
Cuautinchan, Puebla

academicanarchist - 1-17-2007 at 03:36 PM

I took this shot of the 16th century church of Cuautinchan, Puebla, on January 1, the day of the town fiesta. Enjoy.

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Minnow - 1-17-2007 at 03:38 PM

I have been all over baja and have never seen that place. Where is Puebla, and why are you posting this on a baja website. I just got back from two weeks on the mainland, and have a thousand pictures, they are not relevant here though.:fire:

I don't understand???

DianaT - 1-17-2007 at 03:56 PM

Originally posted by Minnow
I have been all over baja and have never seen that place. Where is Puebla, and why are you posting this on a baja website. I just got back from two weeks on the mainland, and have a thousand pictures, they are not relevant here though.:fire:

Why does this bother you? A number of people, including me, have posted pictures of not only other parts of Mexico, but of other areas as well. It seems several people enjoy some of these pictures, and if they don't they don't look at them.

Just my opinion, but I think it is a very good picture and I enjoyed seeing it. Probably would enjoy seeing some of yours also.:yes:

Do you think there should be a ban of all photos that are not Baja????


No no no Diane

Sharksbaja - 1-17-2007 at 04:14 PM

Minnows' point being, that if we all posted non-Baja specific photos, of which I also have thousands, then the forum would run amuck.:lol: Remember, Los Angeles used to be part of Mexico. jeje
If the Anarchist just tied it in by titling his post:
"A BajaNomads' old church quest photos" then technically it would fit the criteria.:biggrin:

I don't like posting the same photos over and over either, even if the Newbies have never seen them. Sure they would appreciate that, but it bugs some folks to see reduntant pix, self included.;D
Unless you live in Baja and take photos regularily it doesn't take long to use em up. So I guess what's fair for one should be fair for all.
Remember, THERE ARE NO FAVORITES HERE!:rolleyes:
Confession: I try to sneak one in now n' then!

Minnow, hint:
Shoot and post more sunset and sea photos. (no one will have any idea you shot it in Tahiti!:lol::lol:)

Minnow - 1-17-2007 at 04:27 PM

Exactamente sharks. I was forced to become vary familiar with the terms of use we all agreed on before being able to post here. One of them says all none baja specific posts are supposed to be in off topic. This one is posted in baja historic. What gives?

Sharks, I have one from the windward side of Maui that you would swear was from punta banda.:lol:

[Edited on 17-1-2007 by Minnow]

[Edited on 17-1-2007 by Minnow]

Paula - 1-17-2007 at 04:29 PM

I always enjoy academicanarchist's photos. If it would please the minnow, perhaps he could title the threads A Baja Nomad's trip to Puebla, or maybe Puebla as seen by a Baja Nomad, as Sharks suggests.
Whatever it takes, I do hope he continues to share his very interesting photos and stories here.

Sharksbaja - 1-17-2007 at 04:30 PM

:light:Idea. A topic area for non-Baja specific posts.

Minnow - 1-17-2007 at 04:30 PM

Paula, read your contract. I am not passing judgement.

Paula - 1-17-2007 at 04:44 PM

Minnow, I know you are technically right. I just don't see the point in raising the issue when the board is not flooded with material not related to Baja. Many of us on this board are interested in missions and old churches and other historical sites. Those on the mainland are conected to sites in Baja by being in Mexico. The entire country shares a common history.
Do you agree with Sharks' idea of a non-Baja category?

DianaT - 1-17-2007 at 05:11 PM

Originally posted by Paula
Minnow, I know you are technically right. I just don't see the point in raising the issue when the board is not flooded with material not related to Baja. Many of us on this board are interested in missions and old churches and other historical sites. Those on the mainland are conected to sites in Baja by being in Mexico. The entire country shares a common history.
Do you agree with Sharks' idea of a non-Baja category?

I think maybe Sharks' idea is a good one. I would sure hate to see things that are posted in the Picture Gallery go away.

I responded to this because I was really surprised. When other pictures of Mexico, or other places, are posted in the Picture Gallery, I have not seen anyone complain.

