
Mean Mexican Parents

Osprey - 5-3-2008 at 07:45 AM

Mean Broke Parents

I was at the right place, wrong time the other day – the Tienda Popular, patiently waiting in line with other shoppers when a fat kid in front of me broke ranks, grabbed a candy bar and began whining to his mom that he just had to have it, he was hungry. He made such a fuss, wriggled out of her grasp, held the thing away from her and in the end was successful, got his way, left the store munching on the booty.

I was wishing that somewhere in the line there might have been some authority who could change what just happened; candy cops, a doctor, the sheriff – maybe even a politician. No, wait a minute, not a politician because even the though the thing was probably not a good thing for the kid, could hasten him on his way to diet diabetes, sustain his obesity, foreshorten his life, HE WANTED IT. It could be said HE DIDN’T NEED IT, BUT HE WANTED IT. Politicians usually get ahead by giving people what they want, not what they need. Parents do that too – out of love or convenience. In this case the mother HAD THE MONEY.

What happened in the line is happening in Mexico but on a much larger scale. Mexico needs mean, broke, parents (politicians). The kind who would vote to not tax Pemex out of business – Mexican drivers NEED to pay more at the pump to allow Pemex to explore and expand. More mean, broke Mexican parents could begin to husband Mexico’s natural resources, especially marine resources. Over time they would see the long-term benefits possible for their unhappy, whining, skinnier children who now GET WHAT THEY NEED, NOT WHAT THEY WANT.

Over time perhaps the U.S. would look across the border and see all the wonderful, hard changes working. Could they be swayed to act mean and broke? I personally think it is possible. When you’re broke long enough, it’s got to make you mean.

[Edited on 5-3-2008 by Osprey]

Iflyfish - 5-3-2008 at 09:25 AM

Parents do that too – out of love or convenience

They do that cause they are brow beaten and want to stop the hassle. Short term solution creating a long term problem. Nice description of how to create an entitled monster that believes the world operates upon emotional bribery. One of my pet peaves.


Packoderm - 5-3-2008 at 09:46 AM

My son tries it with me all the time. I never allow candy on a whim. First I explain that is has sugar and not much else that's good. Then if he still asks after that I simple say no. When we do buy candy, we plan it and buy it at the cheapest place (Walgreen's), so that we get the best value.

Barry A. - 5-3-2008 at 11:42 AM

My Mom's response to me asking for stuff as a kid-----"People in hell want icewater". I did not like that phrase but it sure shut me up.

I used it on my kids, and all 4 grew up as responsible adults, all doing well-------a connection???? Maybe

It is called "tough love" (or something like that), I believe.


woody with a view - 5-3-2008 at 12:14 PM

Originally posted by Barry A.
My Mom's response to me asking for stuff as a kid-----"People in hell want icewater". I did not like that phrase but it sure shut me up.

I used it on my kids, and all 4 grew up as responsible adults, all doing well-------a connection???? Maybe

It is called "tough love" (or something like that), I believe.


hey barry,

that was my grampa's favorite expression for me when i was a kid!!!!

i just wish someone would have written it in the sky with an airplane trailing smoke over every MayDay immigration rally.:light:

Iflyfish - 5-3-2008 at 12:54 PM

Barry A

"I used it on my kids, and all 4 grew up as responsible adults, all doing well-------a connection????"

Yup. Kids need limits and structure as well as love, attention and support. It's all in the balance of these things that makes the difference.

Wish I had the phrase "People in Hell want icewater", I could have put that one to use in my parenting days.


Capt. George - 5-4-2008 at 04:52 AM

my mom used a wire hanger, maybe that's why I have this tic?

woody with a view - 5-4-2008 at 05:50 AM

i used to have to go into the back yard and pick my own "switch" off the crab apple tree to recieve my lashes.....:?: