
Hot Baja Crimes News

Mike - 2-11-2004 at 06:47 PM

San DIego Police Department announces (with the Mexican Cinsulate General of San Diego) crime victims of Baja can now report their victimization in the US, at SDPD! Matters will be investigated in Mexico without victim returning to Mexico.

I'll try to find a press report...
Did anyone else see this?

Mike Overcast

Dave - 2-11-2004 at 07:06 PM

It was in today's SD Tribune however the part about not returning to Mexico was not.

Police in SD will investigate and collect evidence, which will be turned over to the Mexican authorities. It is unclear whether such evidence will be admissible in a Mexican court.

My guess is that it will take some form of international treaty to allow this inter-border cooperation to have legal standing.


Mike - 2-11-2004 at 07:15 PM

Hope the UT article, will be available to be posted.
