
The Master Plan

elgatoloco - 8-9-2005 at 10:38 PM

Yesterday I hauled my pops an uncle and two cousins to Ensenada for some good food, adult beverages and of course world class shopping. Along the way we saw where they are actually pushing some dirt around at Ventana Al Mar.


Sharksbaja - 8-9-2005 at 10:49 PM

Heliports!! They are ambitious aren't they!

Was that a GOLF Course ?

beercan - 8-10-2005 at 05:41 AM

What about the wildlife and the access ????

Bruce R Leech - 8-10-2005 at 07:10 AM

Originally posted by beercan
What about the wildlife and the access ????

you will find that at the Ladies Bars.:lol::lol:

Baja Bernie - 8-10-2005 at 07:32 AM

Heliport--that is the only way you'll be able to get to the place.

Now I understand why you are an environmentalist.

Bruce R Leech - 8-10-2005 at 07:53 AM


Does anyone remember

Keri - 8-10-2005 at 08:54 AM

that this is in the geological fault area. There used to be signs posted. They started just before the El Mirador and went clear to Ensenada. The hills are sliding into the ocean there. Mike and I drove by the other day and he said "will you look what their doing. Dry fill dirt.. No water for compaction. " Not a good start. Where's the water and electric coming from. k:?:


Baja Bernie - 8-10-2005 at 09:05 AM

Right on!
Do you remember when the Federal Government placed the Toll Road contractor and a few others in Federal Prison when the road slid into the Blue Pacific.

Perhaps I was wrong--the heliport may be for evacuations.

Ground Faults

MrBillM - 8-10-2005 at 09:52 AM

Nobody worries about building on Earthquake faults any longer. The major reason that there hadn't been high-density building in the Banning Pass for so long is that it sits astride the San Andreas, but today it's becoming wall to wall development. The same is true in Central California. Some day there will be a reckoning and then all of the residents will be whining and crying over their misfortune and clamoring for Government help.

Mr.Bill and Others

Skeet/Loreto - 8-10-2005 at 10:25 AM

I think that we are beginning to se a reflection of part of the Present culture being displayed in the Purchase of Property in a "Village" Setting.

People have been taught to depend on the Govt. for all types of Help incase somg goes wrong.

In Baja it is occurring in the "Villages" development. But people should be fore warned that nobody is going to care c of them other than Themselves!

I can stillr emember in 1976 when the raod was closed for a Month and the people of El Roseiro were brough Food and Water from Marine Helios out of El Toro.

Are there any Fire Depts./ Medicals nearby.

If you are going to live in Baja the First thing to know is you must be able to take care of yourself.

Baja Investigative Service

Baja Bernie - 8-10-2005 at 10:29 AM

Years ago I used to go up on the bluffs just north and east of the last toll booths and watch portions of the houses crash down onto what is now the tollroad. Never saw a whole house go, as many did, but I wouldn't live in the area.

Mexicans used to be smart and built their homes inland from any body of water to escape natures wrath. Now they have been dumbed down to gringo size and will build anywhere.


MrBillM - 8-10-2005 at 11:54 AM

The Government WILL come and bail them out (at least in the U.S.). People who are used to that are in for a rude awakening should the same thing happen to them in Mexico.

When we had the 7.4 ? 7.2 ? Landers Earthquake, the Federal government was handing out loans to anyone who asked for them. You could get up to $10K without proving any loss. My stepson got $7.5K even though his total net belongings lost probably amounted to $500 or so. I'm one of the few in my neighborhood who didn't apply for a loan. Luckily, my level of "known" damage was small enough that I could fix it myself, except for a crack the length of my garage floor with a 1/4" vertical displacement. That I just live with.

pappy - 8-10-2005 at 12:04 PM

is that between salsipuedes and san miguel??if so, what a disaster waiting to happen.....:O

surfer jim - 8-10-2005 at 01:50 PM

I don't worry....SUFRER MAGAZINE experts have stated that when the land slides into the ocean the result will create an outstanding LEFT point break that will be like a reverse MALIBU.....without the movie stars......just what BAJA needs......

Bob H - 8-10-2005 at 02:28 PM

Originally posted by elgatoloco
Yesterday I hauled my pops an uncle and two cousins to Ensenada for some good food, adult beverages and of course world class shopping.

As usual, I'm interested to know where you ate. Please let us know how good was the food, prices, etc.
Bob H

elgatoloco - 8-10-2005 at 05:10 PM

We had some beers at a place called Tequilas, they were having a special 6 beers for ten dollars.:P They had 30 different kinds of Tequila on the menu, maybe 8 behind the bar, no A?ejo today se?or. The beer was cold and the chips and homemade salas was gratis!

