
Punta Banda?

BajaVida - 10-28-2003 at 08:21 PM

What ever became of the standoff between the ejido and the American landowners?

Can't remember what it was all about.:?:

elgatoloco - 10-28-2003 at 08:56 PM

The ejido won.

Dave - 10-28-2003 at 08:58 PM

The standoff was between the ejido and the rightful Mexican owner of the property. When the ejido lost the leases and the property sales to American homeowners were nullified and they were lawfully evicted. ALL parties were well aware of the legal contest yet assumed that no one would be penalized. Go figure.

Casa P. D. y C. - 10-28-2003 at 09:38 PM

There are some beautiful empty houses out there in what is called, "the ghost town" or "the eviction zone" or "no mans land". There are people who think that anyone who tries to start a business in one of the homes out there should be blackballed. Granted, it is not the fault of the new people involved, but some do not want to see the money resulting from those new leases going into the pockets of those who may have been responsible for the great losses suffered by those who were evicted.


Ski Baja - 10-28-2003 at 09:56 PM

that's too bad.

Dave - 10-28-2003 at 10:34 PM

"some do not want to see the money resulting from those new leases going into the pockets of those who may have been responsible for the great losses suffered by those who were evicted."

The people who built were well aware of the land contention. They were aware that they could lose their property. They ignored all warnings and built and built and remodeled thinking that "Hey, I'm an Amurikan. They ain't gonna take my home away" Well guess what? Someone did.

David K - 10-28-2003 at 10:56 PM

Dave (or anyone), I have always wondered why the rightful owner of the land just didn't continue leasing the land to the gringos or whoever, and continued maintaining an income?

What good did it do anyone to chase them out of their homes and leave a ghost town/eyesore in its place?

Dave - 10-29-2003 at 12:00 AM

"Dave (or anyone), I have always wondered why the rightful owner of the land just didn't continue leasing the land to the gringos or whoever, and continued maintaining an income?"

Well I suppose he could have negotiated new leases, but why? He now owns the land AND the houses.

Punta Banda

Ski Baja - 10-29-2003 at 08:25 AM

I did some home inspections out there for friends that were considering buying. Those homes won't be eyesores for to much longer as they are termite infested. And put together not so very good. Fortunately, I saw this before my friends bought so they only lost their deposit they had payed the realtor.
Then, the poo hit the fan and everyone got booted. Thank you termites.

say ski, are those the same kinda sub

capt. mike - 10-29-2003 at 10:57 AM

terranean termites we have in the AZ desert?? how do you killem??

does "termidor" work??


Ski Baja - 10-29-2003 at 11:43 AM

I heard they were one in the same. But, not only that, I found places where the wood was rotted from not having any type of moisture barrier. Some of the homes were papered but they started from the top so guess what that caused. Combined with the termites, this would have been a very bad investment indeed. As I'm sure many people now believe.


marla - 10-29-2003 at 11:57 AM

Well I brought my brother and sister in law to Baja for the first time recently and now they are hooked. We are thinking of renting a large house on the sand in Punta Banda this summer for a week since they live in Utah and don't get to enjoy the ocean. Anyone have any suggestions or advice for us?

Packoderm - 10-29-2003 at 07:39 PM

I?m venturing to guess that the best advice for a gringo who wants to buy a house in the restricted zone in Mexico is to make sure that your house has wheels on it. If I had a pad in Baja and was evicted, the only things the evictors would get from me are a junky palm frond palapa, ripped up utility pipes and wires (I won?t even bother to disconnect them.), and tire tracks!

Punta Banda fiasco

thebajarunner - 10-29-2003 at 10:24 PM

I am with you Packy, sad to say but true.
My contacts with ejido land in the La Mision area were simply scary, at the whim of the latest ejido pres., one of which was in jail when we went to meet him.
And, I will repeat what I said in an earlier post. I trusted the Mexican government and their "captive bank" Banamex when they told me 20 years ago that "dollar accounts will always be exempt from the devaluation of the peso." That is precisely why we agree to take a much reduced interest rate.
Well, I hope you never see a $5000 account go to $50 in one day and to $5 in another year.
Oh well, I am married to a Mexican born 'morenita' and if we buy in Baja it will be in her name. Even if she has been US naturalized for 20 years.

Baja Vida!!:(:(:(