
Made it safe!

Bajame - 9-19-2006 at 11:11 AM

My trip down down was good with only one scary happing and that was outsde of Catavina when someone was faking car trouble. He tried to get me to stop and I just went on then he drove up on the drivers side waving his hands. He then drove ahead of me and park on the side of the road. A little later he past me again and waved good by.
I went to see Mulege and thats the first time I have seen a disaster of that magnatude. :no: People were having thier cars towed to see if they good be saved. Some homes were just wiped out. Some just took what they could and left for good. My place is not near the river here in San Ignaico. Itīs quite big and very comfortable. Thanks so much for this board so many depend on it in the times of trouble.

QuePasaBaja - 9-19-2006 at 11:16 AM

Good to hear that it was a safe trip.

When something like that happens to you in the car, try and grab a license plate number, and a vehicle description, so that we can all keep our eyes open. I sure like to know about those things.

also please e-mail me the story, location etc, and I will post it on my site.