
Sidne Byars Herrero

jk - 11-6-2003 at 07:42 PM

I was looking at some property online the other day at La Paz Real Estate. I was curious if anyone had brought property through them and how things worked out? JK

Mike Humfreville - 11-6-2003 at 08:19 PM

I have no information on La Paz real estate except what many of us learned from an old Amigo, Chopy. His guidance was always to be very careful and find someone you trust. Maybe Chopy will be watching over you. Be very careful and, if you can, keep our collective mind posted before you take any serious steps. Best of luck.

Sydne Byars

Tucker - 11-6-2003 at 08:23 PM

Gets the job done with a minumum of problems.

Sidne Byars/La Paz Real Estate

nvpat - 11-18-2005 at 07:49 PM

Sidne got an exclusive listing to sell one casa for me & she was involved in my purchase of another, so I've dealt with her from both a seller's perspective & a buyer's perspective. In my personal opinion, Sidne is THE most knowledgable, ethical & professional person dealing in real estate in La Paz! And that includes some from Cabo who lied...telling me that Sidne had said it'd be okay for them to bring their clients through on a cold call. Those agents...with their clients in tow...were turned away at my gate. Sidne's totally knowledgable & thorough in lining all the necessary ducks up in the right order for the smoothest & totally legal transaction in the shortest possible time. She has a lawyer & an accountant on staff. In short, Sidne & La Paz Real Estate is the only agent in La Paz who I would & do recommend with absolutely no reservations!!

[Edited on 11-20-2005 by nvpat]

Oso - 11-18-2005 at 08:17 PM

There are no Realtors (R) in Mexico, only real estate agents.

comitan - 11-18-2005 at 08:23 PM


She has the blue block R on her site. I know of 3 transactions in my area no problems.

Oso - 11-19-2005 at 08:00 PM

It's an accomodation. It was explained on Ted's talk show. This is not meant to be disparaging, this person may be very honest and forthright, but it doesn't change the fact that there is no licensing or government oversight of real estate agents in Mexico. In the states all members of the local boards or Realtors are licensed agents or brokers*. In Mexico, there are agreements between the U.S. national association of Realtors and Mexican real estate associations, the members of which are not licensed. These agreements allow use of the logo, but that's about it. It may be a fine line, but it's not the same, particularly in matters of disciplinary actions and legal recourse.

*but not all licensed agents belong to the board of Realtors.

[Edited on 11-20-2005 by Oso]

comitan - 11-19-2005 at 08:14 PM

Thanks for the explaination it does look impressive.

nvpat - 11-19-2005 at 10:29 PM

Zeeeeeesh! Forgive the inaccurate terminology! I have now made Sidne a "person" & an "agent"...not a "realtor"! Happier now Oso?? The salient facts behind my original post still stand! She is the most honest, ethical & knowledgable person dealing in real estate I've dealt with in La Paz!

Honest, ethical real estate agents???

Dave - 11-19-2005 at 11:42 PM

When enticed by the prospect of large commissions, all take the cure.

In Mexico, there are NO rules governing ethical conduct.

Only suggestions. ;D

nvpat - 11-20-2005 at 08:36 AM

Dave, of course there are "rules governing ethical conduct"; you see there are some people on this earth who have their own personal code of conduct & ethics which frequently exceed posted rules. An additional fact that you're probably not aware of is that while the other La Paz r/e agencies have increased their commission to match Cabo's standard 10%, until 2 years ago Sidne's commission was 6%; she increased it to 8%. I'd guess that what she may lose in % she makes up on in volume because of her good reputation. It's sad that you're so cynical about ALL r/e agents & so quick to tar them all with the same brush. Obviously, I've encountered a LOT of local agents who make used most car salesmen look like choir boys!! It's not fair to make disparaging remarks about someone you've most likely never had any business dealings with, especially when it's based on OTHERS that you do/might have personal knowledge of.

JK's original question was based on personal experience with a specific agency; my response was based on my personal experiences with THAT agency; were yours??

[Edited on 11-20-2005 by nvpat]

Tucker - 11-20-2005 at 09:21 AM

Wow, all this over a thread that lay dormant for over two years; 11/06/03 to 11/18/05.

Skeet/Loreto - 11-20-2005 at 09:38 AM

I have never had any experience with this Person.
I bought and Sold Real Estate through my corporation for about 12 Years.
If you do business with one of the Notorias in La paz you are better Protected.

I always used Miguel Izquerido.


Oso - 11-20-2005 at 10:48 AM

"H.L. Mencken, by the way, considered "Realtor" one of the great American euphemisms. Invented by the National Association of Real Estate Boards to lend their trade a dignity they found lacking in the common term "real estate agent," "Realtor" is a registered trademark of that organization and should only be applied to its members (and should always be capitalized). The chutzpa of first coining and then trademarking a noun evidently rubbed Mencken the wrong way, and he took obvious delight in needling the righteous Realtors in his masterwork, The American Language. "The suggestion that 'realtor' is derived from two Spanish words," wrote Mencken, "'real,' meaning royal, and 'toro,' bull, and that it thus connotes 'royal bull,' is spurned by the bearers of the name." Mencken went on to note that the suffix "or" was undoubtedly carefully chosen, since "or" has always carried more dignity than the equivalent "er," citing "author" as weightier than "writer," and "advisor" outgunning "adviser." Such delicate considerations count, no doubt, when you are trademarking a noun. I feel obliged to inform you at this point that the approved, although perhaps not legally enforceable, pronunciation of "Realtor," according to Mencken, is "reel-tor," not "ree-al-tor," and certainly not "real-uh-tor." Caveat orator -- let the speaker beware."

Some believe the term was actually invented by Sinclair Lewis:

"Lewis won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1930 on the strength of a number of significant works, including Arrowsmith (1925), Elmer Gantry (1927), and Babbitt, a satire of the prosperous and conservative business class of 1920s America. Published in New York in 1922, Lewis?s novel follows two years of realtor George F. Babbitt's life, during which Babbitt goes from a lifestyle of complete conformity with the business world, to a period of rebellion including heavy drinking and adultery, and back again to conformity. Throughout this journey, Lewis skillfully highlights the lack of culture in medium-sized American cities during the Prohibition Era, the hypocrisy and corruption of pro-business organizations, and the emptiness in typical businessmen?s lives.

Babbitt is more than an embodiment of what is wrong with America, however. He is a vivid and lifelike character searching for meaning in a life dominated by conformity and loneliness. Babbitt tries to rebel in every way he knows until a conservative organization threatens his business because of his new liberal ideas, at which point he falls back into the lifestyle of what Lewis called a ?Standardized Citizen.? In a society that, today, retains many of the basic values that Lewis attacks, Babbitt?s struggle continues to engage readers and expose some of the deepest and most longstanding infirmities of American culture. "

Regardless of who invented the word and who trademarked and capitalized it, probably more than 90% of Americans who use it think it's a generic term for anyone who sells real estate.

Thus, my pedantic nit-picking is undoubtedly a lost cause. But, I like lost causes and pedantic nit-picking is one of the few pleasures I have left.:biggrin:

I don't know anyone in real estate in Cabo, so I can't confirm or deny anything anyone says about them. If you know someone in any business anywhere in Baja that you believe is honest and ethical and you want to recommend them, that's fine. Your recommendation may be quite helpful to someone. It's certainly better than nothing, which is exactly what legal recourse in real estate transactions in Mexico consists of, no matter what the sales agents choose to call themselves.