
The Candidates

Oso - 1-21-2006 at 10:48 AM


FACTBOX-Mexico presidential candidates; what they stand for
Thu Jan 19, 2006 1:07 PM ET

MEXICO CITY, Jan 19 (Reuters) - Mexico's presidential election campaign
formally began on Thursday. Here are the top three candidates' positions
on the main issues.


* Economy: Anti-privatization and wary of free-market policies. A
leftist, he supports a more active state role in the economy. Seen too
as an economic pragmatist who is not against private capital as long as
the state is in control. Would create jobs through large development
projects but says will maintain Mexico's anti-inflationary stance. Would
open up wider access to credit and give a helping hand to construction
and 'maquila' assembly-for-export industries. Pledges to fight tax
evasion rather than raise taxation for the millions working in the gray
economy. Promises social spending programs to help slow the tide of poor
Mexicans migrating to the United States.

* Energy: Would modernize state-owned oil monopoly Pemex and hike public
spending in the energy sector. Aims to maintain oil production levels
and raise natural gas output enough to wean Mexico off U.S. gas imports
within three years. Would add refining capacity so Mexico can be
self-sufficient in gasoline. No major energy reform, however, and no
question of letting foreign companies into the upstream oil sector.

* Crime: Less focus on crime than rivals, but proposes combating it by
attacking poverty, illiteracy and joblessness.

* Foreign Policy: Deliberately limited, with more focus on domestic
issues. Criticizes the way illegal migrants are treated in the United
States and opposes proposals to build a wall along the border. Claims
the North American Free Trade Agreement has helped big multinationals
more than Mexicans, and would seek to revise a clause on free trade in
corn and beans.

* Other: Promises to put the poor first, tackling poverty and working to
improve Mexico's skewed income distribution. Would hike spending on
education, health care, pensions and housing. Pledges to fight
corruption and influence peddling. Will start an austerity program
within government, ruling out travel by private jet or helicopter,
slashing the presidential salary, scrapping pensions for ex-presidents
and declining to live in the grandiose presidential residence.


* Economy: Pro-business and pro-foreign investment. As ruling party
candidate, would maintain conservative fiscal policy of President
Vicente Fox. Seen as a paladin of economic prudence. Expresses concern
for the poor and pledges to create jobs and conditions for Mexicans to
remain in Mexico rather than risk lives crossing U.S. border. Would
bring in a flat rate income tax in line with some other emerging economies.

* Energy: Backs letting Pemex form technology-sharing alliances with
private companies in the oil sector. Supports private investment in
petrochemicals, gas and refining but would keep state control of oil
exploration and production. Aims to achieve self-sufficiency in natural
gas. Backs further easing of Pemex's taxes so the company has more to

* Crime: Vows to bring in tough preventive measures to combat crime and
strengthen national security.

* Foreign policy: Wants an active foreign policy, with a firm voice in
multilateral organizations, and a strong relationship with the United
States. Opposes U.S. proposals to build a wall along the border,
however, and vows to fight for rights of migrants in the United States.

* Other: Will seek to form a coalition, for the first time in Mexican
history, if his National Action Party does not win a majority in
Congress, a move which should favor structural reforms. Pledges to make
Mexico a more law-abiding nation. Supports Fox's policies on making
government more transparent and tackling corruption.


* Economy: Promises to boost employment, economic growth and industrial
competitiveness as well as push forward stalled labor, fiscal and
judicial reforms.

* Energy: Slightly hazy policy, but his party opposes anything that
would require changing a constitutional ban on foreign participation in
oil and gas production. Unlikely to support strategic alliances with
private companies in the oil sector. Could allow private investment in
natural gas fields and issuing non-voting shares for a small chunk of Pemex.

* Foreign policy: Pledges to strengthen Mexico's standing as a partner
of the United States.

