
Spanish/Nahuatl phrases

Oso - 6-26-2006 at 05:57 PM

(This may be a bit difficult for beginners to "get it". It helps to read the Nahuatl out loud.)


?Quieres postre?...............?Hui-chilo-postli?
?Esta precaria casa!............Izta-palapa
No has cambiado nada...........Iz-ta-ccihuatl
Seno de gran tama?o..............Chichotla
Cincuenta por ciento..............Mitla
De observancia obligatoria.......A-huehue-te
?Que enfermo est?!..................Chi-mal.istac
Enemigo de Batman.................El Huazontle
?Est? a todo dar!.....................Tezca-tli-pocatl
Los patos de mi propiedad...........Mix-coac
Yo robo con frecuencia...............Atlaco-mulco
WC en el maizal........................Caca-huamilpa
?Inteligente yo?........................?Coco-yoc?
De mal gusto............................Toto-naca
Valet parking...........................Cuitla-coche
?Muchacha, no vengas!............Chaba-ca-no
Est? mal de cabeza..................Tla-te-lolco

Paula - 6-27-2006 at 07:20 AM

I don't get it...

I see some connection on some of the lines, such as: los patos de mi propiedad..... mis quack.
Do you mean beginners of Spanish, or Nahuatl or solving difficult multi-lingual word puzzles:?:

Oso - 6-27-2006 at 07:59 AM

All of the above:lol:

You're on the right track with the ducks. Ask a Mexican to explain the rest...

Bruce R Leech - 6-27-2006 at 09:29 AM

Originally posted by Paula
I don't get it...

I see some connection on some of the lines, such as: los patos de mi propiedad..... mis quack.
Do you mean beginners of Spanish, or Nahuatl or solving difficult multi-lingual word puzzles:?:

you need to not only understand Spanish but also the local customs and the way the Mexican people use there Slang. I is also good to understand the Mexican sense of hummer.

I think Oso has a pretty god grasp on all of the above.:bounce:

bajalera - 8-17-2006 at 12:21 PM

Thanks, Oso--I get some of them, and laughed out loud at the WC in the cornfield.

[Edited on 8-17-2006 by bajalera]