
Communications Out of a Camper???

Capt. George - 6-29-2005 at 10:01 AM

Gonna be bouncing around Baja over the next couple years,
buying a four wheel slide in pop up camper, will trailer my 17 ft boat along with me....

What is the most dependable form of (internet) access? Phone etc.....satellite?? how much? can it be carried along with me.....what type electric power, 12 volt???????????

all info is good info.....I know virtually nothing about this subject.....VERY important I have internet access!!

gracias Nomads George

thekookbuster - 6-29-2005 at 10:13 AM

Motosat Datastorm like the one that Desertbull guy has

Can't answer the internet question.....

Hook - 6-29-2005 at 10:19 AM

....but I want to tell you what I installed in my Lance, George. IT is communications related.

West Marine sells a model of VHF radio that is made by Uniden. It is also available with the Uniden nameplate.

Anyway, these units can utilize an optional WHAM microphone that is essentially a wireless, handheld unit that "talks" to the base unit in the camper. In short, with a unit about the size of a large cellphone, you can monitor and transmit VHF from distances as great as 100 feet from the camper itself. This is a great aid to monitoring other fishermen when I am in camp. I can sit outside of the rig with a cold one on a lawn chair and take advantage of 25 watts of transmitting power and the advantages of a much better antenna than a handheld VHF.

I would not consider a Uniden product for on a boat as I trust ICOM and Standard much more. But this is a convenient option in a controlled invironment.

So, give us an update on the Dusky.....still for sale and where is it?

Capt. George - 6-29-2005 at 07:28 PM

Hook, boat still in Abreojos, still as good as ever...

If serious we can haggle.............will haul it anywhere between San Diego and Loreto if you buy........

E me at

turtleandtoad - 6-29-2005 at 07:55 PM

Data Storm will set you back about $5000 US but I doubt that you can mount it on a pop-up. And I've heard that the coverage doesn't extend all the way to BCS.

What I do is carry a laptop and use the internet cafe's. I haven't found a town yet that didn't have at least one.

Diver - 6-29-2005 at 10:00 PM

Great website T and T !
Anyone who hasn't, should check it out !

Diver - 6-29-2005 at 10:04 PM

For camper communications I prefer my THM com center.

"Two Hands to Mouth" gets me as much range as I ever want in baja.

I tell my office manager in Washington to use the same method when I'm in baja ! Works for me !

Capt. George...

Mexray - 6-29-2005 at 11:55 PM

Here's a guy (another George) that's roaming around in his small MoHo and writes a daily 'blog' with pictures on his site, each day.

He uses the Data Storm unit that will automatically track to the proper Satellite for his Internet connection each day when he stops.

Go to the 'new site users' link on his home page to get his back ground info...which is kinda 'corny'...he calls his computer 'Mr. Chips', his MoHo, 'Mr Tioga', etc - but once you get by that, he actually posts some interesting pictures and descriptions of where he's traveled. He's been to Baja, but only Ensenada, I believe. You can send him emails and he'll write you back - at least he did to me a while back when he was having some problems with his batteries, and I offered some suggestions.

Your impending 'Adventure' sounds great!

BajaNomad - 6-30-2005 at 12:26 AM

More for you to review:

Capt. George - 6-30-2005 at 03:09 AM


Looked at your site, kids live in North Truro, just outside

"PROVINCETOWN" a lot of people make same mistake and mix Providence R.I. with Provincetown, MA

Thanks for sharing....................George

jim janet - 6-30-2005 at 06:54 AM

Without being hi tec why dont you just use the internet cafes they are cheap and there are lots in every town

turtleandtoad - 6-30-2005 at 07:23 AM

Diver, Capt. George,
Thanks for the reviews

Diver, what is THM com center?

And, Capt, thanks for pointing out the typo. I knew better, but my fingers didn't. :biggrin: It's been fixed.

Keri - 6-30-2005 at 07:42 AM

Hi Capt George, Try this thread. k,