
Twilight Zone

bufeo - 1-13-2004 at 09:42 PM

Wow! This is weird. I read a post from the "Anon" posting from the religious side and a great reply fron Bajabus and while I'm composing a grammatically correct Latin rejoinder the whole post disappears. Now, that's a quick dump. I don't know what's going on here at Nomads. I don't come here often. Too busy going down to Baja and back, but this has to be the weirdest so-called "Baja Interest" board around.

Anyway, Bajabus, if you read this posting quickly...Quod nesciunt eos non interficiet. it may not disappear before you get through it...and Non modo sibilo "Terram disonis!", meanwhile, think I'll go back down to Pta Bufeo. It's closer to sanity.

The same thing happened to me as I was trying to chime in.

Stephanie Jackter - 1-13-2004 at 09:48 PM

Obviously anon has been 86d until he can come up with a screen name. He tried to post on the Baja Question and Answer board to get around his banishment, but someone caught him. Too bad. Those responses were precious, weren't they! - Stephanie

Bajabus - 1-13-2004 at 10:06 PM

I suspect that as the owner of the thread pious anon deep sixed it. It was just startin to get good too.

Bufeo you are a riot. I have no idea what u said and now you got me e-mailing my mom for a translation.

I think I said "non slamum portum on tu nalgum" to pious anon

I haven't been posting much either since I was in baja for the last month and am currently devoting much of my energy to making sure bush is not re-elected. I do love this board though.