
Baja Time

Baja Bernie - 5-18-2006 at 06:34 AM

I recently visited an old friend in Cabo and we were discussing the subject of time and how our two cultures look at it so very differently.

In our discussion he suggested the following (I don't know if it is his thought or someone's else--it matters not):

"When you are naked it is only now! Clothes are the uniform of time."

Think on it and keep your minds above the belt if posssible.

Perhaps, that is why the Percu and the Guaycura Indians and the Jesuit Priests had so many difficulties in understanding each other.

bonanza bucko - 5-18-2006 at 06:52 AM

:lol:Time is God's way of keeping everything from happening at once and when you don't have any it does.....when you have too much it doesn't but it's no fun.

Bob and Susan - 5-18-2006 at 05:43 PM

baja time...

Sallysouth - 5-18-2006 at 10:25 PM

Bernie, that is precious! So tell us, were you both neked in a hot tub or just pondering on the meaning of clothing in life???!!:bounce::P I'm just funnin with you.I really did get it!

[Edited on 5-19-2006 by Sallysouth]


Baja Bernie - 5-19-2006 at 09:52 AM

This just kept running through my head as a reaction to your post---

"Learn that time is only your friend if its passing adds to your enjoyment of life."

Couldn't for the life of me remember where I had read that---then I picked up my first book, "Mi Baja No Hurry no Worry" and found it written on the back cover.---And all this time I thought they were just silly, fun books about Baja people.

True! And time seems to accelerate when spent with a friend.

Yes, the older I get the less of it I have and the more I think of how I can best use it.

shari - 5-19-2006 at 11:09 AM

Here we often say if you are an hour late, you will still be an hour early! Ha! If the invitation to a party or event says 3:00, and you show up at 4:00, you will still probably be the first guest to arrive. It took me years to adjust to this and I'm still usually the first to show up and last to leave!! the real difficult one to judge is the word "ahorrita" which means in a little bit which could mean 5 minutes or 5 hours! But it's a very useful word when you just arent sure when you can get around to something even though you would like to.