
On Return to Washington

Diver - 2-29-2008 at 06:10 PM

I just got back late last night and it will be through the weekend, at least, before we finish unpacking. Although the weather is fairly warm and sunny here this week, it still seems an odd place to be; I was in Baja just 4 nights ago. Some of the odd things that I have noticed are;

The fact that everyone has Washington plates, duh !
The roads here are not only wide but they don't "wiggle" up and down.
We have SOO much food in our house !
And our house is SOO huge - compared to a 21' trailer.

My visit to Taco Bell on the drive home through southern Oregon found me pulling out a pocket full of pesos and the mexican-american girl behind the counter didn't even know what they were.

It's all so familiar and yet so foriegn after only 2 1/2 months in Baja this year. What do you find odd upon your return from down south ?

DENNIS - 2-29-2008 at 06:19 PM

Welcome back, Diver.

What I find so unusual in California is that at least thirty percent of the store employees speak English. In Ensenada, I think it's forty percent.
The farther north I go, the more I'm lost in a foreign country.

Iflyfish - 2-29-2008 at 07:31 PM

Welcome back to America Diver!

I am struck upon return by the fact that everything works and there is so much of everything and the colors of everything in the grocery stores are so intense. Few smiling faces, no Buenos; morning afternoon and evening, suspicious looks when I look at faces and smile, toilets flush without having to dump water in them. toilet paper everywhere for free...drink water out of a faucet.....that one took a while......not a palm tree in cactus......whiney, demanding kids.....people that look like they have lived under rocks all year....they have.....homogenized food.....homogenized people........cleanliness is next to in advertisements everywhere.....fifteen of ever thing to choose among.....short trees everywhere.....Thai, Korean, Vietnamese food......lots of vegetables.....out of season....out of country…..strange Asian fruit… roots I cannot identify..exotic..but here anyway......TV, Plasma TV with over 150 channels of Oprah.....CSI....body on TV.....people who can't sing trying to be American Idol's.....Simon says.....nobody wants to listen.....Survivor....someone else trying to live with nothing and make fire out of grass/twigs/leaves...urban people going back to the caves, on purpose......religious broadcasting....guilt…..FOX propaganda telling you what to think......just cut taxes and it will all be alright….did I mention not having to ford any streams to get potholes, washboards, cattle on road......bland, same old food, textured vegetable protein......gourmands who eat the menu.....Obama with a new dream....McCain with an old one......get onboard the Obama train is rollin’...rollin’ down a white, red, yellow, brown train ride of hope....people still arguing about abortion while 45 million people have no health of the free...if you have money.....gas prices close to $3.50 US and the pres doesn't have a clue.....really?...that high?.....white faces everywhere......amazed brown ones who smile from ear to ear when I take a moment to speak a little food that will kill ya if you eat enough....roads that are well banked....sewers that work....i miss the smell of raw sewage in the afternoon.....dogs on leash....cats running wild....odd...dogs of different breeds.....dogs of another color but buff.......Dungeness crab.....salmon....fresh....oysters from around the world at the corner in 3X and up.....fine wine!!......America.....the beautiful and hygienically clean.....whitewashed in truth.......fear....lots of FEAR.....terrorists now.....used to be Commies....hippies.....blacks….jews….mexicans…..the other.....Family!!!!! god bless ‘em and their loving arms.


Sharksbaja - 2-29-2008 at 11:58 PM

You need to move and give up TV.:lol: Oh and cars and please tell me where it is soooo busy that oysters from around the world are fresh at a corner grocery biz? NYC? San Fran? Seattle wharf? Gimme the name of that place, I wanna go there(seemynewsignature);)
I just see everythang as much more up here except perhaps the solace. Isn't that about it!

Sharksbaja - 3-1-2008 at 12:03 AM

Ok , the tortillas up here suck.

castaway$ - 3-1-2008 at 12:08 AM

Why is that? Are the tortillas in Baja made with Lard?:spingrin:

[Edited on 3-1-2008 by castaway$]

Sharksbaja - 3-1-2008 at 12:18 AM

Probably but who cares, they are thin and my family loves em!:bounce:

Russ - 3-1-2008 at 05:16 AM

no morning wakeup alarm by all the neighbors roosters:smug:

Sharksbaja - 3-1-2008 at 11:44 AM

Clever Patch, I fear there may be a bit of difference tho.:rolleyes: I said "family".:spingrin:

Pompano - 3-1-2008 at 12:18 PM

When exiting Baja...keep your eyes and ears covered until at least Wyoming..then Baja returns as you enter Up North.

mulegemichael - 3-1-2008 at 05:40 PM

shoulders...road shoulders....that's what i notice hands aren't cramped all the time from the "death grip" on the steering wheel.....and GOOD red difference...and wonderfully fresh, incredibly crisp, salads...made with something other than iceburg lettuce.....miss the fresh salsa and the camarone vendor at my gate, the early morning heat, and the rooster from across the river

mulegemichael - 3-1-2008 at 06:00 PM

oh, and diver, what part of washington are you from?...we're in sequim..

Diver - 3-1-2008 at 06:08 PM

We're down in the "Gorge".

BTW, my wife was thrilled at the huge heads of fresh romaine that we got in Mulege and a few points south of there. Gotta make your own salads to get away from the iceberg.
And, I brought back 6 1/2 kilos of grande camarones, 1 kilo of langosta carne and a kilo of monster scallops. In a few months I will need more camarones !! :lol:


BooJumMan - 3-2-2008 at 04:37 PM

I'm always in a sad daze when coming back from a Baja trip. I usually go where I don't really see anyone else, stay there for a while, and then coming back into real civilization is a trip. I sometimes think about turning around and never coming back...