
Puerto Escondido pier closed

Don Alley - 10-29-2006 at 10:23 PM

The big pier at Puerto Escondido has been gated and closed by API, the government authority that recently took charge of the port and of the Loreto marina. The public may no longer walk on the pier to observe the fish, or for fishing. I believe the closure is consistent with post 9/11 international rules securing shipping. A small cruise ship does stop there on occassion. Pretty goofy to close the pier, IMO.

A similar gate has been in place at the docks at the Loreto marina for some time, but so far the gates have remained open and unlocked.

The Fonatur related agency, Singlar, which is responsible for the revived Escalara Nautica project, has been busy at Puerto Escondido as well. They have two new semi trucks there...perhaps to haul boats across the peninsula from Santa Rosalallita to BOLA. Singlar's offices are at Puerto Escondido. Looks like there is a new lift to remove boats from the water near the Pemex there as well.


Skipjack Joe - 10-29-2006 at 10:42 PM

That's too bad, Don. I don't believe I've ever passed Pt. Escondido without stopping and walking out to the end of that pier to marvel at the beauty of it all. It was something we looked forward to with each journey.

Hook - 10-30-2006 at 03:38 PM

I doubt those trucks are for ferrying to Santa Rosalillita. Did you see the trip report about the harbor over there. One of the replies had a little video report from a surfer web site. The whole thing is now completely sanded in.

The surfers do enjoy being able to walk out to the harbor entrance in 1 foot of water and beging paddling there, though. :lol:

Don Alley - 10-30-2006 at 05:55 PM

Originally posted by Hook
I doubt those trucks are for ferrying to Santa Rosalillita. Did you see the trip report about the harbor over there. One of the replies had a little video report from a surfer web site. The whole thing is now completely sanded in.

The surfers do enjoy being able to walk out to the harbor entrance in 1 foot of water and beging paddling there, though. :lol:

Wouldn't surprise me if they were for hauling boats; after all, the harbor at SR is SUPPOSED to work. If not, maybe no one told the guy in charge of buying the trucks.

The pier is closed to accomodate winter visits by the 102 passenger Spirit of Endeavor and three trips a year by the 22 passenger Safari Quest yacht. The visits start in December, but the gate's shut now.