
Pickled Liver Recipe

BajaWard - 6-29-2007 at 03:44 PM

Higado Curtió - Sirvió como hors d'oeuvre a El Bronco Bistec Casa en Ensenada, B.C.
Pickled Liver - Served as an hors d'oeuvre at The Bronco Steak House in Ensenada.

1. hervir trozos de higado
1. boil cubed liver, I used 2 kilos (4.4 lbs), next time I'll do more, smells up the house but so good! I covered the liver with water and boiled about 15 minutes.

2. cuando este cociendose, agregar poco vinagre, sal y hojas de laurel
2. When it starts to boil, add vinegar, salt and 3 bay leaves, I used 1 pint of vinegar, could have used more, about a quarter cup of salt, could use more

3. tirar el agua del higado
3. Drain the water from the liver

4. mezclar el higado con aceite de oliva y chiles jalapena rebanada y consume de pollo
4. mix the liver with olive oil and sliced jalapeno peppers and a little chicken consume, I used 6 jalapenos and 2 bouillon cube dissolved in a cup of boiling water

5. agregue zanahoria rebanada, cebolla y apio (cilantro opcional)
5. Add sliced carrots, onion and celery (cilantro couldn't hurt), I used 3 carrots, 2 onions, 3 stalks of celery and a bunch of celantro.

6. mezclar todo junto y dejar reposar 10 minutos, en vasija de barro
6. mix everything together and allow to rest 10 minutes, store in crock

Sirva con chiles serranos spsados
Serve with roasted chile Serranos, a cerveza and a shot of Don Julio will make it even better

Saltee Serrano en aceite de oliva con rebanadas de cebolla y curso aplastó pimienta (ajo opcional )
Saute Serrano peppers in olive oil with sliced onion and course ground pepper (garlic couldn't hurt) . Saute until the Serrano peppers wrinkle up. This takes out the heat but leaves a great flavor.

Delicious, If you don't like this go to MacDonald's and tell them Tio Terry sent you.

Ingredients, Quantities are what I used the last time. Next time I'll double it.

Liver, 4.4 lbs
White vinegar, 1 pint at least, could use more
salt, 1/4 cup
Bay leaves, 3
olive oil, ˝ cup
chicken consume, 2 cubes
jalapeno peppers, 6
onions, 3
carrots, 3
celery, 3 stalks
cilantro, 1 bunch
chile Serrano peppers, 12
ground pepper
garlic, 6 cloves

Oso - 6-29-2007 at 05:50 PM

I've been pickling my liver for years without all that hassle. I just open a bottle and pour a shot.:lol:

Pickled Liver

BajaWard - 6-29-2007 at 05:59 PM

Yeh, I know what you mean, But believe it or not, It's really good.


Baja Bernie - 6-29-2007 at 06:16 PM

Don Jimmy told me some great stories about you and I have kept silent and you end up letting the cat out of the bag...........or did you get into the bag........He said you thought the coming of the ATM had set you free!

Life is good.................Heck it is Baja Great!

fdt - 6-29-2007 at 06:27 PM

Originally posted by Oso
I've been pickling my liver for years without all that hassle. I just open a bottle and pour a shot.:lol:


Al G - 6-29-2007 at 06:27 PM

Originally posted by Oso
I've been pickling my liver for years without all that hassle. I just open a bottle and pour a shot.:lol:


Hook - 6-29-2007 at 07:59 PM

Originally posted by Oso
I've been pickling my liver for years without all that hassle. I just open a bottle and pour a shot.:lol:

Where did you find that recipe, OSO? I think I must have the same cookbook.

bajalera - 7-4-2007 at 03:53 PM

Oso, that was also my gramma's recipe [the one who lived to be 104].

flyfishinPam - 7-4-2007 at 04:10 PM