But maybe Shark's idea is workable, because otherwise, if there is to be consistency, maybe Minnow is correct---but it just seems wrong to blast one person only.

Still think it is a great photo. :yes:

Happy Travels

Afterthought---I would hate to see these things moved to the Off Topic forum because that is one place I think many of us avoid.

[Edited on 1-18-2007 by jdtrotter]

DENNIS - 1-17-2007 at 05:11 PM

Hey Minnow ---

Lighten up, pal. It's all Mexico, Baja or otherwise. ACA's foto was what we are all here for, to learn about Mexico. A good foto at that. Thanks ACA.
Why would this bother you, Minnow? You live in Las Vegas where your whole world is designed around other places. Egypt, New York, Rome. Perhaps the BAJA WORLD CASINO and RESTROOM is next.
Give your Nomad amigo a break and quit referring to rules and regulations and, say thanks for the effort .

DianaT - 1-17-2007 at 05:15 PM

opps---double post and it is not in Baja.:lol::lol:


[Edited on 1-18-2007 by jdtrotter]

Minnow - 1-17-2007 at 05:29 PM

1. Topics within the forums will pertain the Baja California, Mexico peninsula.

Bruce R Leech - 1-17-2007 at 05:30 PM

Originally posted by Sharksbaja
:light:Idea. A topic area for non-Baja specific posts.

it is there it is called Off topic:lol:

Minnow - 1-17-2007 at 05:47 PM

fI took this one, and I love baja. Does it qualify?

[Edited on 18-1-2007 by Minnow]

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Minnow - 1-17-2007 at 05:56 PM

Check out this one. It's in Villa Hidalgo, Sonora MX. Jan 1 2007:lol:

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Sharksbaja - 1-17-2007 at 06:01 PM

Ay carumba!:lol:

Paula - 1-17-2007 at 06:03 PM

It is a very nice picture Minnow. Maybe you could give tell us about it... where it is (it looks familiar but I can't place it), when you took it, how you felt about it, etc.

Give us the story!

Edit: you posted another while I was typing! Were you there on Jan 1 2007?

Do tell us about your trip!

[Edited on 1-18-2007 by Paula]

Minnow - 1-17-2007 at 06:06 PM

Which one? The one in Germany or the one in Mexico?

Oso - 1-17-2007 at 06:06 PM

This has come up many times before. Off-topic is TOO non-Mexico specific. I vote for the addition of one more forum entitled "Mainland Mexico".

Minnow - 1-17-2007 at 06:09 PM

Oso,IMHO the time has come. Do you know where Villa Hidalgo is? It is on the rio yaqui. I know your wife is from Sonora also.

Paula - 1-17-2007 at 06:11 PM

Germany also has historical ties to Mexico. I'd like to hear about both trips.

Oso, this is a thought, although I really prefer things as they are now. I do hope the mainland category wouldn't be a isolated as Off-topic, as it is bound to be more pleasant and worthy of inclusion:lol::lol:

Minnow - 1-17-2007 at 06:15 PM

Rio yaqui, and Minnow.:lol:

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DENNIS - 1-17-2007 at 06:21 PM

What's your point, Minnow?
Do all the discussions about weather in all parts of the world need to be deleted because they arn't "BAJA"? Or, all the references to Home Depot in San Diego?
How about the mention's of politics in Mexico City and Washington?
Do these things not qualify for discussion?

Are digital cameras , "Baja"?
How about gas refrigerators or durable tires?

It's all mentioned here and it's all Baja.
You are Baja, even though you dont live here. Why would you attack a fellow Nomad for posting a beautiful foto, regardless of the content?
What kind of arrogance is that?


k1w1 - 1-17-2007 at 06:39 PM

hows about a section for Morro Bay?:lol:

Minnow - 1-17-2007 at 07:37 PM

Originally posted by DENNIS
Why would you attack a fellow Nomad for posting a beautiful foto, regardless of the content?
What kind of arrogance is that?


When I go on the attack you will know it.

My point is, where does it stop? This is supposed to be a baja website. I guess the owner, and moderator will be the final decision makers, but don't shoot the messenger. IMHO, the anarchists photo is not that great anyway.:lol:

David K - 1-17-2007 at 09:22 PM

Minnow... remember your deal to have fun here again...? No attacking Nomads. Play nice... Let the moderators do their job, and don't worry about others breaking the rules.

