
Leaving for BOLA tomorrow

Halboo - 10-23-2006 at 08:11 AM

Wifey, Dogs and I are heading down to BOLA en la manana.
The Plan is to drive to Rancho Santa Inez tomorrow and on to the bay Wed. AM.
The truck is packed and I'm ready to go but....
I have not driven across the border in about 10 years! Any last minute advice ? What's the charge for the tourist card these days? How's the signage for the cuota road?
We don't have a chance to get away very often so we're pretty excited.:spingrin:


Fatboy - 10-23-2006 at 08:23 AM

Have fun. Border crossing should be a piece of cake. Someone that crosses more than once every two or so years can give you better info about the rest. Are you crossing at TJ or...?

bancoduo - 10-23-2006 at 08:27 AM

If you live north of San Diego county, try to get to the border by 6am to avoid the SD morning freeway circus.:no::wow:

Halboo - 10-23-2006 at 08:43 AM

We're in San Clemente; I plan on us buggin' outa here by 5am.

Hook - 10-23-2006 at 08:47 AM

Originally posted by bancoduo
If you live north of San Diego county, try to get to the border by 6am to avoid the SD morning freeway circus.:no::wow:

And if you get to the border by 6am, I'd drive all the way to BOLA, unless you want to stop at Santa Ines. You should make it with plenty of light.

After you cross the border, you want to be in the lane second from the right. The far right ends up going under the overpass to the cuota/toll road. After the far right lane has disappeared, you will be faced with merging traffic coming in on the right. Begin signaling as soon as they are next to you so these people know you want to trade lanes with them. This merging lane ends up being the lane that accesses the toll road in another 50 yards so dont dilly dally getting over.

If there isnt much traffic, this whole situation is alot easier than it sounds.............

Cypress - 10-23-2006 at 09:43 AM

Have a great trip Halboo! Hope you'll be able to post "trip report" when you get back.:bounce:

Halboo - 10-23-2006 at 10:05 AM


unless you want to stop at Santa Ines.

I want to stop so wifey can get the full impact of the view of the Bay in the morning.;)


Von - 10-23-2006 at 02:50 PM

Can I get ride To BOLA:tumble::tumble::tumble: