
Food for thought

bajajudy - 9-15-2005 at 09:14 AM

While walking on the beach this morning, I was telling my husband(who never even looks at this board) about the post from thebajarunner and he came up with this. If the ones of us who really want this to be about Baja shy away when things get sticky, that gives the obnxious ones a higher percentage of the posts and plays right into their hands.
I will also mention that he thinks that we all need some sort of online group therapy, so who would count his opinion...

BUT what do the rest of you think about this theory?

comitan - 9-15-2005 at 09:30 AM


Smart man.!!!!!!

Nomads is our therapy.

bajaden - 9-15-2005 at 09:33 AM

I've already said that this board has saved me money on therapy. There, I feel better already. To use an old quote in response to what he said. Evil suceeds, when good men do nothing. May not be exact, but close.

bajalera - 9-15-2005 at 11:01 AM

Hang on to that guy, Judy. He's a keeper.

It sounds like a conspiracy!!!

eetdrt88 - 9-15-2005 at 11:04 AM



mulege marv - 9-15-2005 at 11:11 AM

there is a certain tranquil, calmness on the board lately (prozac ?). i believe that someone got rid of the spoon that was stirring the pot !

it sounds like a few of these have been ingested recently...

eetdrt88 - 9-15-2005 at 11:16 AM

Marie-Rose - 9-15-2005 at 11:49 AM

Totally agree with your husband. It's also interesting to see some of the old regulars posting again! Baja Nomads has been my "baja fix" for the past few years and just reading the posts from the lucky ones who are down there does my heart good!

Diver - 9-15-2005 at 12:29 PM

Good advice Judy, But I thought this post was going to be about food ? :lol:

Diver - 9-15-2005 at 12:39 PM

Truly, though; even though I haven't met many of you Nomads, I feel a comeraderie with most of you through our shared love of Baja.
Besides, there aren't many slouches in this group. I would bet that very many are college educated, have techincal backgrounds, have been entraprenours or have improved themselves in other ways. Most are somewhat self-reliante and adventurous. All good traits as far as I'm concerned.

Good to know you all !

And thanks to all of you for helping me maintain some amount of sanity through my periods of Baja-less depression ! :lol::spingrin::lol:


Marie-Rose - 9-15-2005 at 01:28 PM

I feel the same. Sometimes after I've read someones post I will go and check out their profile. Do most keep this up to date?

bajaden - 9-15-2005 at 02:16 PM

Food for thought Diver, food for thought. Actually I don't think I filled out my profile. Hmmmm, I guess I better go check.

bajalera - 9-16-2005 at 12:36 PM

Does anyone even fill out a profile?

Food for Thought

MrBillM - 9-16-2005 at 12:40 PM

I've heard that the best food for thought is Fish.

Eli - 9-16-2005 at 02:30 PM


I agree, if the postive fades away to the negative, the negative wins out. At the same time, I see no good coming from debate with someone who is obviously drunk or crazy, you can't win, just wasting your breath, or fingers I guess in this case.

bajaden - 9-16-2005 at 10:44 PM

All this time I tried to be of sane mind and sober when discussing important things with whoever was the signiciant other in my life. Female of course. Now I find out I needed to be drunk and crazy and I would have won all of those discussions. 64 years down the drain. I guess your never to old to learn. French and English. How true. As someone once said. Their both great language's, it just hard to talk to one another.

thebajarunner - 9-17-2005 at 10:55 AM

Just caught up with your thoughts Judy (or were they your husband's)
At any rate, while I do not agree that we all need cyber-therapy, if the site provides it (in a decent manner) then so be it.
My long-gone ex had a degree in psychology, when she drove away the last time in my new 929 (man I miss that car) I breathed a sigh of relief and hoped that non-stop therapy was truly in my past.
The real issue here - on Nomad- is not whether we agree, or even whether we like everyone.
The real issue is that we need to treat this as "community." That was the summary of several discussion I had with Doug during my 6 week hiatus. And, of course, he is correct. In "community" all is not totally sweet, rosy and cheery. But it must remain civil.
When civility leaves, well then I guess the civil folks will leave as well.
That is sad for Doug, and also for those who care about this board.
(that is not to suggest that those who stay when the muck starts to fly are all 'un-civil'.... just more patient and more tolerant than some of us geezers)
Having said all that, I think it is back to talking about Baja stuff
(although my next post may be a tongue in cheek response to the Baja Crime thread)
Have a great, cheery, civil day in our community.

bajajudy - 9-17-2005 at 11:27 AM

All I know is that it is wonderful that people are coming back, no matter what reason they were away.
Bienvenidos a todo.

As for Baja stuff. There is a really high tide and the surf is definitely up here in La Playita. It is hot as hades and I really love a 929 too!

thebajarunner - 9-17-2005 at 11:33 AM

Here in Oakdale, there is no surf, it will be 80 today, and I did see the Sierra "Range of Light" etched on the Eastern skyline just before sunup.

All's right with the world, here and there.

Have a great day, come to think of it I would like a little "surf up"