
The under belly of Baja

Baja Bernie - 6-19-2005 at 08:02 PM

I wrote this several years ago shortly after I witnesses this sad event on the city streets of Rosarito. It is not made up.
I have not shared it with many people but I do pull it out and read it every so ofter just to remind myself that this 'Paradise' does have a darker side that most of us choose to ignore.

Why don?t they See?

She was just there, like a mushroom springing from that dusty, dirty street. Her hair matted with dirt and twigs, a sheen of sweat still upon her face. A trail of tears leaving a furrow in the dirt as they rolled quietly downs her cheeks. She couldn?t have been more than twelve, perhaps, thirteen years old and yet she walked as an exhausted old woman. The afterbirth dragging behind her in the dust. Her child wrapped in dirty, wrinkled, newspaper, held tightly to her chest. The old ladies, muttering to themselves, left their porches to shoo the young children out of the street. ?pay no attention to that one for she is mucho malo (very bad), una estupido Indio ( a stupid Indian). No pity or concern for the young mother! The old man shuffled into the street to chase away a skinny, mangy, dog that was snapping at the afterbirth as it skipped and skidded down the street.
The girl bowed her head and plodded on. She knew that she would find aid and sanctuary at the clinica founded and staffed by Peggy Jimenez. Peggy met her before she could reach the door. She swooped down upon the new mother, wrapped her within her arms and began crooning, soft meaningless words, as she helped her into the cool white building.
I entered after them to see if there was anything I could do. Peggy was bathing the dirt and dust from the girls face as she sat unmoving. The baby never had a chance at life. It had been born several weeks premature and had departed this life before the mother had begun her long,silent, journey to the clinic............................

Tucker - 6-19-2005 at 08:14 PM

Very touching Bernie.

surfer jim - 6-19-2005 at 08:15 PM

The last time I fell for a story like this it was about the poor fisherman being attacked by squid.....

Surfer Jim

Baja Bernie - 6-19-2005 at 08:17 PM

Sorry this one was not made up---It really happened!

Mike Humfreville - 6-20-2005 at 12:06 AM

Great Thread. But It's all about education, and committment to each other in a relationship. A son of mine has been in a long range relationship with his partner for three years. Before they considered having sex they had blood tests and told each other the facts about their previous experiences and they really already knew the reality that one reads, on moment, from another. While I neither know (or want to know) their intimate moments at present, I respect them as a team of two who are looking out for each other and concerned with doing what is the best thing for each other.

This is a different experience from mine, where Mary Ann just lept telling me that "I couldn't do that." But the concept is the same.

Diablo Rojo

Sharksbaja - 6-20-2005 at 01:34 AM

Originally posted by surfer jim
The last time I fell for a story like this it was about the poor fisherman being attacked by squid.....

Just finished watching the humboldt squid special on the Discovery Channel. Pretty amazing and pretty scary too!

[Edited on 6-20-2005 by Sharksbaja]

Osprey - 6-20-2005 at 11:03 AM

Sharksbaja: Awesome site. I had no idea. My story was just based on rumor, not fact.

Bernie: Your thread got twisted. Did you have a broader point you were hoping Nomads would post?

Mike H: How does your post relate to Bernie's story?

Does this mean

jrbaja - 6-20-2005 at 11:11 AM

"While I neither know (or want to know) their intimate moments at present" that you will want to know later?

I've heard about these types!:O

sorry Bernie

Sharksbaja - 6-20-2005 at 12:23 PM

I wasn't trying to cut off the thread. I was just shocked by how Ospreys' story rang true as I had heard those rumors before.. Very intense human drama stories are so hard to fathom sometimes. Although the squid story is fictitious it illustrates how a person with clever writing skills can emulate real events and deliver a story close enough to be believable like yours Bernie . One more more night dives in humboldt (squid) country for me!:lol:


Baja Bernie - 6-20-2005 at 01:34 PM

I am beginning to understand that it goes with the territory. I try not to do it but I still find myself occasionally screwing up someone elses thread.

Like I said my story was not made up and in fact a follow up found that the poor Indian had been raped by the son of a Mexican politican--and no! there was no crime report and no follow up as "it was just a stupid little Indian, don't you know."

I was just trying to share something that had a tremendous impact on me and taught me that all was not 'goodness and light' in this gringo paradise.

I really can understand Sharksbaja getting carried away because I, too, thought your story was true life.

Oh! Well!

Believing the unbelievable

Sharksbaja - 6-20-2005 at 01:51 PM

is what a good story teller wants you to do. I guess I am a bit gulible at times but it always seems that the most radical intense stories such as yours Bernie, ARE usually true. It seems that the best movies are based on extreme, "real" events.
Osprey should write a scary screenplay, starring all of us!:lol::lol:

bajaruby - 6-20-2005 at 04:13 PM

Yes, I can remember a trip to Baja that reminds me somewhat of this. We were driving towards the La Buffadora.
Along the way there was an old lady, or maybe she was so old, just a hard life. She was collecting cardboard from the roadside to fix holes and the door way, to keep the wind out of her shack, as it was in the winter months. I could not help myself, and with my husband asking, "what are you turning around for?" I turned around and stop next to her on the road. She spoke no english and me very little spanish, I pulled out a $20 and handed it to her. I don't know if she knew how much money it was, but it didn't matter to her. She was just so pleased.
On the return trip, we looked to see how her house, or if her house had improved. We were pleased to see the door hole with a door in it and smoke comming from her very small roof top.
We are not rich people, although in Baja we feel rich. I wish I could help more of those little old ladies. And if I see another one, two or three, I expect she/they will just as greatful as the last.
Kinda makes you feel good inside, ya know.