'academicanachist' is a published historian, has a PhD, etc. I am sure he knows that those churches are not in Baja...

Nomads requested he share his voyages outside of Baja to us... Let the moderators decide if it belongs here... There surely isn't another forum for this Nomad to post as Off Topic is a disaster for people who use politics for personal warfare... last time I looked (2 years ago!).

David K - 1-17-2007 at 09:39 PM

Just so you guys don't think I am biased because academicanachist is a friend of mine:

To AA, how about tying them in to Baja to make them legit? Like that was a Jesuit church that Salvatierra or Urgate was at before going to Baja... Or, Junipero Serra studied or rested here when he walked across Mexico before crossing to Loreto in 1769...?

[Edited on 1-18-2007 by David K]

Paula - 1-17-2007 at 09:46 PM

AA's posts are wonderful. We are lucky to see them. Let's not make him play games to be "legitimate".

Minnow - 1-18-2007 at 03:42 AM

Originally posted by David K
Nomads requested he share his voyages outside of Baja to us... Let the moderators decide if it belongs here.

From what I know you asked for specific permission to post reports from AA's south america trip.

I guess that gives him a lifetime pass to post whatever:lol:

Lookup the definition of Anarchist. Certainly rule 1. is no more important than any other to someone who would call himself that.:lol::lol:

FYI, I am having fun. Some of my fellow posters don't seem to be though.:saint:

[Edited on 18-1-2007 by Minnow]

[Edited on 18-1-2007 by Minnow]

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DENNIS - 1-18-2007 at 07:54 AM

Minnow ---
Can you make that image a bit larger so us old folks can see it?

Sorry I growled at you back there. I was having a bad day.

Minnow - 1-18-2007 at 09:41 AM

No worries! The picture is of one of the Rocks that sits off punta banda on a particularly rough day. I will try again.

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Oso - 1-18-2007 at 06:33 PM

Hola Me-no,
Y saludos a tu media naranja.
Actually, although our wives may be paisanas in the larger context, mine is from Hidalgo the State, not the town and a fur piece from Sonora. Her hometown is Ixmiquilpan, center of the Otomi people and site of one of the oldest churches on the continent, pictures of which posted by AA awhile back. Glad you agree, a "Mainland" forum would not be that disruptive. Most here would still be primarily focused on Baja, but many like to also discuss San Carlos, Copper Canyon etc. It's up to Doug.

David K - 1-18-2007 at 08:30 PM

'Mainland Mexico' forum here would be a great idea!

Historic churches

academicanarchist - 1-25-2007 at 01:45 AM

This part of the forum deals with historic sites and related stuff. I have been posting shots of historic churches from central Mexico, particularly 16th century churches, because they were the historic precursors to the Baja California missions. There is a direct connection between the 16th century fortress convents and missionary methods developed in central Mexico, and the frontier missions in Baja California, Sonora, Paraguay, and elsewhere. It all relates to the discussion of the origins and development of Spanish missions.

Jesuit Church in Macao

academicanarchist - 1-25-2007 at 01:47 AM

PS. The shot Minnow posted of the Jesuit church ruin in Macao is more germane then he perhaps realizes.

Portuguese Jesuits

academicanarchist - 1-26-2007 at 06:06 AM

I am in Mexico this weekend, but wanted to add comments to my earlier posts. The Jesuit church in Macao was part of a larger parallel Jesuit enterprise in India, China, and Japan under Portuguese sponsorship. The most important Jesuit saint, Saint Francis Xavier, was an early participant in this venutre, and is buried in Goa, India, which was the headquarters of the Portuguese Estado do India. San Francisco Javier mission in Baja California was named for him, and there are many similarly named Jesuit missions in Spanish America. A group of Jesuits were martyred in Japan in the early 17th century during an anti-Christian purge. One of the Paraguay missions was named Los Santos Martires de Japon. The Society of Jesus was an international order, and to understand the group of Baja California missions it is useful to view the larger history.