
Social Security and Mexican Banks

Bajasurf - 5-26-2004 at 07:47 AM

The boards are waxed, the dogs anxious and I only need to warn my old WindanSea friends in Cabo that I am on my way. But , does anyone here have their S.S. payments direct deposited into an Mexican bank? I am thinking of doing so and was curious to the pros and cons of such an idea. Thanks for any info. George Lanning

Baja Bernie - 5-26-2004 at 08:11 AM

A friend of mine had his money deposited in a bank state side and had an ATM card that he could withdraw money from the ATM machines in Baja. No fees and he didn't have the hassle of dealing with a Mexican Bank. Just a thought.

Baja bank ATMs

bajalou - 5-26-2004 at 09:47 PM

are a good way to get the money from my pensions which are deposited in a USA bank. I also have a dollar account in the local mexican bank with about enought to meet the requirements for my FM2. It's a checking acct (no interest) but can be withdrawn if necessary at any time.


cristobal - 5-27-2004 at 10:57 AM

I met a guy in SANTA ROSALIA that lived on his 27' sailboat and had his SOCIAL SECURITY check deposited in his account back in NEVADA. Every month on the .....first .... he would stop by the ATM across from the BAKERY on the main street and take out funds up to his daily limit. If he needed more than that .... he would come back the next day and do it again.

He was real careful where he put his BANK CARD .... once he lost it and had to borrow money to take the ABC bus back to the border and then to LAS VEGAS to get another.

Although he likes living in SANTA ROSALIA .... He says his check stretches even farther with the BUFFETS in VEGAS ....

Baja Bernie - 5-27-2004 at 04:48 PM

Oh! YES guard your ATM card with your life. Jimmy Smith lost his once and went out of his mind trying to find it. Until he found it he had to wait for someone to come by and buy a book before he could head for town to buy a couple of beers.
A fate worse than death!!!

[Edited on 5-27-2004 by Baja Bernie]