* Other: With fewer concrete campaign promises than other parties,
Madrazo's Institutional Revolutionary Party, or PRI, is largely relying
on its strong power base and reputation as a nationalistic and stable
party. It held power for 71 years until toppled by Fox in last elections
in 2000.

un chistorete

fdt - 1-22-2006 at 03:16 PM

Roberto Madrazo y su chofer se trasladaban de un poblado a otro, por carretera, cuando s?bitamente apareci? un cerdo y sin poder evitarlo lo atropellaron, quedando agonizante.
Roberto Madrazo le dijo a su chofer - localiza la granja a donde pertenece y expl?cale al due?o lo sucedido-. Tres horas m?s tarde regresa su chofer tambale?ndose, con una botella de vino en la mano y una caja de puros "Don Miguel" en la otra, y elcabello y la ropa totalmente desarreglados.
?Qu? pas??-... pregunt? el pol?tico a su chofer, y este respondi?:Bueno, el granjero due?o del cerdo me regal? esta botella de vino;su mujer los puros "Don Miguel" y su hermosa hija me hizo el amor tres veces de una manera salvaje.?Pues que le dijiste ... amigo? Les dije: Soy el chofer de Roberto Madrazo y ???acabo de matar al cerdo!!! :lol::lol::lol:

JESSE - 1-23-2006 at 02:07 PM

Calderon will win.

Oso - 1-24-2006 at 07:00 PM

Ferna's joke was so good, I'm going to "retell" it (as opposed to translating it verbatim):

Madrazo and his chauffeur are "stumping" from town to town, when suddenly a pig appears in the road. There is no time to avoid it and the limo hits it and leaves it dying. Madrazo sends the chauffeur to find the owner of the pig and offer compensation. Three hours later, the chauffeur returns doing the "Cabo Wabo", his hair mussed and clothes in dissaray with a bottle of wine in one hand and a box of expensive cigars in the other. Madrazo demands an explanation. The chauffeur replies that the rancher gave him the bottle of wine, his wife gave him the box of cigars and their beautiful daughter made savage love to him three times. "Friend, what in the world did you tell them?" asks Madrazo.
I said, " I am the chauffeur of Roberto Madrazo and I just killed the pig."

Here's another

fdt - 1-25-2006 at 06:07 PM

El Infierno y el Cielo
Un d?a, mientras caminaba por la calle, Madrazo Pintado es atropellado por un cami?n y muere. Su alma llega al para?so y se encuentra en la entrada a San Pedro en persona "Bienvenido al para?so,-le dice San Pedro-. Antes de que te acomodes, parece que hay un problema. Ver?s, muy raramente un alto pol?tico ha llegado aqu? y no estamos seguros de qu? hacer contigo. Lo que haremos ser? hacerte pasar un d?a en el infierno y otro en el para?so, y luego podr?s elegir d?nde pasar la eternidad." Y con esto San Pedro acompa?a al pol?tico al ascensor y baja, baja hasta el infierno.Las puertas se abren y se encuentra justo en medio de un verde campo de golf. A lo lejos hay un club y de pie delante de ?l est?n todos sus amigos pol?ticos que hab?an trabajado con ?l, todos vestidos con traje de noche y muy contentos. Corren a saludarlo,lo abrazan y recuerdan los buenos tiempos en los que se enriquec?an a costa del pueblo. Juegan un agradable partido de golf y luego por la noche cenan juntos en el Restaurante Gourmet del club con langosta. Comparten la noche con hermos?simas y liberales jovencitas. Se encuentra tambi?n al Diablo, que de hecho es un tipo muy simp?tico y se divierte mucho contando chistes y bailando. Se est? divirtiendo tanto que, antes de que se de cuenta, es ya hora de irse. Todos le dan un apret?n de manos y lo saludan mientras
sube al ascensor. El ascensor sube, sube, sube, y se reabre la puerta del para?so donde San Pedro lo est? esperando. "Ahora es el momento de pasar al para?so."As? que el pol?tico Madrazo (inescrupuloso, ciertamente), pasa 24 horas sucesivas pasando de nube en nube, tocando el arpa y cantando.
Antes de que se de cuenta, las 24 horas ya han pasado y San Pedro va a buscarlo. "Ya has pasado un d?a en el infierno y otro en el para?so. Ahora debes elegir tu eternidad." El Hombre reflexiona un momento y luego responde: "Bueno, el para?so ha sido precioso, pero creo que he estado mejor en el infierno." As? que San Pedro lo acompa?a hasta el ascensor y otra vez baja,baja, baja, hasta el infierno. Cuando las puertas del ascensor se abren se encuentra en medio de una tierra desierta cubierta de mierda y desperdicios. Ve a todos sus amigos vestidos con trapos,recogiendo los desperdicios y meti?ndolos en bolsas negras. El Diablo lo alcanza y le pone un brazo en el cuello. ?No entiendo, -balbucea Madrazo-. Ayer estuve aqu? y hab?a lindas
mujeres, un campo de golf y un club, y comimos langosta y caviar, y bailamos y nos divertimos mucho. Ahora todo lo que hay es un terreno des?rtico lleno de porquer?as..., y mis amigos parecen unos miserables." El Diablo lo mira, sonr?e y dice: "Ayer est?bamos en campa?a. Hoy..., ya votaste por nosotros..y ya te chingaste." :lol::lol::lol::lol:

TMW - 1-28-2006 at 11:02 AM

Jesse why do you think Calderon will win.

