
Places to stay in Guerrero Negro...

CortezExplorers - 11-26-2006 at 07:23 PM

Hi there guys.

My father, Mick, is looking at head back to the states for a whirl-wind visit next weekend. He is leaving late on Saturday and will only be able to make it to GN before dark. Not ever staying in the area myself, do you have any recommendations as to places to lay ones hat for the evening?


Diver - 11-26-2006 at 07:32 PM

Probably the nicest is Malarrimo, EL Morro and Posado Vincente are also pretty good. (excuse the spellings)
The restaurant at Malarrimo is usually pretty good as well.

TecateRay - 11-26-2006 at 07:35 PM

Just stayed at the Malarimo last week. Good accomodations and food.

Capt. George - 11-27-2006 at 07:42 AM

Caldo de Marisco!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the best I've ever had george

losfrailes - 11-27-2006 at 07:53 AM

La Posada de Don Vicente. On the right hand side of the road going into GN. Completely secure compound with all night security. Best price in town.

Bob and Susan - 11-27-2006 at 08:03 AM

La Posada de Don Vicente is the place if you're only going to sleep...

First hotel as you drive into town

ALL the local business people that drive Mex1 stay there

Great prices!!! Clean enough...
Boat and trailer friendly