
Kumeyay cultural center - Feb. 4

wilderone - 1-26-2006 at 09:50 AM

AUKA! Kumiai Adventure

Sat, Feb 4, 2006

Visit San Antonio Necua, one of Baja California?s most vibrant Kumiai Indian villages, located in the heart of Mexico?s wine country. Meet local artists and take home some of their unique wares; even learn how to weave a basket if you like! Or take an easy hike with a local Kumiai guide through Oak Canyon to the ancient archaeological site of El Palomar, learning about traditional Kumiai uses of native plants along the way. Listen to ancient songs, hear local legends and if you wish, partake of a purifying sage blessing. Or just relax and enjoy the scenery. This interactive excursion includes a traditional Kumiai meal.

Note: Photographs for personal use may be taken with permission of community members; other uses (publication, etc.) must be authorized by community members.

Cost: $12 (provide your own transportation)

$15 (with van transportation)

(All funds directly benefit the San Antonio Necua Kumiai Community)


9:00 a.m. Leave Ensenada (CUNA Institute, Calle Ocho #812 at Miramar)

10:00 a.m. Arrive in Necua

3:00 p.m. Arrive in Ensenada

RESERVATIONS REQUIRED. Please call CUNA at (646) 178-8780 (Spanish only) or Mike Wilken at (646) 174-6732; (English or Spanish).

[Note: this place is on the road which passes the LA Cetto winery].

David K - 1-26-2006 at 05:44 PM

I see you are on Bicycle Bob's mailing list also!

Are you going? I am thinking maybe...

wilderone - 1-27-2006 at 09:58 AM

I don't think so - I'll try to work it in on another trip. Too much driving and border wait for just a day trip (unless someone else drove). I'd spend the night someplace, but Feb. 5 is Superbowl.

David K - 1-27-2006 at 06:09 PM

10-4... I will pass...