into place.

Thank you

Mike Humfreville - 6-11-2005 at 12:38 PM

I hate it when I cry before noon on a sober Saturday morning. You are so lucky to have both the oportunity to experience your stories and the heart to endear them to the rest of us. Thank you.

We lived, Mary Ann, Miguelito and I, a while back, in a tiny whitewashed village overlooking the sea in Spain. A few days after we moved in, I took a package to the local post office, a small hole-in-the-wall on a side street of the village. I gave them the package and they weighed it and told me a price and I realized I had forgotten my wallet.

"That's fine." the clerk told me. "Just pay us the next time your here." And they mailed the package.

Mutual trust is the best test of character. You earned Don Chapito's and he earned yours. A testament to both your characters.

Please, please save your stories

Gypsy Jan - 6-11-2005 at 10:37 PM

so you can publish them.

Sara, your recollections are priceless and you tell these stories with a colorful brush and heart.

A few years ago, I was traveling through the back roads of North Carolina, US. I stopped at a roadside stand, much like one in Mexico and spotted a beautiful, handstiched quilt.

After I expressed my admiration and asked if I could send money and have them mail the quilt, the gentle lady in charge said, "Take it with you."

I said, "But what if I don't send you the money."

She replied, "It won't make me no never mind."

Don Jimmy

bajadave1 - 6-12-2005 at 04:53 AM


One day sitting on the front porch at your dads house, he told me the story of you taking care of Chapito's during it's building stage. I thought at the time, that it was a testament about a great daughter.

Now I know that it was also a testament to great people. Thanks for filling in a blank spot in my knowledge of local lore and personalities. I still miss your dad's stories.
Please keep yours coming to us.

Dave Stephens

mrchuck - 6-12-2005 at 05:22 AM

The man you speak of is Juan Tamayo Castro.

His wife is America, known as "Mica".

Mica runs the farmacia inside the Super Mercado.
His 3 sons are, Leonel, Tony, and Jose.

Leonel runs the Mercado here in LB.
Tony runs the Ferreteria here in LB.
Jose runs the Super Mercado in La Rivera.

All 3 stores are the flagships of the economy here in Los Barriles.

Leonel's Super Mercado here in LB is now being doubled in size. The new section will be ready and opened in about a month.
This will be a wonderful, huge supermarket, in our little world.

These Sons of Juan do not stomp around town with an "entourage" of assistants, acting important.

The legacy of Juan Tamayo Castro lives thru his 3 sons who support the Mexican community with care for all when something terrible befalls someone.
Credit, free food items, money to help sustain the family when the breadwinner can't, etc.

And this care, all instilled in them from their Father and their Mother.


Eli - 6-12-2005 at 10:06 AM

Mike, Bernie, I also must give thanks for the stories of humanity that you have shared with me. And Now also, Jan. I believe that to share stories of folks proof that humanity exisits feeds my soul. I must believe that we are basically here to do good.

Dave, I can't believe Dad told you that story, well, I was pretty proud of him too, ya know.

You are right on in regard to your Bio notes Mr. Chuck. Do you remember what year Chapito died? Now there is something I thought I would never forget, that was a heartbreaking moment watching him being lowered into the ground, and yet the date I have lost, dang.........

Also, don't forget, "Tamayo's" have now taken over the grocery store next to Gaviota in Buena Vista. Again, proof that you can run an honest business, sprinkled with compassion and still make a good living and grow.

[Edited on 6-12-2005 by Eli]

Santiago - 6-12-2005 at 09:09 PM

Sara: thank you very much for this story.

Eli - 6-13-2005 at 09:38 AM

Your very welcome Santiago.

OFFCOURSE2 - 6-13-2005 at 02:56 PM

I love reading your posts. They warm my heart.

Eli - 6-13-2005 at 03:02 PM

Pues, ya sabes, welcome aboard Offcourse.