
Didja ever notice

jrbaja - 8-1-2005 at 01:58 PM

that shortly after an event the chicken coop groupers have some part in, they return, take some offense at something ridiculous or misunderstand, (most of them can't spell anyway) and start chiming in against anyone who sees them for what they are and isn't afraid to talk about it.
My living in Mexico, I have to deal with many things down here including P-nche gringos. Whether a few of these coop groupers want to admit it or not is insignificant. They are the ones that give the rest of us gringos a bad name down here.
They bring their drama, drunken obnoxious selves out in public and think it's ok because it's Baja. Anyone who has spent any time down here sees this crap regularly and is embarrased to be around it. But, it sure does create an image!
So far, everytime they get together, they come back in force, usually with a few new people joining the board to just harass those of us who aren't in the "bola"group of wanna be Baja experts.:lol:

Everything I say is Baja related in one way or another. Everything I do is Baja related in one way or another. I share a lot of this on this board whether everyone likes it or not.

And speaking of this board ( which I happen to enjoy) it's probably the least Baja related out of anything I do.:lol:
What are there, 3 or 4 people who actually live here and know of what they speak. :lol:
The rest are either sincere people with serious questions and an interest in Baja or the chicken coopers who are just blowhards who spend some vacations down here.

[Edited on 8/1/2005 by jrbaja]

bajablue - 8-1-2005 at 02:10 PM

my friend, I have lived in Baja for 10 years and have traveled like veryone has that comes on this board. What you take from your trip and what some else takes from, doesn't even matter. As long as you enjoyed your trip and want to share, that is fine. I don't even know who the chicken coop groupers are, or even care. But I can tell you this, i enjoy what they have written and shown. From what I have read of your post lately, you have only plan and that is to attack these people. You may be right about them, I don't know. What I do know is you are out of line. You want to call someone out, do it to there face, don't hide behind some thread.
Ken D.

soulpatch - 8-1-2005 at 02:27 PM

Would it really frost your arse if I posted pictures of my family trips down south like you had stated in another post? Maybe I misread it. Is living in baja the only valid credential in your eyes for thinking a person might know something about baja? I live north of the border, but when I'm south of it I'm living there, even though it is for relatively short periods of time. However short these time frames are, though, it is still my second home and it truly feels that way when I'm there........ anyway, my experience is my own and I use no one's "standard of validity" to quantify it and I can't imagine expending any amount of energy on deriding what other people enjoy doing if they are not harming others. I imagine there is no one on this board who has not encroached on others at some point in thier lives...... that's just human.

bajaruby - 8-1-2005 at 03:09 PM

When I cross that border I am home. It reflects everything I had ever wanted my life to be. Just an old cow girl in the olden days.

Blue and Patch

jrbaja - 8-1-2005 at 04:34 PM

Although you guys are somewhat new to this board, when you talk sense, I have nothing but respect for the both of you.
You did not see the countless threads where the chicken coop group was caught lieing and then deleted their posts.

They will continue their facade I am sure but don't worry, I just like to get their down ruffled every once in a while.

I'm pretty sure that if I get too far out of line, the owner of this board will protect the weasles from further embarrasment.

And now, back to pictures and stories of non gringo enclave Baja.:light::lol:

JZ - 8-1-2005 at 06:39 PM

"...when you talk sense, I have nothing but respect for the both of you."

Translation: when you think, speak, and act just as "I" want you to you are of value to me. Otherwise not. Want to join the Bamboozers! :lol::lol::lol:

Your weasle ploy (a$$ kissing) to win new converts is shameful!

[Edited on 8-2-2005 by JZ]

Win new converts?

jrbaja - 8-1-2005 at 07:02 PM

to what. Reality. Converts are obviously the last thing I would be looking for by stating the truth to a bunch of tourists on here.
I'm just hoping some of it sinks in so you don't continue representing the gringos in a negative manner while you are visiting foreign countries.:light:

[Edited on 8/2/2005 by jrbaja]

Mike Humfreville - 8-1-2005 at 07:26 PM

JR brags about his hit rate and how many people hang on his every word. Well, that's good for the few that enjoy his rants. There was one post about two months back where he was ragging on some obscure subject, I can't remember what. I opened the thread just after he had posted it. Just before I opened it I noticed it already had over 1000 hits. I checked out the date and time again. It was just a few minutes after he'd posted before I opened the thread and no one had responded. How did he get so many hits in just a few minutes? He must have been very busy opening and closing and open and... But you get the idea. Or maybe there's some electronic device he bought to inflate the hit rates of his posts, and his ego.

Er uh yeah

jrbaja - 8-1-2005 at 08:21 PM

That's it! hahahahahaaha:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:


And you sent things into space? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Anonymous - 8-3-2005 at 07:19 PM


rpleger - 8-3-2005 at 07:32 PM

You guys make even me look good.