
squid wrestling

airmech - 2-20-2008 at 12:00 AM

Just happened upon this critter in BOLA and was surprised at how aggressive it was.

humbolt.jpg - 41kB

Tomas Tierra - 2-20-2008 at 08:41 AM

They will put a hole in your flesh that looks like a mellon after a mellon spoon carved a piece..Cuidado!

Impressive bare handed catch!

Martyman - 2-20-2008 at 09:34 AM

Nice catch. Now how is the best way to cook 'em.. The one time I tried cooking a large squid it was muy malo. Kinda like chewing on a flip flop.

aquaholic - 2-20-2008 at 10:39 AM

We've caught and cook many of the Humboldt squid, and they are delicious, if done correctly. They are easy to clean, using only the mantle. After the mantle is removed, the thin, colored layer can be removed. I cut the mantle into steak sized pieces, and remove the rubbery layer from BOTH sides. This is critical. The meat will curl and have a rubbery texture when cooked if this is not removed. This is best done with a very sharp and long filet knife.
One of our favorite ways to cook them is to cut into 1/2 to 3/4" wide strips, dip in beaten eggs, and roll in saltines made into small crumbs with a pie roller (or, Pacifico bottle). Fry in butter, and serve with favorite dips. One favorite is to take a small bowl of mayo, add the juices of a couple limons, and curry powder. Sit back with a cold cerveza and enjoy.

allanbartlett - 2-22-2008 at 11:45 PM

I was surf fishing in BOLA back in May 2005 out by La Gringa and a couple of those beasts were cruising the shallows by the shoreline. It just so happened that I needed some more bait to tip my scampis with. I tried grabbing one of them and I grabbed to close to its eyes and it reached back with its tentacles and grabbed my wrist....DOOOOO! As I flung the monster back in the water, the beast stripped a little bit of my skin from my hand. I had a scar for a few months after that. It was an interesting experience.

airmech - 2-23-2008 at 10:11 AM

It took me a day later to figure out what the tiny bite marks on my arm were from. I thought something chewed on me at night until I reviewed my pics and realized that thing had gotten me. I sent it on it's way however.