
Here we go!!

Anonymous - 12-19-2003 at 11:42 AM

Six months of planning later, and here we go! Vegas to Cabo (and back)!! I just want to thank all of you who helped us out in planning this trip. We leave in less than an hour and will be arriving in La Paz on X-mas eve if everything goes smooth. San Felipe-Gonzaga-BOLA-San Fquito-then down the one...I really hope I get to meet some of you down there...and maybe even make it to C. Gecko for new year's if the time allows it...Look for three fellows on dual sports and don't be shy and say Hi. Thanks again. Oscar.

Packoderm - 12-19-2003 at 11:54 AM

Have fun you lucky dogs.

Photos Please

Big Al - 12-19-2003 at 11:56 AM

Have fun, that trip is not one that I have ever done so let us know how it went when you get back.

Big Al

Bahia San Rafael

Bajaboy - 12-19-2003 at 01:04 PM

On your way to P San Fran, stop at Playa San Rafael and say hello to Pancho. He is quickly becoming an amigo favorite. Great guy. I'll be there tomorrow night if all goes well. Then it's off to Agua Verde, a night on the East Cape, and New Years in Cabo.

Have a fantastic trip. Zac

These guys are gonna have a blast!

Bob H - 12-19-2003 at 02:45 PM

I sure do hope we get that trip report and some photos when they return.

Anonymous - 12-19-2003 at 09:14 PM

If you see a big old guy (red jacket, white helmet) on a KLR650 with a huge gas tank who is riding solo that will be me. I'll be leaving Ca on 12/26 and will be riding around my favorite haunts for two weeks. Gonzaga, Bahia de Los Angeles, Francisquito, San Juanico and Mulege. Maybe on down to La Paz and Buena Vista depending on time and weather. KurtG