
Percebu Landmark

MrBillM - 8-22-2006 at 02:12 PM

For those visitors in recent years who have wondered about the Tall Brick Column with the crumbling perimeter, here are a couple of pics taken back when the Seaside Bar was under construction in the late 80s. Note how much beach there was in front of what is now submerged at High Tide. At that time, one of the Old Round houses that fell into the ocean was still there in the background.

Distance Shot

MrBillM - 8-22-2006 at 02:13 PM

Beach area around bar.

June 94

MrBillM - 8-22-2006 at 02:25 PM

The Water was already reaching into the Bar Perimeter. Note the disappearing beach to the South. When we launched our Capri, We used to leave our vehicle parked out on the sandbar created at High Tide. Hurricane Nora finished the job on the beach. Where we used to camp on the beach in 81-82 is now 30-50 feet out in the water.

Cypress - 8-22-2006 at 03:28 PM

Looks like the water is rising!

HotSchott - 8-22-2006 at 06:20 PM

That round house in the background belonged to my friend Mike Essary and his family. That was our first destination south of San Felipe in 1985. Mike's family is good friends with Jim and Emma - the couple that own the house with the crashed airplane on the road into Percebu. You must know them right Bill? We had some great times in that house and in town during those visits. That was Percebu before all the big houses got built and I think only a couple of year-round residents were there. It was pure insanity during Memorial and Labor Day weekends on that beach. I can't believe it was over 20 years ago!.

No Mas Avion

MrBillM - 8-22-2006 at 08:09 PM

I was told that Jim was up in the VA in San Diego and unlikely to come out. Emma had been staying up there until there was a resolution. As part of the cleanup and renovation of the camping area and entrance road, the Crashed plane was bulldozed and hauled to the dump. End of an era. Everybody remembered that plane. It's the first thing I ever took a picture of in Percebu when I came down from San Felipe to check the place out.

Sometime back around 83-84 I was sailing at the back of the lagoon on a high tide and a Honda 90 ATC floated by. I got out to retrieve it, pulled it ashore and checked the oil to see if there was any water in it. Finding none, I cranked on it until it started, then rode it back home, Linda sailing the boat back. I left it parked out front. Awhile later Jim came up to tell me it was his and that he loaned to a visitor who rode out to the point on Shell Beach to fish, leaving it below the high tide line. Although we'd been introduced before, that was the first time we really talked.

Those were the days. As you say, before the first of the BIG houses was ever built. It was insanity on the holidays, though.

David K - 8-22-2006 at 10:27 PM

Well, in 1978 (when I took this) that plane was the most interesting thing to photograph in Percebu! I liked the bra strap hanging from the rear stabilizer and the bones on the ground holding a tequila bottle!

David K - 8-25-2006 at 10:18 AM

Bill, do you have any photos of the plane?


MrBillM - 8-25-2006 at 11:43 AM

I've taken a number of pictures over the years. Looking through the old albums, this is the first one I took of the plane back in Oct 81.

kingpin - 8-25-2006 at 11:54 AM

Neat stuff!!!!!!!!!!!


MrBillM - 8-25-2006 at 12:20 PM

This is the same place now. No plane.

kingpin - 8-25-2006 at 12:22 PM

whats the temp outside today?

Temp ?

MrBillM - 8-25-2006 at 12:32 PM

Well, right now I'm up in El Norte recovering from a surgical procedure and waiting for another next week. Here it's a cool 90 degrees, but according to, down there it was 91 degrees at 7 a.m. with a heat index of 98. Sounds about right. When we came North, it had started heating up again five days earlier.

kingpin - 8-25-2006 at 12:37 PM

I all sounds painful to me. It hardly ever gets over 80 at my house. or under 60 for that matter.

viabaja - 8-25-2006 at 01:16 PM


I hate to say it, but I will! Those were truly the "good ole days" both in Percebu & Santa Maria for all the above stated reasons! Things have not gotten better and I wish we could turn back the clock!

kingpin - 8-25-2006 at 01:55 PM

Originally posted by viabaja

I hate to say it, but I will! Those were truly the "good ole days" both in Percebu & Santa Maria for all the above stated reasons! Things have not gotten better and I wish we could turn back the clock!

Isn't that what this thread is all about?

Saludos. You are two of the lucky ones.