
We're Coming To Baja, Ha Ha !

Diver - 9-28-2006 at 09:22 PM

Yes, yes, yes !!

I just sat the wife down, chose our departure and return dates and made reservations for the kids !

I feel soooo much better now that the plans and dates are firm. We will cross at Tecate on January 8 for almost two months of bliss ! Shari's place, Abreojos, San Ignacio, Mulege, Bahia Conception, Loreto, La Paz, La Ventana and Todos Santos look out; here we come !!

Now I can really start planning ahead.
OHBOY !!! :spingrin::tumble::biggrin::yes::tumble::spingrin::biggrin::lol::lol::lol:

Anyone else firm up their plans yet ??
We'd love to hook up with some of you characters.

bajalou - 9-28-2006 at 09:35 PM

If you come thru San Felipe, I'll be there.

jerry - 9-28-2006 at 09:43 PM

we should get in loreto about the same time as you leave for baja and will be there till about feb 15-20 so stop by have a cold one or at least stop by augys bait shop lol
on the malicon
now pack up everything you wont need and bring it with you lol
just need cut offs, teashirt, sandels. debit card and you will recieve a smile that will last a lifetime

Goin' to Mulege?

Sharksbaja - 9-28-2006 at 10:20 PM

Don't forget the shovel!:lol:

Diver - 9-28-2006 at 10:26 PM

I'll check-in before we leave to see what may still be needed.
I do own shovels but they are only for lending out !! :lol::lol::lol: