
Its flu season in Baja

JESSE - 11-29-2003 at 04:00 PM

And i am one of the first to get it, don?t forget to wash the hands, avoid crowded areas, and take your flu shot, this years strain is particulary nasty the experts say, and i agree with them, i feel like a Dorado after a 30 minute fight with a gringo angler.


[Edited on 11-29-2003 by JESSE]

Skeet/Loreto - 11-29-2003 at 04:15 PM

Hey Jesse! You fall for that Flu Shot Spin?
I am 72 and have never had a flu shot and will never get one. It is a trick to make you believe tha if they give you a little bit of Flu you want get any later. BewareSkeet

I'm sold on the flu shot completely.

Stephanie Jackter - 11-29-2003 at 06:25 PM

I get them every year. Getting the pneumonia shot, which lasts 8 to 10 years, is an even better buy. Unfortunately, the flu that's travelling around this year has mutated from what the shot covers, but the hope is that the shot will have some protective value in lessening the severity of the symptoms.

Two years ago I got my children immunized even though they weren't being encouraged to get the shot and few children did that year. Along about February, it hit their school like a freight train and my kids were the only ones left standing.

Contrary to popular myth, the vaccine in the injectable version is a killed virus and cannot give you the flu. And scientists say it's just a matter of time before we get a killer flu like the epidemic of 1918. Better safe than paranoid if you ask me.

Hope you feel better soon, Jesse. Throw a little cilantro, garlic and chile in your basic chicken soup and it'll help get you back on your feet soon. - Stephanie

Family Guy - 11-29-2003 at 08:31 PM

Jesse, hope you slip off the hook soon!

I agree with Stephanie. Wife and kids all received their flu shots again this year. Dad still needs to get his. ;)

Mil Gracias!

Sallysouth - 11-30-2003 at 08:07 PM

To you Jesse, I'm headed to Loreto to help with my brand new G-child. I will get my shot this week before I leave. Don't want to infect a newborn with a flu virus!! Could be deadly to say the least. Thanks, Msal:light:

JESSE - 11-30-2003 at 08:23 PM

Originally posted by Skeet/Loreto
Hey Jesse! You fall for that Flu Shot Spin?
I am 72 and have never had a flu shot and will never get one. It is a trick to make you believe tha if they give you a little bit of Flu you want get any later. BewareSkeet

Never had one either skeet, but i am begining to doubt my wisdom, i usually get it (the flu) every few years or so, but this year it felt particulary strong.

Well, the worse is over, got to go back to work tomorrow and you guys take care.

JESSE - 11-30-2003 at 08:24 PM

Originally posted by Sallysouth
To you Jesse, I'm headed to Loreto to help with my brand new G-child. I will get my shot this week before I leave. Don't want to infect a newborn with a flu virus!! Could be deadly to say the least. Thanks, Msal:light:

De nada:moon:

Flu Symptoms

Mike Humfreville - 11-30-2003 at 08:52 PM

Like many, I?ve never had a flu shot. I always figured my body was intended to take care of itself and that if I took too many precautions it would become weaker in some unidentifiable ways.

But early this October we spent time with friends in San Felipe for a day or two, then on to Gonzaga for another two days then to Bahia de Los Angeles for two weeks. Two hurricanes that passed through days before we arrived and two milder ones were in the vicinity while we were there. The first few days of our time in Bahia it rained. After the rain the no-see-ums were out and some mosquitoes. Most of us, deet or no deet were covered with small bites and Bo coup itches in our lower extremities (the weather was nice and we were wearing shorts and bathing suits).

Two days before we left I got a sore throat. It was relatively severe but went away after a few days, to be replaced by a cough and raspy lungs. The cough grew worse over the first week we were home. It has stayed bad since them. I thought I had a simple cold, but it hasn?t gotten any better. It?s been almost two months and I still have a rattle in my chest and cough a lot.

I?d have been more worried except for the fact that we live in rural southern California and hundreds of square miles in the immediate vicinity of our property burned during the late summer fires. Especially with the east winds (in L.A. they?re called Santa Ana?s) blowing ash into our home daily I?m not too worried about my continuing problem. And I don?t know if these symptoms sound like the flu anyway.

So maybe next year, just to be certain and because I?m aging (60) I get one.

Mike, you need to go see the doctor

Stephanie Jackter - 11-30-2003 at 10:03 PM

You could easily have either a nasty case of bronchitis or a case of walking pneumonia. Don't mean to scare you, but better to get it checked out than wind up in the hospital or with permanently damaged lungs from trying to ignore the problem. - Stephanie

got mine, no side effects

daveB - 12-1-2003 at 03:08 AM

I too always scoffed at flu shots, had always turned them down when they were offered free of charge at work. But I changed my mind this year as there are a lot of people coming down with it, and I realize we have travel plans! but had to pay 20 dollars for one (that's 15.40 US) as retirement now has me firmly in its emancipating grasp! Some staff at the local hospital have been sent home without pay until they got one, or take the orally administered alternative that's fast-acting- but reputed to be pretty hard on a person. The vacine takes up to two weeks to become fully effective. Haven't heard yet of anybody near where I am who's had a shot and then later contracted it although when I got mine the nurse advised that some people feel an aftereffect within two or three days. I did not. Two strains of it have been identified here, last I heard. Hope its not too late for some you who are thinking of getting one, as this year's season came along much earlier than in most past years.

Skeet/Loreto - 12-1-2003 at 01:05 PM

Mike H. Please go and have your chest xrayed. Your symptons are the same as happened to me several years ago in Loreto. It turned into a bad case of Bronchitis and then into Asthma caused by Cement Dust. Bronchitis is easy to treat . Skeet/Loreto

bajalera - 12-1-2003 at 04:02 PM

Mike, put me on that list of people who suggest you see a doctor. I toughed out six weeks of what seemed to be just a miserable cold--assuming that not having a fever means you aren't really sick--and ended up spending 5 days in the Albuquerque VA hospital, with doctors telling me that walking pneumonia can kill ya. (I didn't know there was such a disease!)

This board needs your level head . . .
