
Bad Habits, Part 7

Mike Humfreville - 7-29-2005 at 10:49 PM

Bad Habits, Part 7

He gets a full nights sleep and wakes with a stiff neck, pours two fingers to alleviate the pain. No need to dress as he?s slept in the same thing he wore the day before. He gathers his loose items and throws them in his small duffle. There?s an ashtray sitting by the nightstand. In it is a crudely written note from the maid for tips. He wads the note and tosses it in the trash, puts the ashtray in his bag. ?What?d she do for me?? He thought.

He?s on the road now, bound southward. He stops midmorning for breakfast and continues. About half way home he pulls off the side of the road, dust flying, and retrieves a plastic bottle of coke from his tepid ice chest. He drinks half the bottle, reaches under the driver?s seat for his rum and refills the coke to the rim. ?Yeehaa, now we?re cooking.?

He?s back on the road and soon feeling the pain in his neck lessening. The traffic is nonexistent and he?s riding the center line.

Off the right hand shoulder in the distance he notices unfamiliar activity. As he draws closer he spots an older automobile and slows his own. A family is standing outside the older car, tipped precariously over a steep berm. A man is waving for him to stop, please; He needs help. That much is obvious. A woman and several young children, dressed in simple clothing are standing nearby looking afraid.

His curiosity satisfied and his sleepiness from long hours at the wheel relieved from the stimulation of the family?s plight, he drives on. ?They can deal with their own damn problems.? He thought. ?They?re not mine.?

By the time he?s near his house his bottle is almost empty and his neck is hurting again. He hits the dirt road between the town and home, slows, glad the trip is almost over. He?s ready to be home, turn on the television and mix a better drink. As he pulls into the drive at his house, something isn?t right. He seeing reflections from his headlights where there should only be beach stones.

He turns off the engine, rolls down the window and listens to?nothing unusual. He pulls the flashlight from under the seat, shines it toward the reflections as he gets out of his car, walks across the drive. A window has been broken, a latch undone and the window raised. There are still no sounds from inside the house. If there was someone in there they surely would have heard him pull in?