
Zodiac for sale

Bob and jane - 1-27-2006 at 01:10 PM

For Sale: Zodiac Mark III, 15 1/2 ft., 1986, hand pump, oars, factory storage bags, 1989 Mariner 30 hp outboard w/low hours.
Includes custom HD trailer with winch, tongue jack, bearing buddies, spare tire, and two 6 gallon fuel tanks.
Everything is in very good condition.
Located in Loreto.
$1950.00 USD or best offer.
Call Dennis at 52-613-135-0819.

djh - 1-27-2006 at 02:00 PM

I'll be there next week. I'll try calling to take a look!

capt. mike - 1-27-2006 at 03:19 PM

tiller or console steering?
can you post or email me pictures?
i am in mulege with cash.

Capt. George - 1-27-2006 at 05:16 PM


when will you arrive in Loreto?

<:>>>>< later George Deborah has to stay in Ojos

djh - 1-27-2006 at 06:24 PM


I arrive Sunday about 3:30 on the Alaska flight. Spending Sunday night with our mutual friend Barrett. Planning to get things ready for your arrival Monday.


C. Mike... Go for it, amigo. I have a smaller one I can bring down when I drive, no problema. djh

capt. mike - 1-27-2006 at 06:39 PM

well, i was looking for a RIB but am open to things.

Bob and jane - 1-27-2006 at 08:44 PM

Tiller steering. I have a photo but it will not post. I know there have been several detailed postings regarding posting photos but I didn't take notes because I hadn't planned on posting photos...............
Looking forward to hearing from you next week, djh.

[Edited on 1-28-2006 by Bob and jane]

capt. mike - 1-28-2006 at 06:49 AM

Bob, thx.
my bird is down for maintenance beginning manana - nitrile bladder fuel cells replacement time (there goes the kids' college fund......again) , if it is ready in 2 weeks to go i will be on the Flying samaritans feb clinic to lopez Mateos 10-12 and will hop to loreto sat morn after i dump my med pax at lopez. how can i call you? could you come out to the airport and take me to see the boat or maybe just hook it and trailer it out to the airport?
how should i contact you? our clinic coordinator has a phone in lopez and i could call you from there to confirm before i took off, then 20 min later i'd be landing loreto.
PM me your mex ph. no. if you can.

Bob and jane - 1-28-2006 at 07:54 AM

Mike, the phone number is on the original posting. From Lopez Mateos you would just need to dial 135-0819. I'm posting this for my neighbor, Dennis. I'm sure he can arrange to meet you. I'll give him a heads up this morning. Hope you still come by and check it out djh.

Bob and jane - 2-1-2006 at 08:05 AM

Haven't heard from you djh. Hope you come by and take a look while you're in town. And Capt. Mike, give us a jingle while you're in Lopez Mateos if you still want to take a look.

capt. mike - 2-1-2006 at 12:14 PM

can't make the feb trip, tanks will not arrive in time.
i will ckeck later or please advise here if you sell it thx.

will shoot for weekend of the 17th i think.