
Fishing/Dive Gear Sale

BajaGuera - 6-11-2004 at 08:32 AM

Estate Sale - Saturday, June 19th - 8am
Fifty years of fishing/dive gear - tackle boxes, reels, rods, wet weather gear, boots...wetsuits, nets, gaffs, hawaiian slings. Hawaiian shirts - proceeds to the Lymphoma Research Foundation.
Other items include furniture, collectibes, remodeling supplies Too, too much to list.
No early birds please

Sale Location

BajaGuera - 6-11-2004 at 08:35 AM

Oops - Sale location:

Adams Avenue at I-15, Normal Heights.

A plus for all you garage sale-rs - Kensington (the community just across the bridge) is having their huge neighborhood sale that same day so it might be worth the drive for a great day of "sale-ing"


fishinrich - 6-15-2004 at 05:18 AM

How about an actual address????? Adams and I-15 is not enough. fishin rich

Fishin' Rich

David K - 6-15-2004 at 07:11 AM

I have been to Guera's before, if you're going to be back in town then I might be going there...

BajaGuera - 6-15-2004 at 09:24 AM

The street address is Bonnie Court - which is at the northwest corner of Adams Avenue at I-15. Everyone on this little street is taking part in the sale. By the way...forgot to mention the big screen on sale too.