
TempImport Permit and Fish Licenses

Bob and Susan - 2-22-2006 at 07:10 AM

I went to Santa Rosalia yeaterday to get our Temporary Import Permit and fishing licenses for the boat.

The girl in the office said she needed to see the boat and trailer to verify all the numbers.

I told her the boat was in Mulege.

She offered to drive to Mulege to verify the data.
She locked up the office and we took a ride.

It's an HOUR each way to Mulege!!!
ONLY in Mexico...

The temp import permit is good for 14 years and cost $50 dollars. They perfer to take ONLY dollars for the payment.

I needed:
Visa or FM3
Registration for both boat and trailer
Marriage Certificate (Susan is on the title)
and of course copies of each...

Here is a picture of the building right on MEX 1 in Santa Rosalia across from the entrance to town.

Bob and Susan - 2-22-2006 at 07:11 AM

The actual office for the temp import permit

Bob and Susan - 2-22-2006 at 07:13 AM

The county building where the fishing licenses are purchased.

You need to buy Form #5 at the stationary store around the corner and have 3 copies

Bob and Susan - 2-22-2006 at 07:14 AM

office for fishing licenses...

Bob and Susan - 2-22-2006 at 07:15 AM

IMM Office for Visas
Upstairs and in the same building that the Temp Import Permits are purchased

Bob and Susan - 2-22-2006 at 07:16 AM

My advice is to use Bruce in Mulege to get this stuff....

It's way to much WORK!!!!

Pompano - 2-22-2006 at 07:18 AM

Good info for all, Bob y Susan. Don't you just love the niceness of certain people? One thing must have changed, permit was issued for 20 years, not 15. I can't imagine why, unless it had to do with the homemade biscotti I gave her.;)

PabloS - 2-22-2006 at 07:50 AM

I wonder if Pangeros have to work this hard to go fishing???:rolleyes::spingrin:

Bruce R Leech - 2-22-2006 at 08:13 AM

Originally posted by PabloS
I wonder if Pangeros have to work this hard to go fishing???:rolleyes::spingrin:

they work much harder.

Lets' see, now.....

Hook - 2-22-2006 at 11:03 AM

...10 years, 14 years, 20 years for the TIP.

Yep, Mexico is still Mexico.:lol:

Just to clarify, though, Bruce is not able to secure your TIP, correct? Don't you have to show up with the boat (or take the official to the boat-LOL!) and the other paperwork in person?

Bob and Susan - 2-22-2006 at 01:54 PM

I looked at my temporary import permit today and its for 10 years even though the girl said 14...

FINAL 10 years $50

Personal Services

losfrailes - 2-22-2006 at 03:55 PM

Here is a thought! Olivia Canul ( offers a complete range of personal services.

She was selected by Pesca to be the 'authorized' boat permit/fishing license intermediary in 2005.

She also offers a complete line of personal services, FM documents, translations, banking transactions (fideocomiso preplanning work), boat, auto, mobile home importations, etc., etc., etc.

She offers extremely quick service, in fact, boat permits/fishing licences normally take less than 1 hour and 1 visit only and there is no wait for a week or more.

She has a history of these services going back almost 9 years, she is no Jenny Come Lately trying to take advantage of some temporary situation.

Her rates are reasonable, and the service guaranteed.