
Reply to Grover about Amigos Board

David K - 11-14-2002 at 09:02 PM

You are correct Grover, it is very old bbs technology at However, it is the most popular bbs for so many of us Baja nuts to swap stories or help new travelers. Eric has been offered assistance, but I am sure he has his reasons for not changing that board. The new Baja Fiesta bbs is going to look like the Amigos format where you can see all the posts on the board, but have the modern bells and whistles like this bbs. I will keep you informed when it is ready for your reviews.

I meant to click reply and not new post... lo siento!

With all due respect

Minnow - 11-14-2002 at 09:25 PM

I think it may be misconstrued when you go from one board to another and recommend one or another. You have been touting this fiesta board now here and on amigos. Granted Amigos looked at the time like the owners did not care. I know you, and know your intentions are good, but it comes off like you have some sort of agenda. It may look to some like you stand to make something. I know otherwise, but. Let it be known, you were the one who informed me about this site. Perhaps an explination may be in order. Not for me, because I know your intentions are pure, but for people who may not know you. IMHO Tom

[Edited on 15-11-2002 by Minnow]

[Edited on 15-11-2002 by Minnow]

David K - 11-14-2002 at 10:28 PM

OK Minnow, thanks...

A year or more ago I found a free bbs service and for laughs, I created the first Baja Fun Board. I did it as a back up should Amigos go off the air (like now), so we could all still communicate. It was non commercial, and just another bbs for Baja (there's lots). I even asked Eric if my free bbs was a problem with him. He told me the Internet is big enough for all of us. The viewer can choose what boards to read or post at.

The Baja Fun Board server crashed, and I tried two others, but finally gave it up when the third free bbs server vanished.

My purpose in announcing a new Baja board is so you all are aware of it. I know I appreciate hearing about something new concerning Baja.
I have spoken with Doug Means in person, on the phone, and via emails helping him with this new board and he has offered to help me have one as well (the Internet is big enough for all of us)! Because my participation is so high, I thought it best if I didn't directly own a message board.

However, I have been helping set up the new Baja Fiesta Board to be seen on Carlos Fiesta's web site ( and it will join the many other boards already listed at

I don't know when the Fiesta Board will be ready, I think soon... But, it's not up to me.

Personally, I do not have any financial gain from Internet activity. I share Baja info. for the pleasure of helping others find a piece of magic on this fascinating peninsula. Maybe someday I can earn money for my Baja activities and stop installing drip systems! LOL!
Remember, most of you learned about this new bbs from MY posts on Amigos or emails! I am a big supporter of Amigos and the same of Doug Means and Carlos Fiesta... Anyone who shares Baja has my support.

[Edited on 15-11-2002 by David K]