
couple of questions

bajapablo - 6-19-2004 at 03:33 PM

What is ejido?
What type of shark are fish tacos made of?
Any other type of fish used for tacos?
Is mexican military service required? Please explain.


BajaCactus - 6-19-2004 at 04:12 PM

Ejido.. that is a very simple question with a very complex answer....let us see....

Many years ago, the mexican federal goverment, in an attempt to help out less fortunate farmers and fishermen, organize groups of people in this conditions and gave them land for them to work on. This was called an "Ejido".
It was a very good idea, however, over the years, this has turned into something very controversial. Nowadays, you can find Ejidos with no farms, Rosarito was based on an Ejido, and the people who have bussiness there have to pay rent to the Ejido.... recently the goverment has been trying to put order in this matter.

Fish Tacos: there are different species of fish that tacos are made of, I do not know the names in english, but in spanish they use mainly Pescado blanco, cabrilla, lenguado and angelito; maybe someone knows the names in english. Shark, never have eaten shark tacos.

Military service is required in Mexico, however, when you turn 18, your name goes into a raffle, if you get lucky, you can skip the military service and still get your "cartilla" (document that says you have done your military duty with the nation).

Antonio M.
"Where the Baja is much more than a dream..."

JESSE - 6-19-2004 at 04:21 PM

Mandatory Military servicer was abolished 2 years ago, you are no longer required to sing up in order to get your identity card.


bajapablo - 6-19-2004 at 04:50 PM

thanks for your help. In San Felipe and in gonzaga when I asked what type of fish was in the tacos the told me shark. Maybe it is a cortez thing to use shark.

bajalou - 6-19-2004 at 04:53 PM

San felipe often uses corvina and sea bass - whatever is handy today - But ain't they goooood!!!!



bajapablo - 6-19-2004 at 04:56 PM

So I guess it it possible I misunderstood when they said shark.

I think..

BajaCactus - 6-19-2004 at 05:02 PM

Well.. there is a very common specie of fish called cazon (in spanish). This fish looks very much like shark (but much smaller) and it is even called baby shark most of the times by Baja people.

Maybe this is what they gave you in those tacos. It is good by the way.

Antonio M.
"Where the Baja is much more than a dream..."

Cazon is it!

bajapablo - 6-19-2004 at 05:04 PM

That's what they were calling it. Thanks for the help.


BajaCactus - 6-19-2004 at 05:27 PM


Cool site (spanish). Check it out.

Antonio M.
"Where the Baja is much more than a dream..."

soooooooo good. Those fish tacos

bajapablo - 6-19-2004 at 09:03 PM

I had 9 of them over the first 2 and half days I was in baja and then switched to shrimp ones and then crab burritos and then switched to machaca burritos and then fresh clams and then back to machaca. It was a gastrointestinal delight!

feesh tacos

Taco de Baja - 6-21-2004 at 12:57 PM

I have heard that many are made with the "wings" of sting rays.....

The "wings"of stingrays

jrbaja - 6-21-2004 at 01:20 PM

are considered a delicacy and are often sold as scallops/callos. I doubt that the locals would waste them in tacos but, those would be some awesome tacos!
Kinda tastes like lobster.

SoCalAl - 6-21-2004 at 02:24 PM

I spoke to fisherman in Santa Rosallilita and Ensenada and the Angelito are difinately "Shark" tacos.

BajaCactus said, "mainly Pescado blanco, cabrilla, lenguado and angelito;"

White Fish, Grouper, Halibut & Sngel Shark in that order is the translation.

At Santa Rosalillita they catch the shark for the fins and then ship the rest to Ensenada and Rosarito for fish taco meat. It is as I understand it one of the cheapest fillets to buy at the fish market.

Hope the info was useful?

What kind of fish...

bajabum - 6-21-2004 at 06:36 PM

Alot of fish are specific to thier geographic regions and are also seasonal, so Fish tacos can be made with a variety of different species and the taco stands usually use whatever they can get.

Many of the cooks have no clue what kind of fish it is! I guess as long as it tastes good who cares!

Rubios is the home of the original San Felipe fish taco...maybe Ralph can clarify things (LOL)

What kind of fish...

bajabum - 6-21-2004 at 06:37 PM

Alot of fish are specific to thier geographic regions and are also seasonal, so Fish tacos can be made with a variety of different species and the taco stands usually use whatever they can get.

Many of the cooks have no clue what kind of fish it is! I guess as long as it tastes good who cares!

Rubios is the home of the original San Felipe fish taco...maybe Ralph can clarify things (LOL)

Skeet/Loreto - 6-22-2004 at 05:04 AM

During the time of 1972 to 1986 I Fished out of San Nicolas{North of Loreto}

Enrique Murillo and I would fish together for Shark >

Normally on a good day we could Boat 1,000 Lbs. of Shark into his Panga.

Average weight about 250 Lbs each.The shark would be taken back to San Nicklos whereby the Men and women would proceed to Filet, Salt and Dry on the surronding Fences. After a few days the Filets would be bundled and taken to the Main Road, transported to La Paz, shipped to Mexico City and sold to the Taco Stands.

Most of the Shark were referred to as "Dusky".


"In God I Trust"

Skeet/Loreto - 6-22-2004 at 05:11 AM

Shortly after the road opened my Wife and I took a Trip to the Pacific, in one area I think it was" Acension" or North of Las Bocannas ther was a small Factory operated by the Japanese, children and Women where taking large pieces of "Skate" and Punching out Scallops, that were being sent to Ensenada and then to the States to be served by Fish and Chips Stands.
At one time there was a big Flap in The States United about the serving of Shark, as I remember it was necessary for the Resturant to place a small sign on the window proclaiming that they were serving Shark.


"In God I Trust"