
El Requeson '06 - Horrific ?? Part 2

Diver - 2-25-2006 at 06:43 AM

So my back is not happy but we get the inflatable and motor set up to go fishing. Unfortunately my 1975 Evinrude 9.9 isn't happy either. A quick trip into Mulege and a visit to "the gringo" for repairs got the motor running again.

Back at camp the next day we all piled in for our first long ride in the boat. Off we went with wife and kids, poles and snacks. So far so good, although the motor runs a little rough at low speeds, it is smoother when running all out.
Along we go towards the sacred clamming grounds at the end of the bay.

When we saw some fish jump ahead, I slowed down and threw out a few luck with the fish so I tried to run the motor back to speed but no deal ! It chugged and died; for good ! No matter of tinkering would get it running again.

Oh crap ! I gotta row this thing with those little bitty oars.
About an hour later we finally make shore at a small cliff about 5 kilometers south of camp. Ok, so I'll just scramble up this cliff and hitch back to camp for the truck....yes ?
Good thing we brought shoes with us !! NOT
Turns out my 4 year old had removed the shoes from the dry bag to make room for some of his favorite toys.
I start walking the rocks to where I can climb the cliff.

We are talking sore feet - strange things enter the tortured mind - a 1 liter soda bottle, when flattened, makes a really great respit for sore feet on sharp rocks. If I had some string, I'd have made some new shoes.

I finally make it up to the road and start walking south with my thumb out. I suppose I looked like an escapee from somewhere with big grey beard, cigar and no shoes; a regular mexican Fidel Castro. After being passed by over 10 gringos I am picked up by a local who ferries me back to camp.

So, back to camp and pack up everyone's shoes. Borrowed the 6hp outboard from the nice neighbor with the aluminum boat and drove back for the family. After parking at the cliff, I carried shoes and motor down the shore to the wife and kids. They scampered back up to the truck to drive back to camp while I hooked up the borrowed motor and layed our dead one in the boat.

This one ran fine ! I had a nice peaceful run back to camp and arrived to shouts of "My Hero" from my wife and kids.
Not a bad day all-in-all.

Some would call this a mishap or problem, I recall it as another great Baja adventure !!!

Bruce R Leech - 2-25-2006 at 07:33 AM

this is a story I think most all of us can really relate to. but without The typical Baja misadventures we would not appreciate the times when every thing gos right.

Bob H - 2-25-2006 at 10:38 AM

So, you are the studly-man afterall!
Great story.