
Hwy 1 and Pemex...

6flora6 - 11-18-2003 at 12:41 AM

Anyone know if any Pemex's are 24hr on the drive from Tijuana to Cabo? If not, what hours do they typically operate? Not lookin' to night drive, just get an early jump on the day across the border and down toll road, and I wonder what the first town'll have an open Pemex for refuelin'.

For that matter, what towns have the no-attendant Pemex stations? It'd be good to know in advance.

Many thanks...

David K - 11-18-2003 at 08:04 AM

You will be passing many towns with plenty of gas stations the first 220 miles, ending at El Rosario which is sometimes/most times self serve. The next 220 miles to the state border (near Guerrero Negro) has been the only problem area, few towns, few gas stations. Fill up at El Rosario! The remainder of the drive to the tip you pass through more towns, but they are further apart. Just don't let your gas be below half a tank, when you come to a station, top it off. If you cross the border around 6 am you should make Guerrero Negro before dark (440 miles/9 hrs.), unless you are pulling a trailer or driving a big RV. The Malarrimo Motel/RV Park/Restaurant is highly recommended there

Bob H - 11-18-2003 at 02:09 PM

If you do pull into Guerrero Negro, please try the carnitas tacos at the little stand on the right side of the road right before you see the Pemex there. A big red sign with a name that starts with the letter "M". They are the best I've ever eaten and only 7 pesos each. Get at least three of them, they are small. I wish I had them right now!
Bob H:yes:

available gas

thebajarunner - 11-18-2003 at 07:04 PM

You should never run out of gas in Baja. If you are really desparate, poorly planned, bumping on empty, there is always a rancho or a casa that will sell you enough to keep going.
Probably will pay about double what you expect. When you are on empty, double is cheap!!
But there is never an excuse for running out. Like DK said, the longest stretch is about 220 miles, if you cannot run that far then you better invest in a good can or two and carry them.
My personal strategy when carrying extra gas... if possible put it in a trailer or back of the pickup.
Also, if you are carrying for a certain long stretch without stations then pour the gas as soon as you have burned down sufficient to add your extra supply. No point in carrying it any further than necessary.
Best rule- plan ahead.

Baja Arriba!!

6flora6 - 11-18-2003 at 10:07 PM

thanks for the tips....