And that's the trueth!


Baja Bernie - 6-20-2005 at 05:39 PM

Doni' what you can always makes you feel good in Baja----and it makes the receiver bless you in the dark of her hearth.

This is a little of what I was hoping to draw out of the Baja Folks.

Eli - 6-20-2005 at 06:00 PM

Well Bernie,

From me you get tears, the first time I read and again this time around. Good writing. I thank you for my tears, Sara

Frank - 6-20-2005 at 10:58 PM

I had taken my wife and my sister in law with me to help with the Angels of Mercy a few years back. I told the gal that was running the mission that we wanted to be put where we would make the most difference in peoples lives. My background in construction was put to good use.
We built shacks for families out of 2 double garage doors and 2 singles. Nail them together and put a roof on it, cut the door and its 10 times better then what they were living in. 2 children died of exposure that very morning.
I have relatives that live in grass hits in the Phillipines. But I have never seen so much loss of hope in peoples eyes until we went to the shanty town east of TJ. Nothing but dirt, nothing grows out there. The children were full of fleas, but you couldnt help but want to take them all home with you. Instead of feeling good like we made a diffirence, we felt sad because we couldnt do more. I understand completely how you felt. Thanks for the reminder, Frank

And the coup groupers accuse me

jrbaja - 6-21-2005 at 03:56 PM

of being in it for self promotion!:lol::lol::lol:

Sorry Bernie, and to tell you the truth, I am too taken aback by your story to comment!


Baja Bernie - 6-22-2005 at 07:48 PM

I know you are not a troller so I feel fairly free to ask you just what you mean about "self promotion"---

i kinda guess that the other part meant--perhaps--that the story had an impact on you.

Also, I never heard these words out of you before--Sorry Bernie--what do they mean?

And finally where is my black bamboo?

Hey Bernie

jrbaja - 6-22-2005 at 08:12 PM

Mike H. and his band of coupgroupers continually accuse me of doing what I do for "self promotion". :lol::lol::lol:

The story definitely had an impact on me and you will seldom see me speechless.

I am sorry for interrupting your thread

I still don't have any but when I do, you will be the first to know!

Is Char still up here? And did she tell you what's going on?


Baja Bernie - 6-22-2005 at 10:00 PM

Lu Ann and I had lunch with her yesterday and she told us about the tests if that is what your are tallking about.
She headed out for Oakland today to secure an AMBULANCE for the East Cape--she is a true Baja Lady. I know you know she was Don Jimmy's personal Angel before he died BUT a lot of the newby's have no history of her efforts--AND THEY ARE MANy.

Sadly, my friend, I am finding myself isolated by the silly divisions that are occuring here. A few of those who were friends are turning their head away and rejecting my support for those that they see as more powerful benefactors.

I don't always agree with your rants BUT, damn, I do count you a friend that I can count on.
Oops! came by your place last weekend and no one was home--my lady loved your beach and the funnels of the ships.

Sr. Bernie

jrbaja - 6-22-2005 at 10:07 PM

Anyone who would "turn their heads away" because of this nonsense, weren't worth having as friends anyway!
Remember, humans, people and politicians!!
And we probably won't change any of them. But, it's a real good way to separate the humans from the rest! Without having to even meet or waste personal time with the cluckers.:light:


Baja Bernie - 6-22-2005 at 10:19 PM

So damn (sorry) true.

Sharksbaja - 6-22-2005 at 10:29 PM

You won't have to worry JR, they will sort themselves out. Just like back home.
Bernie really open a gaping wound with that sad story. We would(selfishly) like to think that "our" cultural mantra would somehow spill over to Baja or anywhere else. How our different values and attitudes clash is something not given much thought until you see it up front and personal. Harder yet is the ability to look through our own programming and see the "why" of it all. Thanks for the insight.


Baja Bernie - 6-22-2005 at 10:52 PM

Enough already--where will I find you if I ,we, head north again???? I really enjoy meeting honest, thinking people.
Thanks for your insight.

OK, but you asked for it....

Sharksbaja - 6-22-2005 at 11:12 PM

:lol: only 16 hrs away!

bajaden - 6-23-2005 at 05:06 PM

Bernie I have to admit that I had a hard time reading your story. I have seen similar things in other parts of the world. I guess I would love to believe that everything is coming up roses in baja, but I know it isn't. Every time I feel sorry for myself when some little thing goes wrong in my life, I try to remind myself of the people down here who have little or nothing and their still smiling and sharing. Its sad and beautiful at the same time.

Jr, what is a clucker? I hope Im not one, it doesn't sound good.

Sort of a general term

jrbaja - 6-23-2005 at 05:48 PM

pertaining to chicken coup groupers. Those that u2u their clellow cluckers in search of support rather than have a backbone of their own. Look under long winded stories and you will find the lead cluck!


Baja Bernie - 6-23-2005 at 05:58 PM

Good message! When we look south and see smiling faces and people who will to share all they have, which is basically nothing, we should take heart and realize that if we worked at it for a few lifetimes we just might get close to their giving and caring.

That is why I love Baja because I am always in school when I am down there and the classes can be hard but they almost always teach a lesson that people like us who have so much need to learn.

I guess you could say that it is also the reason I enjoy most of the people on this board--They bring me knowledge and to me that is far better than the best of wines.

bajaden - 6-23-2005 at 06:56 PM

Thanks for the info Jr. I guess Im not a clucker. Well said Bernie......