
Whales Inn closing at Loreto/Nopolo

Phil S - 9-26-2006 at 08:08 PM

Earlier on another post, someone said they thought Whales Inn was closed. Well, after an email yesturday, I can confirm that. My friend in Nopolo heard they were giving away fixtures & furniture to needy organizations. My friend was able to get some things including a ping pong table for the Internado School in Loreto. So I 'm taking down new ping pong balls for the kids next month. Hope they don't ask at inspection "why you have so many balls"?????????????????
So there you have it. Whales Inn is closed, and destruction of once a magnificant Resort passes into 'rockin chair' memories. The new owners will be flattening it down, then rebuilding condo's in it's place. Where I saw a nice place to walk to in the evening stroll for a drink & some nachos, someone else saw a beautiful beach & had a vision of condo's. So guess what. We will now have condo's. So our only choice will be Inn at Loreto Bay. Hmmmmmmm!!!!!!!

[Edited on 9-27-2006 by Phil S]

jerry - 9-26-2006 at 08:42 PM

hea phill i met the guy who bought it or at least said he bougth it last feb and it sounds like who ever did is following his plan of giving the stuff to the needy he said that the structures that exist wouldnt fit in the new plans soo pof its gone
i have some great momeries as well as some painfull ones
when i sliped by the hot tub and broke 3 ribs ouch
have a good one jerry

Phil C - 9-26-2006 at 08:47 PM

It just dosen't seem like this is going in the right direction. That place, the old Presidente, is grown in, with prety nice landscaping, a good pool setup and all around a comfortable place. The new Inn at Loreto Bay, (Camino Real) is bleak and stark, with a much inferior design and less desirable local. Go get em Grogan.........

Phil S - 9-27-2006 at 10:38 PM

Jerry. I know how you fell at the spa. Was probably a few too many drinks, & one of the 'ladies' threw her bathing suit bra up on the cactus, & you were just arriving, & didn't see that chair in front of you, & boing!!! Down you went. Huh, huh, huh""""???????????
Phil C. Your right about Inn of L.B. It does need something for sure when compared with the Whales Inn.

jerry - 9-27-2006 at 11:01 PM

could have been ?? were you in the bushes?? peeper??

kellychapman - 9-29-2006 at 10:14 AM

How sad it is to have Condo's in the place of what was once a great hotel. I first came to Loreto 10 years ago and stayed there...can't remember the name it was that time they had a nude beach and I remember seeing a guy who's bum was so bright red he could have been a stop sign...still wonder how long it took before he could sit
we danced the night away in the underground disco....played tennis...and thus began my destiny to live out my life in Loreto.....;D It has always made me wonder why it lost it's vitality as there were shows everynight and the place was bursting with people.....and an incrediable staff....
I am very sad to see it torn down and a faux "cabo" taking place...but that is life I guess.....Being from las vegas, (20 years ago) I have seen many a beautiful hotels torn down and replaced....still do not get why this has to happen.... a sad day indeed....

Don Alley - 9-29-2006 at 11:53 AM

Pretty simple why the Whale's Inn is closing: Money. Either it didn't make any, or someone with a business plan that says condos will make more bought it out.

The hotel has had some lean years. It was closed for a while.

I suspect one problem large hotels in Loreto will face is trying to remain profitable in the "shoulder seasons." That's been a traditional problem for the tourist business here in Montana. Did the Nopolo hotels thrive (make money) in July, August and September? Three really dead months can't be good for a hotel.

I wonder how successful the hotel planned south of Loreto (at San Bruno) can be in the winter. Just motoring by that valley in a boat is often COLD.

Some of the local folks in Loreto are disapointed to lose the Whale's Inn, especially on top of some mixed feelings on the Loreto Bay plan vs the oroginal Big Hotels plan. They believe hotels offer more job opportunities than part-time visitor housing.

jerry - 9-29-2006 at 01:09 PM

i was told that Eden closed because someone was running off with the money?? likely story

Cypress - 9-29-2006 at 01:28 PM

Jerry! Don't want to sneeze or cough with busted ribs, hurts!:spingrin:

jimgrms - 9-29-2006 at 02:04 PM

That is what is called progress and it sometimes sucks



tehag - 9-29-2006 at 05:16 PM

Isn't San Bruno north of Loreto?

jerry - 9-29-2006 at 05:35 PM

cypress it hurts like hell that was the third time i had broken ribs and id much rather break my leg again that break a rib i used tequala and ibupropin for medesinal purpuses till it ate holes in my belly (about a week)
then to 3 hospetals in loreto in 3 days told them i needed some drugs and finally a little old lady in a pharmacya took me to dr Green and i got some simple darvon i slept fot 2 days and my ribs still hurt once in a while
Gotta Be Worse Then Having A Baby?? oh oh im sure ill get hell for that??:bounce::bounce::bounce:

Don Alley - 9-29-2006 at 08:49 PM

Originally posted by tehag
Isn't San Bruno north of Loreto?

Oops. Yes. Senior moment, brain fart, whatever.

Skeet/Loreto - 9-30-2006 at 02:43 AM

As I watched the New El Presidente being built,by the Labor of many Small People brought over from the Mainland,I wondered "Will they ever Fill it Up??
At the Entrance on Hwy:"1 there was a Large Sign proclaiming;"The Home of John McEnroe"!!At the Grand Opening, Joh McEnroe did not Show, However we we entertained by the great "Vikie Carr"!!!. She Sang and Sang to a full Crowd perched on the Tennis Court Bleachers. The Golf coruse had the # 1 Tee completed{It took 10 years to start the rest of the Course}.

A couple of months later, the only time the Hotel was full, George Bush Sr. visited during a Ford Motor Co. of Mexico showing of New Vehicles.

Many Friday Nite Dances and Buffets were attented with special Food being flown in by Air.all served by about 200 Employees.
Many of the people brought over from the Mainland stayed, bought small Shacks and Cinder Block Homes,rasied families, their Children and GrandChildren now residents of Loreto.

Those were the Days!!!
