

Marinero - 4-17-2006 at 09:16 AM

Last trip down I picked up my FM-3. I had the application done by a local for a reasonable service fee. The application was hand carried to La Paz and the confirmation given within a few days. Two weeks later (the usual time) I went to La Paz to be fingerprinted and sign the "Book". The wait in the immigration office was about 20 minutes, without an appointment. Everything went well and the officials spoke enough English to augment my poor Spanish.

I did hear one problem, although not with my application. One person went on the appointed day, but the official who actually signed the document was not available on that day. Everything else was done and the document was signed and available for pickup within a day or two. However, it meant two trips to La Paz, even though the applicant did not have to return the second time as their local agent could pick it up. But, as you surrender your tourist card to get the FM-3, you can't leave until you have it. So be sure to allow enough time. I could not find a way to be certain that the official would be there when you were. Also, the first time you exit with an FM-3, you will not have a "red form". So when you leave the country you have to go to immigration at the airport and get both a sign-in and sign-out. Its easy, but be aware that it is required. Thereafter you will have the "red form" upon entry, to be retained for exit.


Bob and Susan - 4-17-2006 at 10:26 AM

yes you can leave before you get the FM3 back...

you ask for a letter from the IMM that states you need to leave the country and will return to pick up your FM3 at a certin date...

then pay an additional $21 at the bank

i do this every year....