
Air Filter After Matomi Run

Bob H - 3-6-2004 at 04:25 PM

Well, I just checked my air filter in the F250 and, sure nuff, it's filthy. I think everyone should check their air filter after making a 100 mile offroad run if you were behind anyone.
Bob H :yes:

Uh, that means you too Mike H. ;)

Good advice Bob

Debra - 3-6-2004 at 10:33 PM

I always have mine changed (along with an oil/lube job) when I cross the border headed home. (I have another 750miles to home) I've often been asked "how long has it been since this filter has been changed" they look at me like I'm nuts when I say just a few months (dumb woman kind of look :)

PS: Bob, it just wouldn't be the same if Mike didn't break down, leave a rig in Baja, (or buy a new one) if he did that, we would have to find someone else to danger of that happening though!!! One thing about that Mike H., you can count on him!!! :spingrin:

[Edited on 3-7-2004 by Debra]

David K - 3-6-2004 at 11:00 PM

I am looking forward to Part 2 of Mike's Matomi report... I know that may be awhile because of the events at Rancho Humfreville. I am really looking forward to getting reguar reports (via satellite) from 'Playa Humfreville', on Bahia de los Angeles!!!!

air cleaners

bajalou - 3-11-2004 at 12:57 PM

After rebuilding dune buggy VW engines here in San Felipe for the past 8+ years - the BIGGEST killers of engines is the dust thru a poor air filter. 50 miles can total a new ring job. The best investment you can make if you're running around down here is the BEST air filter you can get.