
A New Baja Baby!

Sallysouth - 6-12-2005 at 05:47 PM

I got a lot of flak two plus years ago when I posted a similar subject, so if you don't care, don't read this! Mija is going to have her #2 baby in Baja!! Simply a miracle, as she was told she would never be able to have any children at all! After a session or three with a certain doctor in TJ, she was preggers within a few weeks!(without any invasion or surgery). What this means to me is more than awesome, it means that I will be spending a lot of time in Baja! Early Feb. to May or more! Yaaay!! It also means I will be able to see Sara again, and maybe relocate altogether.God bless the Mothers of the Earth, and yippe-ky-yaay for a new life!!:bounce:

Debra - 6-12-2005 at 06:30 PM

Congrats Sally! I love hearing about new babies.....(and I don't care if others don't, they don't have to read about them IMHO.

While on the subject, I got to see Frank O. and Katie's twins while down a couple of weeks ago, they are beautiful (Brendan couldn't get enough of them.) Liam (the little boy is a big flirt!, Marade ,sorry, I know I spelled that wrong, the little girl is a bit shy, but, she warmed right up to Brendan.....she has the sweetest smile)

pokey - 6-12-2005 at 06:41 PM

Felicidades. :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:


Gypsy Jan - 6-12-2005 at 06:43 PM

and Best Wishes.

Thanks for sharing your joy.


Baja Bernie - 6-12-2005 at 08:34 PM

Why in the world did you get grief when proclaiming the most wonderful event in this world?
Congradulations to you and the parents. Never met the guy but he has a lovely wife.

Debra - 6-12-2005 at 10:02 PM


Not to worry......It was just the "same 'ol , same 'ol"......seems some people get bored and have to "stir the caca" Sally started a thread with the blessed event, then several of us also shared (guys included) with pictures and stories of our grand-babies (Sally and I) , the guys were having first babies and of course excited (you would have thought we were talking politics or the death penalty or something!) But, as all things good, it mellowed out. I think that was about the time Doug started the "Off Topic" board. I still don't quite understand what is so hard about passing up a thread that you might not be interested in......Oh, well

Wonderful News!

bajajudy - 6-13-2005 at 06:58 AM

I know that the kids must be thrilled.
Jim wants to know if they are starting a crew for El Fuerte!
I will stop in to say hello when I get back home. We leave St Barts today after a wonderful vacation.

Natalie Ann - 6-13-2005 at 08:08 AM

Congratulations Sally, you are truly blessed!:yes:

Eli - 6-13-2005 at 09:37 AM

Ye, Yes, YES!!!!!!!!!!!! Felicidades! I am happy for you, because of the new baby, happy for me, because maybe this way I will get a little more Sally in my life. Cabo is still along way away, when one generally does all their transport via foot or bike, but once and a while I can jump on a bus. Well, for crine out loud, please give Juanita my best wishes for a safe and CALM embarazo.

Sallysouth - 6-13-2005 at 10:17 AM

Thank you all for your good and kind thoughts! Debra was right when she said you woulda thought we were talking about the death penalty or something! Nice to know some people care! Bajajudy, The El Fuerte has been fishing already almost daily! Don't know about the crew tho. Juanita will be headed my way with Rachel(yipeee!) in four days so you will most likely miss them if you are going home soon(San Jose?) And to you Mi Sara, We will absolutly be spending time together if you are in Baja! Its a beautiful and easy drive from Juanitas to Los Barriles! I will give her your best and hugs, also. Thanks again amigos!

zforbes - 6-15-2005 at 09:14 AM

I am happy for your good family news, especially if that means you will be able to spend more time with them in Baja. I've noticed we have a lot of creativity on this board, and this event seems to fit very well under that category. Hurray, hurray! Zoe