
Taking title to property

Darrelln05 - 4-4-2006 at 11:53 AM

This is a question for anyone who has purchased property in Baja. What document(s) did you receive to prove ownership?
Titulo De Propiedad?

Pompano - 4-4-2006 at 12:33 PM

This should provide you with a lot of answers.

[Edited on 4-4-2006 by Pompano]


Darrelln05 - 4-4-2006 at 01:19 PM

Thanks! It answers all the questions except this one. After extensive research this is the one question I have not found a conclusive information for.

Pompano - 4-4-2006 at 01:48 PM

Well, Darrell...shall we try this one?

Bob and Susan - 4-4-2006 at 02:02 PM

We have title to our property but....

We don't directly have a "DEED"
as far as I know there is no formal looking certificate that's called a "DEED"

For us..The corporation owns the property...we own the corporation

What we have, to prove we own the property, is the notario's formal papers signed by him. The papers are then signed and stamped by the county seat official, that logged it in the "BIG" book that's kept in Santa Rosalia.

That's as official as it gets. There is a LOT of stamps and signatures.

Now if you get a trust....
The title is in the trusts name held at the bank.
You get papers that say you control the trust.
Everything is registered at the county seat.
You get lots of papers that you BETTER keep and copy...
You'll need the copies later:lol:trust me

I even carry my mariage license with me:lol:and that's not for Susan.

Now when we pay the taxes....
We go to Mulege....the girl opens a wooden drawer....
Pulls out our tax statment....
Types a little...and we pay...easy

It's really very easy if you understand the system....
we walked the entire thing thru ourselves.


Darrelln05 - 4-4-2006 at 02:39 PM

There is a formal document. It is a "Titulo De Propiedad." After spending a couple of Saturdays at the Property Office in Ensenada I have learned this is the document that proves Title. I have seen several of them -- but I don't know of any North American who has one.

Bob and Susan - 4-4-2006 at 02:50 PM

I looked in the paper work...

We do have a Titulo De Propiedad.
It's stamped and signed over to us by the county land guy..
the Direccion de Catastro

The numbers refer to the noterios paperwork

capitolkat - 4-5-2006 at 08:37 AM

I have both the title and an exhausting Fidecomiso that repeats virtually every title issue 3-5 times.