
Active volcano in area of Asuncion

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rts551 - 12-2-2006 at 07:54 AM

Just got back from 6 weeks of Abreojos. We only felt 1 of these quakes and it was real mild. So far they seem to be isolated to the Asuncion area.

Bajagypsy - 12-2-2006 at 08:32 AM

Anyone here from shari or her daughter? worried that there have been no posts lately.

Mexitron - 12-2-2006 at 11:46 AM

I'm wondering how common it is to have earthquakes so close to the surface that they are only felt in such a local vicinity...seems like magma banging around makes more sense but I'm no geologist.

Stickers - 12-2-2006 at 01:41 PM

Originally posted by Mexitron
I'm wondering how common it is to have earthquakes so close to the surface that they are only felt in such a local vicinity...seems like magma banging around makes more sense but I'm no geologist.

I absolutely agree with you Mexi, something is shaking that area only, and since the town sits on bedrock it cant be that far underground. I know that Hollister California is considered the earthquake capitol since they have more quakes there than anywhere but nothing like what is going on in Asuncion.
Since there is no recent history of this activity in the area it could all settle down again for a couple thousand years.

Taco de Baja - 12-3-2006 at 11:32 AM

Originally posted by Mexitron
I'm wondering how common it is to have earthquakes so close to the surface that they are only felt in such a local vicinity...seems like magma banging around makes more sense but I'm no geologist.

All depends on the local bedrock, and how well it will transfer shaking. Think of banging on a wooden table with something like a coin balanced on its side. it'll take a medium to big pounding to get it to fall over. Now do the same thing with a table made out of jello...not much effort needed. Now do the same thing with a stone you really have to be close to get the coin to fall over.

By the way, Los Angeles fits into the Jello model.....

Based on where the quakes are centered (off-shore) I am more inclined to think it's movement along an off-shore fault than magma moving around below Asunción.

[Edited on 12-3-2006 by Taco de Baja]

Mexitron - 12-3-2006 at 12:17 PM

I hear what you're saying Taco but even if the bedrock is uber stable a 6.0 earthquake is gonna hit farther away, no? Are earthquakes that close to the surface very common? That and the swarming behavior of the quakes and the "venting" that Shari saw is kind of suspicious. Did you read about the venting that people saw in nearby Bahia Cristobal years ago? Still, I know the probability of a magma event is quite low but interesting to speculate.

kellychapman - 12-3-2006 at 08:57 PM

Originally posted by shari
thanks, I'm back in the house now as it hadn't rumbled for a half hour...ohhhhh no not again...just when I thought it was calming down. A fellow on a sailboat said it was better when there are lots of little ones to avoid the big one....I don't know what the heck to believe. That will be the 13th one in the last hour and a bit. People have now reported lots of things falling off walls and cracking houses. Pretty darn exciting but I hope it doesn't get anymore exciting. I'm gonna make myself a margerita to calm my nerves.

kellychapman - 12-3-2006 at 09:02 PM

A MARGARITA......listen to me closely......just go get a big bottle of Don Julio and put it in a plastic container with some ice and don't forge to squeeze a few limon's in it.....keep it close to you at all times and if all else fails you too can shake rattle and roll in your current enviornment...or sober up and get the hell out of that area........god bless everyone and everything around and may you be safe.

kellychapman - 12-3-2006 at 09:03 PM

oops....and 3 shots of damiana......thats the ticket....yummmmmmmmm......

Capt. George - 12-4-2006 at 02:01 PM

Shari and familia probably at San Roque with no net access..

I certainly hope so! gp

Capt. George - 12-4-2006 at 02:03 PM

hey Ralph e me at home....

gonna keep Alaska and Abreojos...

dump Florida, enough of the lower 48...needed a while here to realize we don't want to be here.


Bob H - 12-4-2006 at 06:00 PM

Originally posted by kellychapman
oops....and 3 shots of damiana......thats the ticket....yummmmmmmmm......

Ohhhh YES! That IS the ticket.... Damiana served cold!

kellychapman - 12-5-2006 at 10:57 PM

put the Damiana inside the container with Don Julio and a few limon squeezes and ice......that's the kind of medicine you would need to handle the situation.......I say plastic in case you should drop it.......a survival drink, because the first thing it effects is your judjement and if your in deep trouble maybe it will not seem so scary....and one will know if your driving drunk as it would seem normal.....most of all I hope you all know I am only trying to make light of a potential serious situation and certainly would not expect to be drunk if an emergency safe and take care of yourself......then of course get drunk!!!!:bounce:
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