The food was AWESOME! You probably have the prices for the Almejas al Carbon memorized not to mention the camarones mojo de ajo, camarones c-cktail grande, camarones peel and eat and the ceviche de pescado! :lol:
We were suprised we didn't run into you and yours!

For good measure we balanced things out with a stop at El Trailero on the way out of town for Huaraches and tacos al pastor! yummy!

bajablue - 8-10-2005 at 05:57 PM

Bob H, have you eaten at Pueblo's? Great place with a patio outside.... All differnt types of food, even a wood fired mexican pizza..

Bob H - 8-11-2005 at 09:43 AM

We have not been to Tequilas or Pueblo's. Are they on the main drag in town? Directions?

Matt, I just knew you would take them to c-ckteleria Mazatlan. :smug::yes:

Bob H

Taco de Baja - 8-12-2005 at 08:12 AM

If that is the are between Mirador and Ensenada the developer and any perspective homeowners should heed the warning of a nearby locality: Salsipudes.
If the toll road operator has a hard time keeping the mountain from falling into the sea, how is a housing developer going to do it???

And how did they get the OK with papers like this out there?:


En el marco de una regi?n tect?nicamente activa, donde los sismos representan disparadores potenciales de movimientos del terreno, los deslizamientos de laderas a lo largo de la carretera de cuota Tijuana-Ensenada obedecen a la presencia combinada de fallas o fracturas desarrolladas en rocas sedimentarias pobremente consolidadas en terrenos cuya pendiente es com?nmente superior a 10?. En San Miguel, una de las zonas m?s afectadas, los planos de despegue coinciden con los contactos entre lutitas y areniscas de la Fm. Rosario. Se hace una descripci?n de la litolog?a dominante y de la geometr?a de los principales deslizamientos en la zona de los Acantilados Salsipuedes. Se identifica que, adem?s de las caracter?sticas geol?gicas, las obras civiles y otros factores antr?picos, son los principales agentes promotores de los deslizamientos.

1. Las zonas donde se han identificado deslizamientos no deben ser utilizadas para la construcci?n de v?as de comunicaci?n o ductos.

2. En el deslizamiento del km 98 se recomienda el registro
continuo de desplazamientos para, con el tiempo, tener una
base de datos m?s amplia (m?nima de 10 a?os, con uestreos
por lo menos cada dos meses) para poder hacer predicciones
acerca del comportamiento del deslizamiento. Entre otros, es recomendable tambi?n un estudio de s?smica de reflexi?n de alta resoluci?n para conocer la geometr?a de las superficies de los deslizamientos Es probable que el ruido ambiental debido al tr?fico vehicular sea un factor que influya en la raz?n de desplazamiento del deslizamiento del km 98. Este es un factor que no pudo ser evaluado en la presente trabajo, por lo que se recomienda un estudio de vibraci?n ambiental en futuras investigaciones, ya que el tr?fico
esado en la autopista Tijuana-Ensenada es considerable.

3. Finalmente, en vista de que en el deslizamiento del km 98
ocurren desplazamientos ?nicamente en los contactos lutitaarenisca, es necesario determinar con detalle la distribuci?n de los horizontes de lutita discontinuos. Para esto, se sugiere la perforaci?n de barrenos con recuperaci?n de n?cleo con la finalidad de buscar en ellos planos potenciales de despegue. La identificaci?n de los sitios de ruptura o deslizamiento es indispensable para el dise?o de obras de mitigaci?n.


Skeet/Loreto - 8-12-2005 at 09:24 AM

If you should all recall or investigate, the building of Structures in very bad locations happen all over, not just Baja Norte: Such as Homes built on Swamps near Seattle, Wal-Mart Super Centre built on eht edge of a Lake in Panhandle of Texas, Homes built on the cliffs of Malibu.

There are many folks who just do not have or want the ability to make decisions in Life.
This type of Weak-minded Thinking seems to be more and more in our everyday life.
At one time in the past most took the Risk and were aware, now people take the risk and hope others or the Govt. will take care of their Risk-Failure.

Sheep leading Sheep



jrbaja - 8-12-2005 at 09:53 AM

Bruce R Leech - 8-12-2005 at 10:01 AM

it is like the people who keep rebuilding there houses along the river in Mulege. they think the river never rises.:o

Jr are Lemmings water resistant?

Maybe Swallows would be more accurate

jrbaja - 8-12-2005 at 10:05 AM

Because here in Rosarito, these birds build their nests under our eaves every year.
And every year when it rains, their nests fall off the eaves!:lol:
I think they should look into a new engineer:light:

rpleger - 8-12-2005 at 10:12 AM

Every home buyer should have a course in geology.
Ask questions like:

How are cliffs formed?
Why are rivers where they are?
Why are the beaches so wide here and not there?
Where is the water going to go now?

You know, questions.