
San Felipe to Puertecitos road conditions

gonetobaja - 3-17-2004 at 05:16 PM

The last half of the road between San Felipe and Puertecitos has been slowly degrading worse and worse. I finaly blew a tire this weekend. After Puertecitos its alot better but that last part of degraded asphalt before town has potholes in the potholes. Bring Extra Spares and a Good Jack or drive very slow.

Or fly a plane like Capt. Mike...


San Felipe to Puertecitos data request

yankeeirishman - 3-18-2004 at 05:51 PM

anyone with very recent (today) weather and road in San Felipe to Puertecitos ?Leaving in 24 hours via Land Rover

elgatoloco - 3-18-2004 at 05:59 PM