Limonata - 2-1-2006 at 12:34 PM

will any of these candidates' policies affect foreign land/homeowners rights?

JESSE - 2-1-2006 at 12:59 PM

Originally posted by TW
Jesse why do you think Calderon will win.

Madrazo is too corrupt for today's Mexico, he has too much dirty laundry to make it to the chair, Andres Manuel has been the other option for those that are not going to vote for madrazo, and everybody tought that Santiago Creel ( our version of Al Gore) was going to be the nominee for the PAN party, and he was too lame and boring to atract voters. Calderon has a style that draws people, he seems honest and simple, yet smart, ( i have no idea if he is), regardless, he was a complete unknown just a few noths ago, and today with relatively little time and money, he has positioned himself in second place, wich tells me that people where desperate for someone other than Madrazo and Andres manuel.

I predict Obrador

Hook - 2-9-2006 at 11:51 AM

For better or worse, a decidely leftist, anti-American sentiment is beginning to sweep Latin America. I can't see it being derailed before the elections. His promises will ring true to the economically squeezed in Mexico, especially with the prospect of it getting harder and harder to get into the USA.

Of course, when he takes office, he won't be able to do 99% of what he proposed to do.......

Mexico would be VERY wise to increase her refining capacity. Position them near the border and she could sell her excess to the US. We haven't built a new refinery in forever.

Bruce R Leech - 2-9-2006 at 11:56 AM

I predict Madrazo because he is corrupt and it seems that is what it takes in Mexico

Teddy could cater the event.....if a certain party wins.

Pompano - 2-10-2006 at 09:53 PM

There is something to be said about decorum and style that really makes the man.

fdt - 2-12-2006 at 06:18 PM

fdt - 2-12-2006 at 06:19 PM

fdt - 2-12-2006 at 06:20 PM

Bruce R Leech - 2-12-2006 at 07:49 PM

Originally posted by fdt

how do I view the photos?

JESSE - 2-25-2006 at 09:00 PM

Originally posted by Bruce R Leech
I predict Madrazo because he is corrupt and it seems that is what it takes in Mexico

Not anymore, Madrazo's questionable dealings have put him in a distant 3rd place behind Obrador and Calderon, PRI insiders are already admiting they will not win and are making long term plans for the future. Add to that the fact the leader of the green party who had formed an alliance with Madrazo called it quits a few days ago, saying "i made a mistake".

He has no chance at this point, this race is betwen Obrador and Calderon.

Dave - 6-9-2006 at 06:10 PM

Originally posted by JESSE
He has no chance at this point, this race is betwen Obrador and Calderon.

If anyone wants to give me some looong odds I am now prepared to wager on Madrazo.

Anyone? ;)

comitan - 6-9-2006 at 06:33 PM

Dave those predictions were made months ago, I don't think you will get any takers, It would be nice to bring this thread up after the election.:lol::lol::lol:

JESSE - 6-9-2006 at 06:36 PM

Originally posted by Dave
Originally posted by JESSE
He has no chance at this point, this race is betwen Obrador and Calderon.

If anyone wants to give me some looong odds I am now prepared to wager on Madrazo.

Anyone? ;)

A good bet Dave, but Madrazo is simply too tarnished to take the big one, but still, if Obrador and Calderon keep destroying each other they way they are doing now, Madrazo might have a shot.

flyfishinPam - 6-10-2006 at 04:08 PM

ON Madrazo,

I especially like his criminals "keep smiling" ad where the bad guy in the line up pees his pants. Does it for me and the single women ads, on single women working and being abused. Happens all too often but what can the guy do about it? You're right about Calderon and Obrador midslinging, they're losing credibility over it.

ahhh Pompano

Capt. George - 6-10-2006 at 04:23 PM

Always a laugh in a sea of misguided seriousness..

How could you ridicule a M_______r?

He's a good man looking to help all, as long as you're not pregnant..

Go get im Teddy "Johnny Wiesmuller" Kennedy.

thanks P capt g

I hope Calderon Fox ain't been so bad for old Mexico.