
La Barca Tales Part III

jrbaja - 10-5-2005 at 10:40 AM

In spite of the fact that this property was in limbo, nobody knew who was getting what amongst the family, and that things were sure to change around here, the P-nches just had to "fix" up their casas.

Not just fix up but, tear down, rebuild, remodel, restucco, granite counter tops, chandeliers, decks, etc. to impress their never ending stream of weekend friends. Lest we not forget, we are just renting the land from the owners.

So, as soon as one would finish a house to their specs., another would have to outdo the last project and go all out on their project to be able to compete in the oohs and aaws competition regarding their new mansions on the beach.

Now, as soon as the owners realized the taxes weren't being paid, they re-administrated the property and held a meeting to let us all know what was going on. They also reminded everyone that they were warned about putting a lot of money into the houses was a bad idea and that whatever contracts the young administrator had made were invalid as they need a stamp, signatures from all parties, etc.

The owners of the property and their families came from all over for this meeting (pretty serious stuff!) involving a LOT of money. Some showed up a week before the meeting.

Imagine the owners dismay when they park to go to the beach and some gringo comes out and tells them they can't park in front of their homes!:lol::lol::lol: This led to a number of confrontations as the P-nches had no idea that these were the owners of the land.:lol::lol::lol:

So the meeting comes and all this stuff is being discussed. I was outside talking to one of the owners and we are laughing about the parking issue when out comes one of the husbands of the parking police. He again doesn't realize that this is one of the owners I am talking to and starts in about how he pays blah blah blah for his space and he doesn't care if it's Vicente Fox, he can't park in front of his house. :lol::lol::lol:

This family although having some issues are pretty mellow and I consider them friends. But, when they are told where they can park, by some P-nche gringo renter, the mellowness seems to go away.

To be continued, my chorizo n eggs are ready.

David K - 10-5-2005 at 03:49 PM

That IS a funny story...

But, all the work/improvements these %$#@ gringos are doing to their (temporary) homes IS providing income to the local work force and construction supply sources... ISN'T IT???

David, don't be an idiot!

jrbaja - 10-5-2005 at 04:33 PM

P-nche gringos bring most of their supplies from Home Depot in the states.

David K - 10-5-2005 at 05:14 PM


lizard lips - 10-5-2005 at 06:08 PM

I think its just a matter of respect and apparently these PG's dont have a clue about how to treat anyone. Im personally disgusted when an American treats anyone from another country with that attitude especially when he is a "GUEST" on their property. They dont get it and never will JR.

Cincodemayo - 10-5-2005 at 06:15 PM

That's why they are called UGLY AMERICANS! I've encountered them worldwide....

Oh they got it Lizard

jrbaja - 10-5-2005 at 06:18 PM

and I'm pretty sure they will get more when they return!:lol::lol:

I'll get some pictures:light:

Cincodemayo - 10-5-2005 at 06:19 PM

jr...Curious what the chicano and his wife drive?:?:

lizard lips - 10-5-2005 at 06:21 PM

Originally posted by jrbaja
and I'm pretty sure they will get more when they return!:lol::lol:

I'll get some pictures:light:

lizard lips - 10-5-2005 at 06:22 PM

Yea, Get Pictures JR

Toooooooooo friggen funny Cinco

jrbaja - 10-5-2005 at 06:25 PM

I forgot that part. Their car is a big buick painted USC maroon. They have a Mexican flag attached on one side and a USC flag attached on the other. I call them the presidential motorcade!

And they actually drive around like that!:lol::lol::lol::lol:

Their house here is painted the USC colors too.

I'll get some pictures. Camera dude should appreciate it!:bounce:

Cincodemayo - 10-5-2005 at 06:27 PM

Dang....that figures!!:lol::lol::lol:
USC...University of Spoiled Children.