
Update on the Tijuana Police Rape Case

jeans - 2-9-2004 at 06:42 PM

This story broke couple of months ago when a woman was raped by a Tijuana Policeman while her husband and young son were being extorted. After that, two more women came forth telling their story of being raped on the street by police who laughed at them. One woman, from Colorado, was quoted as saying "I don't know if I'm strong enough to do this" (Come back and testify).

That haunted me. I wrote to the reporter offering to help this woman in any way I could when she comes to San Diego. The reporter forwarded my email to her and they contacted me. This woman "D", is coming back to ID these predators.

In the last six months, therapy and missed work has taken an emotional as well as a financial toll on her, a single mother. She works in R & D in a Colorado tech firm outside Denver.

I have offered to help raise some funds to help cover her expenses. This brave woman is coming back here in an effort to heal from this trauma, and in the process will be making Tijuana safer for ALL women. The good news is that she will not have to cross the border. The men will be brought to San Diego for her to ID. If this is a new policy (I hope so) predataory policemen will not feel so untouchable any more...they can & will be held accountable.

If anyone would like to help support her in this gut-wrenching task, please send me a U2U or email at:
jeans *at* Also, if anyone knows of any kind of victim's assistance organization here is San Diego, please pass that on to me as well.

We all owe this woman a debt of gratitude for coming back and facing these men. Hopefully, we will be just a little safer for it.

Thanks, everyone....

[Edited on 2-10-2004 by jeans]

Dave - 2-9-2004 at 07:04 PM

"The good news is that she will not have to cross the border. The men will be brought to San Diego for her to ID."

From a Mexican legal standpoint this opens up a HUGE can of worms. These guys would walk on appeal, if it even got that far.

jeans - 2-9-2004 at 07:18 PM

Originally posted by Dave
"The good news is that she will not have to cross the border. The men will be brought to San Diego for her to ID."

From a Mexican legal standpoint this opens up a HUGE can of worms. These guys would walk on appeal, if it even got that far.

Could you explain this please? What I've been told is that they have four guys that they believe were involved in the assault & robbery with the woman, husband & son. They want "D" to see if any of these four guys were the two invovled in her assault.

Do you feel the cross-border ID process is problematic? If such cooperation between law enforcement was encouraged, it would benefit all.

Brian Hadcock - 2-9-2004 at 07:57 PM

I don't know about the laws down in Mexico, but up here in Canada and suspect the USA that is not a fair line up. This would prejudice the prosecutions case, as only the accused where put forth for identification. This lady "D" would have to pick those she believes guilty from a line up of similar build and age men. I think this is what Dave was getting at. Kudos for her to return, but it would be a shame to lose this case on a technicality. Try to get her to dot the "I's" and cross the "T's". It will definately be a trying experience, but she should do all she can for herself and other to put these guys away. She must not at any time think it was her fault and that the healing will start once this is over and she can start to put it behind her. Unless she does everything she can to help have these men punished, her returning will be for not. Good luck to her and a high five for what you are doing to help. Keep us posted, as I want to celebrate once thay are behind bars.

Dave - 2-9-2004 at 08:12 PM

How would a Mexican court convene in the US? That's what would have to happen for ANY testimony to pass legal muster (even in Mexico believe it or not) and if the evidence were suspect, so would be the conviction.

If you think it would simply be a matter of her IDing these guys ask yourself this question. Would any US court accept similar evidence collected outside its jurisdiction? And if it did what would the outcome be on appeal?

Are these guys now in jail? Without a witness or formal complaint?

jeans - 2-9-2004 at 08:38 PM

Dave - Brian,

Good observations both. No, it is not my understanding that the proceedings are being held in SD, just that the guys are being brought to SD for her to look at. They are on trial for the other offense right now, but I see what you are saying.

This will be a learning experience to watch how this plays out. When I find out more, I'll let you know.

Victim's Assistance

Natalie Ann - 2-10-2004 at 08:31 AM

Jeans - Victim assistance local programs are generally called Victim Witness. They are funded on a community to community basis or on a county to county basis and offer financial aid as well as counseling to victims. Not certain how these programs are going to hold up what with the budget woes, but try contacting your local police or the county social service agency. The woman might also contact same in her home community. Be patient but persistant; often these programs have a good deal to offer if only you continue to ask - and don't be afraid to ask to speak to a supervisor if the first answer is "no". My favorite question is "what would we have to do to get more support through you?".

Good luck in helping this woman and bless her for following through on prosecution.

[Edited on 2-10-2004 by Natalie Ann]

Dave - 2-10-2004 at 09:58 AM

Jeans, having contact with this woman, please tell her that all her concerns for safety can be addressed through communications with her attorney and the DA and judge in Mexico. She really needs to come here to testify.